


After leaving Maya's house,I took a cab back to my place.

I went straight into my room and furiously closed the door behind me.

How dare she slap me!

How dare she set me up with Crysta when she knew too well that it's her that I want!

I cursed at her angrily.

I took my phone from the back pocket of my trousers and dialed in Maya's number.

I know that was probably not a good idea but I did it anyway.

I called the first time. No answer.

Second time. No answer.

Many more times later,still no answer!

That wasn't normal.

No matter how mad Maya was, she'd never see me calling more than once and ignore.

Something was definitely off.

I went into my Fing Your Friends app to see if I could locate Maya.

Just between you and I,I was secretly tracking Maya's phone.

Weird? I don't think so!

You'd obviously do the same for someone that you loved!

My app showed that Maya's phone was in a familiar location.

I left my room and went into my dad's office to look for his address book where he had all the addresses of his employees recorded.

"What are you looking for?"asked Carl when he found me going through our dad's employee address book.

"I'm looking for Nick's address. Any idea which page I can find it?"I asked as I flipped through the endless pages of addresses.

"Last page,third address. You're welcome,"he said and left me there.

After I had Nick's address,I took a cab and headed there.

I asked a few people to show me which house his was specifically and they did.

When I got there,I knocked a bunch of times and nobody heard. Probably because of the loud music playing inside!

I folded my fist and hit the door way harder than I expected to. It made a hole on the door!

Acting all tough and not at all startled by the fact that I had made a hole on somebody's door,I entered my hand through the hole and opened it, letting myself in. LIKE A BOSS!

Damn I should stop watching action movies!

"Get off of her!"I said as I pushed Nick off of Maya who was drunk and had passed out on the carpet.

"Re....la....xxxxxx,"one of the three strange guys said drunkenly. "Weee... just... wanna... have....fuuuuuuun!"

If there was one thing I hated more than the fact that Maya's stupid hook up with Crysta,it would be a drunk idiot trynna 'have fun' with someone I cared about and perhaps maybe loved.

I can't believe I said that!

So I punched him and that made him pass out.

I went back and puched Nick,causing him to fall on the ground while his nose oozed blood.

He was lucky a nosebleed was all he got!

The other two drunk fools tried to make way towards me in attempt to try and defend their friends but tripped on a coffee table which sent them to the floor, hitting their heads hard on the ground!

Damn! That's gonna leave one heck of a scar!

My attention went back to Maya who looked so innocent and unaware of what was going on around her.

I moved close to her,tucked her hair behind the ear,planted a kiss on her forehead and calmly whispered,"You're okay now."

I carried her in my arms,left the building and took a taxi back to my house.

"What's up with her?"Carl asked when he saw me walk into the house with Maya in my arms,still passed out.

"She's drunk and passed out. Follow me to my room with a basin of cold water and a towel,"I said as I went up the stairs.

When I got to my room,I lay Maya on the bed, gently took off her shoes and angled her head comfortably on a soft pillow.

Carl came a few minutes later with what I had asked him for.


After a few minutes of wiping her forehead with the soaked towel,Maya finally came to.

"Ah,"Maya cried,holding her head."Why does my head hurt this much!"

"You had too much to drink,Maya. Just lay down and I'll continue rubbing your head. I'm sure it'll make you feel better in no time."

"Carrie? What are you doing here!"she asked with confusion.

I chuckled and said,"I live here,Maya. Remember?"

"No you don't. This is Nick's house,"she continued to argue.

"You're cute you know,"I said with a warm smile.

She said nothing after.

Instead,she threw her eyes around and that was when she realized we were no longer at Nick's.

"This is your house!"

"Yes it is,Maya."

"What am I doing at your house?! Last I remember..."

"...you were at Nick's, partying your ass out before you passed out and those jerks tried to harm you but luckily I came in and saved the day! The least you could do is,I don't know,say thanks!"

"Wait,wait,wait. That's so much information. I haven't processed all of it."

"Should I repeat it for you? Slowly this time?"

"No, nevermind. I still don't understand how I got to your bed."

"We didn't have sex."

"Eww,gross! I didn't say that! Why would you think that I even imagined that!"

"Eww? Really? Sex with me gets an 'Eww' from you?! C'mon!"

"No! That's not what I meant!"

"So sex with me is great?!"

"That's also not what I meant!"

"Make up your mind woman! Is sex with me great or not?!"

"If I answer you will you let the sex topic slide?"

"It depends on your answer."

"So if I say yes...?"

"...then the topic dies but I'll forever use that against you."

"What if I say no?"

"Then the sex topic goes on and on and on and on..."

"...I get it Carrie!"

"So? Is sex with me great?"

"Of course it is!"she said sarcastically.

"Nope,"I said.

"What now,Carrie?!"

"I did not like the sarcasm in that answer. Let's do it again,shall we?"


I laughed and watched her roll her eyes at me.

She sigs heavily and finally,with a tinge of sincerity,says,"Carrie Richards,sex with you is amazing!"

"That's more like it!"I said with a laugh.

I watched her as she reached out for one of my many pillows which she used to hit my face.

"You did not just hit my super adorable face with a pillow,Maya!"I said playful.

She reached out for another pillow and before she could hit me again,I snatched it from her hand,threw it down and began to tickle her.

She laughed so hard that tears came from her eyes!

She begged me to stop but I couldn't.

Something about her laugh sounded better than any song in my favorites playlist.

Simp? Nah,I don't think so.


Hello again!

I hope you love this chapter update!

As usual...




And stay tuned!