Chapter 18: Demon who was a mother once.


Alice stood there in front of her was a demoness, she was taking in a dark aura and also absorbing the life force of 5 vampire kids besides her to manifest herself.

"Human, before we fight I would like to introduce myself." Said demoness, she continued " My name is Ami, Sister Of Hero Amon. I think that's what you humans call him."

"My name is Alice. There is nothing much special going on about me." Said Alice, Alice continued "You are sister of Amon? But you are demon. Wait a minute, I got it, never mind. Most probably you both are kid of vampire and a demon." Said Alice.

"Yeah my mom was a demoness and my dad was a vampire. They had a twins, those twins are me and amon. But Amon inherited mostly dads Vampiric side with little demonic side of my mom and I inherited mostly demonic side with little vampiric side." Said Ami the demoness.

"Its more interesting thinking that Amon sealed her own sister." Said Alice.

"Yeah, I am still mad at him for sealing her own sister." Said Ami.

"Anyways, nice talk we had. Now lets get back to business." Said Alice while taking fighting stance. In her hand was a polearm she picked from a soldier. She couldn't summon her own snake polearm, because her mana was sealed away.

"Before that" demoness Ami turned towards two kid and commanded them "You male vampire, go after those humans that ran away, collect their dark aura and bring it to me." She pointed her finger toward one of the girl vampires and continued " You go inside the forest, I sense some humans with dark aura there. Bring me their dark aura and there seems to be human with divinity inside him, bring him over to me. Bring him over alive, it is very intresting that human with divinity exists.."

The girl didn't have any expression on her face, it was like she was a puppet "Ah you wont know how to sense divinity. There will be something different about that person from the rest of others." Said Demoness Ami. That Girl Vampire was Aetna. (The one vampire that appeared in the last chapter.)

The vampire girl started running towards to where Grey was, Alice tried to follow her to stop the girl but, "You are not going anywhere." Ami suddenly appeared in front of Alice and kicked her in the stomach.

Alice got up and dashd towards Ami, and stopped right before her to thrust her polearm towards Ami. But Ami dodged it, Ami Summoned her long sword " This is my partner, but right now me and my partner are not at our full glory tho." Said Ami as she swung her Long sword toward Alice aiming for her Adomen. Alice parried that attack with her polearm and counter attacked with back of the polearm.

Ami dodged that attack by stepping back. Ami Created a violet-colored fire ball in her hand and shot It toward Alice. Alice barely dodged that by jumping to the side. Upon contact with the ground, the fire exploded, leaving a hole in the ground. Alice was backed down by the impact of the explosion.

"Ami, I think I can't let you gain you full power. I have to admit, it will be difficult to defeat you in your full power, I am not confident that I can defeat you with all my limbs intact . But even I am not in my full power. Even in your full power, you can't beat me." Said Alice with a smirk.

"Intresting, very intresting human. I like your personality. You are a freak just like me, we could have been friends. What do you say, we can still stop fighting. Be my friend human. No, be my friend, Alice." Said Demoness Ami.

"Thanks, that's an honour. But I cant do that." Said Alice as she dashed forwards to attack Ami.

Unlike Grey, who can use his venomous aura to boast his ability without any help of mana, Alice and other Ormr family cant do that. But Alice can still use her venomous aura without any help of mana to boast her Abilities, but not to its fullest potential. Ami enhanced her physical ability through her venomous aura.

Alice dashed forward now more faster than before, fast to a extent that Demon Ami didn't see her coming until she was in front of her.

Alice Swung her Polearm, slashing demoness Ami.

"Ugh" demoness Ami felt pain in long time. But before Ami could recover, Alice continued her attack with hitting the back of her polearm in Ami's face.

Ami flew away from impact. Ami tried to get back to her feet before she could touch the ground but in mid air Alice followed her and Swinged her polearm hitting on Ami's abdomen. Ami crashed on the ground, Alice threw the sharp side of her polearm at Ami. But this time Ami dodged it by rolling away. Alice landed on the ground and collected her polearm back. But she didn't let her eyes of Ami. Ami stretched her hand to cast a wide fire spell, the purple fire was casted toward Alice. Alice dodged it by backing off.

Ami got up, she was heavily injured " Alice, you are strong. Now is more reason to not let you live. You will biggest obstacle in my path with your mana back. I will give you last chance, be my friend Alice. We can rule this world together."

"Thanks for the offer, Ami. But cant do that. I have a kid, who thinks of me, as a hero. I am not much of a hero honestly, but I cant disappoint my son." Said Alice.

Demoness smiled and said " I see. Then after this fight. As your honour, when I conquer this world. I will not touch you kid and I will make sure he stays happy. For honour of our new friendship."

"Ami, you are not that bad. I have a proposal, stop and give up on conquering the world. I will let you live." Said Alice, pointing her polearm towards Emi.

"I cant do that, I have a mission. I have to avenge my son and fulfil my promise to my son." Said Emi, Both woman knew that they wouldn't agree to each others proposal. But deep down they still wanted to try the other possibility. Ami's son was killed by humans, but that's story of different time. A story that will be told in future about Emi, the story about her past and her promise to her son.

"Human. No, Alice… you think we would have been friend on some other circumstances?" asked Demoness Ami.

"Yes, I would have loved to be friends." Said Alice.

"That's good to know. Now shall we continue" said Ami as she pointed her long sword towards Alice.


Alice and Ami both disappeared from the spot and clashed their weapons. After couple of exchanges between their weapon. Alice was able to out speed Ami in close combat. Leaving several injuries on Ami's body.

Being realized that she won't be able to beat Alice in close combat. Ami tried to create some distance between them by stepping back. But it was getting difficult for her to create distance between her and Alice. The more she got back, the more Alice closed the distance between them.

Alice closed her distance and managed to deal some injuries to Ami. She raised her weapon to finish It one last slash.

As she moved forward with her slash, Ami was ready to block it or at least that's what Alice thought. Ami let go of her sword and Stretched her palm facing towards Alice's abdomen.

Alice slashed Ami's shoulder with her weapon. Ami shoulder was split in half but she was successful in reaching her hand till Alice's stomach. By sacrificing her shoulder, Ami was successful with her plan.


Explosion was created between Alice's abdomen and Ami's hand. Both got were blown away explosion.

It was a magic spell that had enormous explosive properties but using it was impractical. In this spell, an explosion can be triggered by preparing to cast a huge fireball and compressing it to its smallest point by creating pressure around its surface and then releasing it by letting go of the pressure on the surface. By this process, an explosion can be triggered but this method is fatal most of the time it ends with the caster dying on the spot.

A huge crater was created, After dust was settled. It revealed Ami and Alice, both lying down on the ground. Ami's shoulder was split in half and her other hand was completely destroyed. Alice condition was no good either, right side was completely gone. Revealing her flesh and there were major injuries all over her body.

They both were not getting up. The three vampire kids were wiped out from the explosion, they were dead.

Ami didn't have any source to regenerate her body with, dying this time mean real death. Last time she was sealed away by her brother because her brother couldn't bring himself to kill her. But this time she is unsealed, it was real her and dying this time will mean real death.

Alice got up and so did Ami, they both were severely injured.

"Get down already, you human are fragile beings. You already are bleeding a lot from abdomen, your left side of the abdomen is totally messed. Stop fighting already, you will die." Said Ami, barely standing up.

"I could say the same, your hand is gone and other hand is barely functioning." Replied Alice, she continued "Here I come."

Alice started running towards Ami, now faster than her usual speed. Ami was barely being able to keep up with her.

Ami fire formed all around her. This fire turned into birds that were aimed towards Alice. Hundreds of flaming birds were shot towards Alice, Alice kept closing the distance between them and dodged those birds simultaneously. Upon contact with ground each bird let out a huge explosion.

The ground was filled with small and huge holes.

"I will probably die, even if one of those birds hit me." Said Alice.

'demon is a strong existence, if I demon has a ill intent toward human it always gets bloody. I have vitinessed the chaos that comes when demons decides to wage war against human. I cant let this woman alive from her, cause she might trigger to start another war between human and demons.'

Alice stopped and jumped backward, so did Ami. They both took a deep breath.

"I am no hero, Ami. But today, I guess I may have to make sacrifice to stop you. To protect my sons future." Said Alice.

"That's something I respect." Said Ami.

Alice eyes were glowing purple, she dashed towards. The ground behind cracked as she dashed forward. She summoned her snake polearm in her hand and got in the position to thrust it right into Ami.

Ami eyes were glowing orange, she gathered all the mana in her hand to perform. She thrusted her fist forward, her palm was aimed towards Alice's heart. She gathered tremendous mana in her hand, fire gathered around her and it was all concentrated in her hand. That mana turned into flames

The flames in her hand took shape of a sword, the heat emitted by the flames was enough to melt the ground.

Alice gathered all her strength and thrust her polearm aiming right into Ami, So did Ami. The Fire sword shot from Ami's hand went through Alice. Alice polearm thrusted into Ami. A hole was created in Ami's body, she fell right to the ground.

'Is this the end? I am going to die like this? When I didn't even achieve my revenge? No, I cant die. I don't want to die, I don't want to die....i don't want to die.... I don't want to die…..' thought Ami, her concious got more and more blurry.

As her consciousness was fading away she thought 'I am sorry, I could keep your promise.' Tears flowed from the eye of Ami, as last of her concious faded away.