Chapter 15: Sinner.


"Amon, are you a god or demon?" asked Alice, but there was no one around her. She was sitting in the mountain alone staring at the distant Amon village talking to herself.

"When I look at it from afar it looks more like a town than a village. Well, it started as a small village when it was founded by Amon, it grew bigger as time passed by but the people of Amon village refused to call it anything other than a village. Well even if it is bigger. they are still close community like a village."

"Every person I see in this village is enveloped by dark aura radiated by Amon's grave. Should I worship Amon too? It seems warm being around that tomb." Said Alice as she chuckled to herself "like ill ever do it, I am not built for any religion."

As she was talking to herself, she sensed an aura coming from inside the forest

'A bunch of people in the mountain, no this amount of people...…..'

"An army?" asked Alice to herself.

Alice disappeared from the mountain in an instant. As Tess was walking in the hallway, Alice suddenly appeared behind her. It scared Tess before she was going to attack Alice in self-defense. But, Alice spoke up "It's me, there seems to be an emergency. An army is coming from the north."

"An army?" Asked Tess, she further asked, " how much is their number?".

"Around 10,000." Said Alice.

"10,000 soldiers!?, why would they bring such a large number of soldiers to a small village." Said Tess, with fear in her voice. Her hands were shaking. 10,000 wasn't a small number and if their village were to fight it, they would disappear without a trace.

"What should we do Alice, we will disappear without a trace, if we were to fight it." Tess's voice was shaking and so was her whole body.

*Slap* Alice slapped Tess in her face.

"You are the leader of this village along with Kian. If you act like this, what would happen to your people. Don't lose your calm and take a decision faster, every second is important."

The slap calmed Tess down and woke her up to do what's important.

"It was foolish of me to let fear overwhelm me, thanks for waking me up. First, we have to evacuate everyone who is incapable to fight, including kids, and gather everyone who is capable of fighting. I'll go sound the evacuation bell and let Kain know about the emergency." Said Tess.

"Good, ill go meet up with Grey and put on my battle armor." Said Alice, even though she said battle armor she had no battle armor, the only thing she had was a scarf.

"Alice, are you going to fight? It's not even your village. You don't have to fight."

"it's my duty as a member of Ormr linage to protect this village, I can't abandon a village that has saved my Ormr family member's life." Said Alice while placing her hand on Tess's shoulder.

15- 2

The sound of the bell was heard all around the village, everyone who cant fight gathered in the village temple, and everyone who could fight gathered in front of their leader Kain.

Grey, Rai, and Sofia were hurrying towards the village temple, as they were climbing the stair for the mountain leading towards the temple, a figure appeared in front of them. It was Grey's mom, Alice.

"Mrs. Alice, is everything okay?" asked Sofia.

"Yes, it is. I want you to take care of Grey, Rai, and other kids in the temple."

" As you wish mam." Said Sofia with a slight bow.

"Mom, what happened.?" Asked Grey who was curious about everything.

"Ah there are some bad guys outside the village, Mom will have to defeat them." Said Alice, with a cheerful smile. It was a smile of a mother.

"Bad guys? By the seriousness of the situation, I don't think they are a bunch of bandits. The only other possibility is an army or hoard of monsters. I hope it's a monster, cause dealing with humans is more troublesome. But only thought that an army will attack this village is stupid, they won't gain anything from attacking this village. Unless its other motive like revenge…..revenge…..revenge." Grey muttered the word revenge again and again a couple of times until his eyes widened and he muttered two words " Santor nation army.".

Alice was shocked for a second but then she remembered, her kid was never normal.

"Yes, Santor army." Said Alice like she was confirming what Grey said.

"But still, even for revenge it doesn't make sense. I think their main objective is to attack another nation and they are most likely attacking the Nation of Amay. The nation is ruled by your brother and my uncle, mom. They are just attacking this village because it's on their way and also I think they have something to gain from attacking this village. They won't take such a rash decision, they definitely have something to gain from this attack" said Grey.

"That, most likely the case. But I don't think there is any powerful weapon in this village. Unless I don't know about it. Anyways I have to go, Grey, take care of yourself and protect everyone."

"Yes, mom I will protect everyone." Said Grey with a big nod. Grey turned to face Rai, who was looking at him with a smirk.

"What? do you have something to say?"

"Mama's boy," said Rai with a chuckle

"Shut up!."


"General, what we are about to do, is it the right thing to do? " Asked Brigadier Till. They were given an order from the king to attack the nation of Amy, but they were assigned an army of only 10,000 which was nowhere enough to fight the nation of Amay.

"I don't know if it's the right thing to do, but we will be sinners after killing all those innocent people." Said, General.

"Why are we ordered to massacre that village when all the nation agreed not to do so, there are so many things we are kept dark about," asked Brigadier Till.

"Brigadier Till, do not question the order of the king or there will be consequences. The only thing we can do is trust the king and his order." Said General Werner, who had an intimidating aura of a general.

"Yes sir, the mistake won't happen again." Said Till earnestly.

"Did you gather our soldiers?" asked General Werner.

"Yes sir."

"Good, let's go to them."

General walked on the main ground his 5,000 soldiers were standing there waiting for their general to speak.

"Today, I gathered you all to speak about something." Said General Werner, he continued "We will march tomorrow to attack the nation of Amay, but before that, we are ordered to massacre the village of Amon." He took a brief pause and then continued "What we are going to do is not a heroic deed, we are going to kill people who have done nothing wrong, just because they might turn monsters in the future."

General raised his voice "Listen, my soldiers, what we are going to do is a cowardly act. So never think of yourself as a hero." General took a deep sigh look at the sky and said "Forgive me, my soldiers."

"There is nothing to forgive about, general. We will follow our general even in hell" Said every soldier in unison.

To the preset, Right before the army was going to enter the Nahun forest.

"You will be guarding the other side of the village so no escapes, and also take 100 soldiers with you. Go ahead of us now and take a different route, so you won't be noticed." Said Prince Dirk, who is the crown prince of Santor nation.

"But prince, I have to stay here for my army. A general can't leave his army. " Argued General Werner, " Are you questioning my authority? Disobeying royalty's order is punishable by death for him and his family. Did you forget that?" said Prince.

There was no law like that, but it was an indirect threat to the general. He had to back down and obey his order.

"Yes, prince understood."

'Prince has changed since he has come in the influence of church' thought General Werner, and his thought was right.

Their marching army consisted of 10,000 soldiers, where 5000 soldiers were under the order of general Werner and others were under the order of another general, who was part of the church.

The battlefield was ready, it was time for a one-sided battle. But not one-sided in a way you would think.