

"Damn girl you got an appetite like that of a pig!"I commented once all the pizza was cleared,Carrie having eaten almost three quarters of it all.

"I know,"she answered proudly then let out a belch.

"Eww! Grow some manners now will you!"I said, covering my nose from the foul smell of beef barbeque coming from her mouth.

She laughed stupidly then gave me a wink.

"What was that for?"I asked.

"What?"she asked,winking again.

"The wink."

"I don't know. I guess my eye just can't help it,"she said,winking again.

I gave her an eye roll then got up from the bed. I wanted to head back downstairs for a glass of water.

"And where do you think you're going?"Carrie asked.

"Downstairs. Am I not allowed to get myself a glass of water in my own house?"

"You are. But are you thirsty?"

"Yes! Why else would I want a glass of water you fool!"

"I don't know. You tell me."

"We are not doing this,Carrie,"I said,leaving the room.

"Then I'm coming with you!"she said, following me behind.

We walked with her to the kitchen where I filled a glass with water and gulped it down as she stared at me without saying anything.

"Stop staring,"I said.


"Because you'll make me choke!"

A stupid grin came on her face and I knew what she was thinking.

"It is not what you are thinking, Carrie!"

"How do you know what I'm thinking unless you're also thinking the same thing?"she asked,once again,winking at me.

"First of all,I know you enough to know what goes through that dirty head of yours. Second,the next time you wink at me I'll use a fork to get those eyes out!"

She laughed.

Silence fell for a minute or so before she said,"I'm tired. Let's go up stairs. I need a head rub."

"Go on I'll follow behind,"I said.

"Nope! It's either you lead the way or I swing you over my shoulder again."

"Fine!"I said and walked in front of her all the way up to my room.

I sat on the bed with my still hurting ass.

Carrie lay on her stomach with her head on my lap and hair left to hand freely.

Damn her hair smells great!

I move my fingers through her dark brown hair.

As I do this,my mind drifted to the 'it' day.

That's what I chose to call the day we had sex.

I remembered how hard I held on to her hair as she did her tricks down below.

For some reason,giving her the head rub made me horny as fuck.

So I stopped. I crossed my hands on my chest.

"Hey!"she complained."Why'd you stop!"

"I don't know. Your hair is dirty!"

"We both know that's a lie."

"Your hair stinks!"

"That's another lie."

"Fine!"I sighed. "Is it weird that I'm getting super turned on by this?"

"So that's what this is!"she laughed.

"Laughing is not helping!"

"I know,"she continued to laugh. "This is me annoying you."

"Ha ha,very funny!"I say sarcastically.

"Now,continue rubbing my head,"she said as she directed my hand back onto her hair.

I continued to rub her head as instructed.

However,we got interrupted by a door bell.

"Are you expecting anyone?"Carrie asked.

"Not that I know of,"I answered. "Let me go and check who it is. I'll be right back."

I left the room and went for the door.

On opening,it was Crysta.

"Maya!"she said excitedly,"Thank God you are home!"

She let herself in.

"Crysta,what are you doing here?"I asked.

"What? Do I need to make a reservation before I come to my best friend's house now?"she said.

"You know that's not what I mean,"I clarified.

"I just wanted to hang out. I figured since we have an off today,we could do something together."

She went into the living room and sat on the couch that Carrie and I had sat on.

"Maya!"Carrie called from upstairs.

"Wait,you have company? Who is it?"Crysta asked excitedly. "Are you seeing someone? Is she hotter than Kelly?! I wanna meet her."

"Cool down,Crysta,"I said. "I'm not seeing anyone. It's just a friend."

"Do I know her?"she continued to persist.

I didn't want to tell her but keeping it from her wouldn't be such a good idea because sooner or later,Carrie would come out of the room.

"It's Carrie,"I finally said. "But it's not what you think."

"Maya!"Carrie called again. "You're not done giving me a head rub! Bring your sexy ass back up here!"

"Carrie!"I called out, hoping that she would stop talking. "Would you come down here for a sec!"

"What? You missed me already?!"she yelled back.

Damn! This girl can be mouthy at times!

I looked at Crysta who was still looking at me with that questioning look she always has when she thinks I'm hiding something from her.

We heard footsteps.

It was Carrie coming downstairs.

"Oh, hey Crysta,"Carrie greeted,her face clearly showing that she did not expect to see her there.

Crysta blushed before answering,"Hey there,Carrie."

"Carrie just came over to pick up some stuff,"I lied.

"By some stuff do you mean a head rub?"Crysta asked,her gaze fixed on me with a face that expressed not being convinced by the lie.

"I fell and hurt my head hard. So Maya offered to give me a head rub. Isn't that right,Maya?"Carrie backed.

"Yes! That's exactly what happened!"I answered.

"Okay,"Crysta said. "Now that we are all here,we can all hang out. Unless you two had other plans."

"Sounds great!"Carrie and I said in unison as if we had been programmed to do so.

"Great!"Crysta said. "So,what shall we begin with?!"

"I could take both of you out for an ice cream treat!"Carrie suggested.

"Oh wow I wasn't expecting that. What has gotten into you today,"Crysta said excitedly.

Carrie smiled and said,"I'm normally like this. It's just that you don't know me that well."

"Well then,maybe I should,"Crysta said,smiling back at her.

This was getting uncomfortable for me.

"How about I leave you guys here as I go prepare myself,"I said.

"I'll come with you,"said Carrie.

"No need. Just stay here and keep Crysta company. I won't be long,"I said that and went back up to my room.

Fifteen minutes later,I was done and the three of us left the house and headed to the ice cream shop.


Hello again loves!

So sorry I have taken time to update my book!

I,however,hope you like this chapter...

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