

"What the hell Maya!"Carrie scolded as she forced her way into the house. "Why'd you set me up with Crysta!"

"Because that's what's best for her!"I said as I shut the door and followed her into the living room.

"You can't be serious! How is setting her up with someone who has zero attraction for her the best thing!"

"Would you stop scolding me for a minute, Carrie!"

"I would,but I don't want to! So I'll keep scolding!"

"Look,I know that you're mad at me..."

"...mad does not even fully express what I feel! I'm infuriated!"

"Same thing,"I said with a shrug.

"No! It's totally different! Because I feel like squeezing the life out of you! How could you be this stupid Maya!"

"Did you just call me stupid?!"

"Yes! Because you are!"

I slapped her on the face hard then said,"I think we are forgetting that we have boundaries! How dare you come into my house and insult me!"

Carrie nursed her cheek with her left arm and said,"A slap? Really? That's what you had to offer?!"

"You just called me stupid! Did you expect me to give you a hug for insulting me!"

Carrie looked at me and said nothing.

With her hand still on her cheek,she walked to the door and opened it.

Before she left,she said,"I know you think that this is what's best for Crysta,but we both know it's not! You just set your best friend up for a major heartbreak! Let's see how good that works out for you!"

She roughly locked the door and left.

i angrily went upstairs and straight to my room where I slammed myself onto my bed.

I screamed into my pillow while crying angrily.

My head was continuously cursing at Carrie for being a jerk and calling me stupid.

My heart was somehow saddened by the fight we had.

The emotions were too much!

I went into my bathroom and freshened up then left the house.

As I waited for a cab,I dialed Nick's number and asked him for his address.

When a cab came,I told the taxi driver to take me to the address Nick had sent me and within ten minutes,I was there.

He lived in some rusty apartments that were almost out of town.

I went up the flight of stairs up to the fourth floor where his apartment 216 was.

I knocked on his door.

"Hey,"he greeted once he had opened the door and seen me there.

"Can I hang with you for a while?"I asked,trying not to show any emotions because that would lead to him asking questions and that would mean we'd talk about what was disturbing me.

"Sure!"he said. "Come on in!"

I walked I only to find a bunch of other guys in the stuffy living room.

"Ummm,Maya,these are my friends,Derrick,Tyler and Nolan,"Nick introduced.

I waved at the guys and they waved back.

"Come sit next to me,"said one of the guys who I think was Derrick.

"Too soon bro!"Nick said. "You can sit on this couch as I get you something to drink. What would you like? Beer,coke..."

"...Vodka,"I said as I took a sit on the empty couch that Nick told me I could sit on.

"Okay,"Nick said as he went away into what seemed like his kitchen.

"So,you're the famous Maya that Nick won't shut up about,"began Nolan.

"Famous?"I asked,confused.

"Yeah. He tells us about his work a lot. And of all his workmates,I think you're his favorite,"Nolan continued with a mischievous look on his face.

I couldn't help but chuckle and at the same time feel sorry for Nick because he didn't know that I was gay and was probably gonna get hurt.

Staying here would make things worse. I had to go.

"I'm back,"said Nick as he walked towards me with a bottle of vodka and two glasses.

"I think I have to go,"I said as I got up.

"What? Why? You just got here?!"Nick said,putting the glasses on the tiny coffee table that was in front of me.

"I just remembered I had some work to do back at home,"I lied.

"Really! Oh come on!"Nick continued. "Can't you just do the work some other time? I was so psyched when you asked if you could come over but I didn't think that you'd leave this early!"

I felt bad.

"Can't you at least just stay for a drink?"Nick begged.

I sighed,took a sit and said,"Fine. Pour me a glass then!"

One glass turned into two.

Two turned into three.

Three turned into shots.

As if all the alcohol I had taken wasn't enough,I went ahead and smoked a bunch of blunts.

I lost count when I got to three because I was too high to figure out anything.

I blacked out moments later and when I got up,it was Carrie telling me the story!

Weird? I know right!


Hello again!

Yesss it's another new chapter!

Stay tuned for the next chapter which will be out TONIGHT!!

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