Chapter 16: A one sided war.


"are kids ready?" asked Prince Dirk, who was mounted on his horse.

"Yes sir." Replied the priest. The priest wore white armor that looked like a priest's outfit.

"good, we will finally summon our true master. Move everything according to the plan. Kill every single of those villagers, we need to gather that dark aura's. Don't let a single one of them alive."

"As you wish prince." Said The priest with a bow, he is also the general in charge of 5000 soldiers present on the battlefield.

The priest general walked between the army of his soldier and turned around before saying " We will kill every single of them, to protect our future. This deed will not be forgotten and you will be heroes for eternity." loudly to his soldiers

Every soldier said "Yes" in unison voice.

"Now march behind me to slaughter every single of them." Said priest while giving a signal to brigadier Till to march with him, with his 4,900 soldiers.

All 9,900 soldiers were marching towards the village and the other 100 were blocking any exit and every villager who lost hope and tried to run were slaughtered.


"You both should go escort everyone who gathered in the temple and make sure they escape successfully." Said Alice as she turned her head around towards Tess and Kain.

"But, we can't leave the battlefield." Said Kain, he continued "I will stand beside my brother to fight with them till the end, I can't leave them." looking at the villager who was gathered and ready to fight.

"Don't worry, I am here to fight with them and besides, I sensed some of the soldiers on the escape route. They already have slaughtered many of your people who tried to run. Go, take care of those soldiers. I'll take care of the rest of them here." Said Alice, there was a coldness in her eyes. There was no hint of regret of the villager that had died in her eyes.

Looking at her eyes, Kain couldn't decide what was scarier, the fact that she is talking about people dying without any change in her expression or the fact that she is talking about taking on a whole army, like its walk in the park.

Looking at the expression on Kain's face, Alice Chuckled "I know what you are thinking, I can't waste any time on useless emotions. There is a battle in front of me, I can't let my mind wander around." Said Alice, she continued "You know the old saying "There is nothing absolute in this world, a man without any mana can kill a person with the 1000 years worth of it." And the history has proven this saying to be true."

"You are right, forgive me for doubting you." Said Kain with a bow. Kain turned around to look toward the 100 villagers who were ready to fight with their life on the line. But in truth they all know they cant come out of this alive, they are just buying time for their loved ones to escape.

"We heard what Lady Alice said, and we agree to it. Make sure my grandson escapes successfully." Said an Old man, standing among 100 men and women of the village.

"We leave our loved ones to you, village leader Kain and Tess." Said, everyone.

"In truth, I don't want to leave you guys alone. Why did it come to this?" there was a sadness in his voice. Kain loved his life with the people of the village and he didn't want it to end. He wanted everyone to be happy in his village.

"Kain" it was the voice of Tess, she held Kain's hand " We will make sure everyone escapes successfully, that is our mission." Said Tess.

"Here they come." Said Alice, there was a fog of dust coming from the north and they were finally here.

The Santor Army was Here.

16 – 3

Alice was standing in front of 100 villagers and opposing them were standing 100 soldiers of Santor nation.

"We will give you a fair chance to repent your sin, cause our God teaches us to give everyone a fair chance. this our 100 soldiers and you are 100 in number. If you manage to beat them we will leave you guys alone. Our God is merciful one, he even gives sinners like you a fair chance." Said the Priest who was mounted on a horse.

Alice chuckled " Merciful my ass. 100 well-armored soldiers with years of training against 100 villagers with no armor and weapons. Are you sure, what your god is teaching you is fairness? "

"What an arrogant woman." Said priest, he turned his horse around to walk back to the rest of his army and said " Kill all of them quickly."

Alice started walking towards them " You guys stay put, ill handle them.".

Alice proceeded to move towards the 100 enemies in front of her. She summoned a white snake in her hand which turned into a sphere, her white cape flapped in the direction of the wind and so was her long black hair, it was blowing in the direction of the wind.

"My cape will only get in my way while fighting." Said Alice, she took off her cape which turned into a small piece of cloth that she wrapped around her neck like a scarf.

She wore a black t-shirt and some lightweight armor of light gray color.

"I will fight you alone, we have our honor. Now come at me." Said one of the soldiers as he stepped in front to fight her.

*Splash* A stroke of blood was drawn on the ground, the blood of the headless soldier poured out of his neck. He was decapitated. The scene sent a chill on everyone's spine.

It happened so quickly, no one could make out what happened.

"I don't care about your damn honor, everyone come at me together. Don't waste any more of my time." Said as she pointed her bloody spear towards the soldiers she continued "Fine if you guys aren't gonna attack. I'll be the one attacking now.".

Alice crouched down to gather movement for her jump, and she jumped higher in the air and landed in the middle of soldiers. Everyone around her was cut down in an instant by her polearm.

The sudden unpredictable attack caused panic between soldiers. They started shooting random magical spells at her. She dodged every of their attack while cutting down her enemies. In an instant, her armor was painted with blood. There were limbs and dead bodies of the enemies scattered around her.

Eventually, all of the soldiers were dead, leaving one soldier alone. He was barely holding on to his weapon, the terror he witnessed got into his mind. His hands were shaking and he was barely able to stand on his foot.

"I am giving you the option to give up and I will spare you. Promise me you will not take part in this war and I will spare your life." Said Alice to the lone soldier standing in front of her.

"I ca – I can't do that."The soldier knew he can't do that. He can't run from the war. There will be major consequences if he does.

He grabbed his weapon tightly and took a firm fighting stance. He had a facial expression of a person who was ready to die.

"I see, that is your answer." Said Alice, she instant appear behind the soldiers. He was cut down in an instant, she tried to give him as quick death as she could.

She looked at the motionless body of the soldier and muttered to herself " I am really no hero. I am not a person who can be a hero."

100 soldiers were wiped out that too by just one person. There was a brief silence on the battlefield.

Alice turned around to face the priest "I defeated your 100 soldiers, now as per your promise. Leave this village alone."

"I – I never promised something like that." Said the priest shamelessly.

Alice chuckled to herself " I see, now you are playing like that."

Priest spread both of his hands and said "Even if I promised something like that, it doesn't make any difference. We have the numbers advantage and history is written by the winner. The only truth that goes out of here is our truth and the truth told by sinners have no significance in the face of our god"


Alice laughed to her heart content before saying "It might be true you have the numbers advantage. No, I can even say, you have the absolute numbers advantage."

Her voice changed into a serious tone "But at the end what matters is strength.".

The priest felt a sudden surge of pressure behind her, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He couldn't move his body. No, it was more like, he didn't dare to move his body.

Alice was standing behind him, he didn't know when she got behind him. For him, she was just standing in front of him a moment ago.

"Can your soldier match my strength?" asked Alice, as she raised her hand and she tightened her hand to make a fist.

"What the hell is that?" shouted one of the soldiers.

"Can we win, oye can we win.?" said another soldier there was despair in his voice.

Every soldier felt the same fear while looking toward the direction of the sky. Directly above Alice, the sky was filled with thousands of snakes, who were lining and taking the form of thousands of spears.

"Let me see if your soldier can survive this." She loosened her first and moved her hand down. The thousands of snake spears started moving towards the soldiers.

Some tried to run, some tried to hide behind the shield, some defended themselves with defensive spells, some even tried to destroy the spear with a counter-attack spell. But everything failed. Nothing could stop, the spears that moved towards.

Soldiers were penetrated by spears falling from the sky, some died in an instant. Some got stabbed leaving a fatal injury. All the soldiers died in an instant, leaving only the priest and prince alone on the battlefield. The battlefield that was filled with 9900 soldiers, were just filled with 9900 corpses now. All soldiers died, some penetrated by spears and others died poisoning of the spear.

"You know why I left you and prince alive?" asked Alice to the priest, but she got no reply from The Preist. The priest was shaken to the core,hr was mentally scarred more like he went mentally retarded.

Alice chuckled to herself "Did I go overboard?" she tried to control her laugh "I should control my laugh. It's not good to laugh at some who went mentally disabled."

She covered her mouth, to stop herself from laughing.

"But, this guy got so scared himself to madness."

The priest was mumbling something. Alice crouched down to properly hear what he was saying.

"O GOD.....O MY DEVINE LORD....ARE YOU WATCHING ME….I am here god." He was drooling from the mouth.

Alice finally burst into laughter she couldn't hold back her laughter anymore.

"There was a time where I used to play the hero. but after all, it was the right decision, with this personality I can never be a hero." Said Alice while wiping her tears from the laughter

Villagers started celebrating their victory. They won the battle they never thought they could.

Alice turned towards the prince, who was trying to run away with his horse.

"Trying to run away, are we?"

Alice summoned a blunt lance in her hand threw it on the prince who was running away. He fell off the horse after the Lance hit his back.

Alice instantly appeared in front of the prince.

"Don't come closer to me, leave me alone. How much money do you need? My father can give you any amount." It was a desperate attempt by the prince.

"Money? I have enough of that. Just answer some of my questions and I can let you live." Alice pointed her index finger.

"First question, why were you trying to attack Amay kingdom?" Alice waited for a minute for him to answer her question but she was met with silence.

She continued "Fine, the second question. Why did you attack this village and what do you have to gain from this?" She was again met with silence.

"You are not making this easy for me. Fine, I will have to use force now to make you speak. First ill break your finger." Said Alice as she stepped forward.

"Don't come closer to me." Prince dirk folded his hand to show the backside of his fist where there was a seal marking. It was a seal marking that had a shape that looked like a hand-tied down by a chain.

"I didn't want to use this"

His seal marking was shinning.

He spoke in a loud voice "I order my slaves to burn your life force and kill this woman for me." From the carriage behind the prince burst open.

Revealing five kids. Their eyes were blood red and had sharp teeth. They had a look at the insane beast and their veins were popping out which was also red in color.

"Vampire?" asked Alice.

Alice's eyes widened "My mana it's gone. No, more like I can't use it anymore."

Prince Dirk, who was on the ground behind the kids stood up.

"I have a special Seal marking, I can make anyone my slave. The only requirement is for them to trust me as their own. I can order my slave to do anything, it is also possible for me to draw out their true potential by my power, but for only a few minutes cause it burns their life force away. The funny thing is I let the church experiment on them and I am glad I let them. I recently found out Vampires can suppress anyone's mana around them and maximize their potential to the maximum. but its drains their life force away and once they start using this power they can't stop it. I think that's why vampires never preferred to use it and that's what lead to their downfall."

Prince raised his hand above and chanted " Now I will summon my master by offering life force and - " before he could finish his sentence, he was impaled with a knife on his face.

"Shut up brat." Said Alice after she threw the knife. She thought she stopped his summoning.

Before Alice could pay any attention to vampire kids, the ground shook. The dark aura around them got denser and it started concentrating in one area.

"This aura…." Alice remembered the aura she felt.

"I see, that's what the prince was up to." Chuckled Alice as she covered her face with her right hand.

The Dark Aura materialized and took shape of a body.

"It's been a while since I am back in this world. " it was a feminine voice and it was an enchanting voice enough to make any man and woman fall in love with her.

"Are you the one that summoned me?" asked the voice to Alice.

"No, it was the guy over there." Pointed Alice towards the corpse of the Prince.

"Yikes, who did that to him?"



Alice looked towards the dark aura that turned into a beautiful woman "So, what are your plans demon?" asked Alice.

Yes, she was a demon. A demon was summoned who was sealed by Hero Amon.

"I'll first feed the life force of those five little vampires and wait for my body to get stabilized." Said The demon.

"That's one simple plan. but, like I will let you do that." Said Alice while pointed the sword she picked up from the corpse of the soldier.

"Ooh, you are a brave human. Since when did humans get so brave ? was I sealed for too long.? Fine I shall play with you a little. Even though I am not even at the fraction of my power but it's enough to defeat you. That being said, will you be fine though? I mean your mana is sealed by those little vampires there."

"I can say the same, even though I can't use my mana but my powers are enough to defeat you."

Both women were unto some trash talk.

"Okay fine show me your power, there must be some power backing up your pride." Said Demoness.

Alice knew her power currently is not enough to defeat this demoness in front of her, especially when her mana is sealed away. But she had to stall the demon for the 100 villagers behind her to run away.

Alice looked behind to face the villagers and said "Runaway, this is not the opponent you can fight."

"But lady Alice- " argued one of the villagers, but before he could finish his sentence. He was interrupted by Alice.

"No, you guys have to run away. I can't fight and protect you guys at the same time."

They couldn't argue with that and agreed to run away.

One of the villagers in her teens turned around and said "You are our hero, Hero Alice...:

Alice smiled and muttered to herself in low voice "A hero?".

Alice took a fighting stance and she was prepared for the battle.