



"Are you sure you don't wanna come with us?"mom asked as she continued to put hers and Raya's bags in the van.

"I'm sure. I've gotten a day off and the one thing I need to do is get some sleep. Especially after the tiresome night I had last night,"I said as I watched her load their luggage.

"Will you be okay staying here all alone?"she asked with concern written all over her face.

"Mom,I'm not ten anymore. Of course I can handle staying at home alone,"I said,giving her a reassuring smile.

"Incase of anything though..."

"...I will call you,"I cut her off.

She walked over to me and gave me a tight hug.

"You guys have fun,"I said as we pulled out of the hug.

"Raya!"mom called."We should get going now so hurry up!"

"Let me go get her,"I said then went in for Raya who was battling between which of her stuffed animals she should carry for the trip.

"I'd carry Jenny the panda if I were you,"I said as I squatted next to her in her room full of stuffed animals.

"But what about Ray the pony?"she asked with a sad tone.

"You can leave him with me. I'll watch him for you,"I assured her.

"You promise?"she asked, holding out her pinky for me.

"I promise,"I said as we locked out pinkies.

"You're the best!"she said and hugged me tightly.

"I'll carry you to the car. Mom's been waiting for you for a while,"I said as I lifted her from off the ground and carried her all the way to the car.

When both of them were in the car,buckled up and ready to go,I bid them goodbye and they sped off.

I went back into the house, wondering how I would keep myself busy now that later in the night I wasn't going to work.

I went straight into the kitchen where I treated myself to a cup of coffee. When I was through with that,I went into the living room expecting to find something interesting to watch in the television.

Unfortunately,there was nothing but talk shows and other boring stuff like football or basketball games.

I decided to switch from normal tv to Netflix where I settled on the series Am Not Okay With This.

Three hours later,I was done with three episodes and my stomach was rumbling asking me for lunch.

Being in no mood to cook,I decided to call our pizza guy from Pizza Hut to deliver me a large beef barbeque pizza.

Normally,he took thirty to forty five minutes so I wasn't expecting any door bells until that time was up.

But my door bell was rung.

"This early?"I questioned as I lazily made way to open the door.

Standing in front of me was Carrie.

"Hey,"she greeted.

"Hi,"I answered. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you,"she said."Can usome in?"

"Sure,"I let her in.

She took off her sneakers and headed into the living room.

"What are we watching?"she asked once she had made herself comfortable.

Almost too comfortable because she had her legs on our coffee table and her ass in my favorite seat!

"Get your feet off the coffee table!"I said as I pushed her feet off. "And find another seat! This one's taken!"

"We can share it,you know,"she said with a smirk, scooting over for me to sit.

I sat next to her and before I could escape it,she had her arms around my neck and made my head lay on her shoulders.

"So,tell me how your day was,"she said.

"Carrie,what are you doing?"

"I'm telling you to tell me how your day has been so far. Is that wrong?"

"No. But why though?"

"Because when you become my wife these are the kinds of questions I'll be asking. So I might as well begin practicing."

I choked at the mention of the word 'wife'.

"Wife,you say?"I said as I sat up straight.

"Yeah,"she answered as she pulled me back into her. "Is there a problem?"

"Of course there's a problem!"I said,once again pulling away from her and this time,shifting to another couch. "Did you forget that there's a Crysta situation that we haven't dealt with yet!"

"Maya would you relax! Crysta can wait. Don't let her ruin this for us."

"No,"I opposed."I am not okay with this. It's not fair to her or to me. We can't go on like this!"

"Did you realize that you just mentioned the series that you were watching,"she said,taking up the remote and playing the paused series on tv.

"Stp!"I said, snatching the remote from her hand."I know what you're doing Carrie!"

"Playing the paused series?"she asked innocently.

"No,"I said."Well,yes. But you're doing that with an attempt to change the subject."

"Am I really,"she said innocently.

"Would you not do that,for once!"

"I don't know what you're talking about,"she said with a laugh.

"Argh!"I said angrily,got up from my couch,reached for one of the pillows laying on the carpet floor and used it to hit her.

"What did you do that for!"Carrie whined,nursing her nose which I was from hitting hard.

"Do what?"I started acting stupid. "This?"

I hit her with the pillow again and again and again until she got a grip of the pillow and said,"Stop!"

"Now do I have your attention?!"

"You always have,"she said then pulled my arm, making me fall on top of her with my legs in between hers.

She lifted me up a bit, seperated my legs and made me sit on her.

"Hand on my neck,"she ordered.

"No!"I refused, crossing my hands in my chest.

"Fine! Suit yourself!"she said this and got up so roughly that I almost fell.

That move made my hands go automatically around her neck but once I felt that she wasn't threatening to do anything stupid,I crossed my hands back on my chest.

I looked at her only to find her smirking.

"Put me down Carrie!"I ordered

"Are you sure you want me to do that?"

"There's nothing I'd want more!"

"Fine!"she said and let go of me.

I fell on the carpeted floor with my ass hitting the ground hard.

"Aaaaaargh!"I groaned,reaching for my ass to massage it after the fall."How dare you!"

"How dare me? More like how dare you! You're the one who told me to let go of you!"she said then burst out in a sickening laugh.

"You are gonna pay for this you asshole!"I whined.

"How much?"

"I don't know yet! I'll have to ask my masseuse!"

"Am I gonna pay for your ass to get massaged?"

"Of course you are! A massage is the only thing that can help ease the pain that I'm feeling you fool!"

"Why pay for a massage when I can do that job perfectly?"she said with a mischievous look on her face. "I am gonna take my time and make sure your ass feels just right when we are done."

"There is no way I'm letting you touch my ass!"

"I wasn't asking for your permission,"she said with a smirk.

Before I knew it,I was swinging over her shoulder and she was moving up the stairs to my room.

She dropped me on the bed and told me to take off my pants as she went to the bathroom.

She came back and found me with my pants on and with no intention to take them off.

"I thought I told you to lose your pants,"she said.

"You did? Oh,I must have not heard you."



"Stop being stubborn and take off your pants."

"Stubborn? Who? Me?"



"I won't say it again."

"Say what again,darling."

"Stop calling me that it's confusing me!"

"Stop calling you want,Carrie. Darling?"



She smacked her face,sighed then said,"You can really be stubborn when you decide to be,huh!"

I looked at her and laughed,feeling proud of myself for managing to piss her off.

We were interrupted by the door bell.

"That must be my pizza!"I said, carefully getting off of my bed.

"Stay here,"Carrie said,pushing me back and causing me to gently fall on the bed. "I'll get it."

"The money is on top of the freezer,"I said.

"I'll pay for it don't worry,"she said and walked out of the room.

A few minutes later,she came back with the box of pizza.

I reached for it but,as expected,she didn't give it to me!

"What now,Carrie!"I said angrily.

"You will have the pizza on one condition,"she said.

"Name it."

"I'll massage your ass,"she said.

"Really! Come on!"

"Take it or leave it,"she said with a smirk.

"Fine!"I finally gave in."Just give me the pizza already! I'm starving!"


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And stay tuned for the next chapter!