Chapter 19: The Origin of the False Hero.


Alice heavily injured, stood in front of Ami.

"You died crying, huh? sleep well, my friend." Said Alice, Alice grabbed her stomach. Her hands got bloody.

There was a hole in her stomach.

"This does not look good." Said Alice, she coughed blood.

Being not able to stand up anymore she sat down.

"I guess this is it for me too, I wish I could see Grey at least once." Muttered Alice to herself. It was getting more and more hard for her to talk.

The blood kept flowing out of her, "It's getting cold." She said. She lied down "I am tired, I want to take a nap.". Alice closed her eyes, her life flashed in front of her.

'I was born into the royal family. Now that I look back, I was a brat. From the moment I was born, I was considering and treated specially by others. I idolized my big brother, wanted to become like him a hero. He was a hero, that was loved by everyone. I wanted to be like him, a hero. I tried, to become a hero. But I realized, the act of hero was not for everyone. Every human is created differently, their soul too. But I kept lying to myself, that I could become a hero. I tried and tried until she died, my friend. From that day I promised, I will stay true to myself and I gave up on being a hero. I kept drowning in my guilt until a prince saved me and later we had a kid. A beautiful kid, My Grey was that kid. I loved him, more than everything. I wanted Grey to look at me, I wanted to be his hero. I was glad the kid loved me back more than anything, I wanted to cherish the look in his eyes whenever he looked at me. The way he idolized me and I wanted to never disappoint him. I wanted to spend more time with my son...… I don't want to die so soon...….. I want to watch him grow...I wanted to see him fall in love…..I wanted to give him advice about love…..I wanted to cheer him, whenever he was down...…. I wanted to see, what path my son would choose in his life...….. I wanted to spend more time with my son....this is unfair...I wanted to hear him call me mom one last time.' Tears flowed down her eyes.

"Mom??!" It was a voice, Alice wanted to hear once last time.

"Mom?? Mom??? Mom wake up?" Shouted Grey.

Alice opened her eyes slowly, to see Grey's face. "Grey" she called out slowly.

"Yes, mom I am here." Said Grey, Grey looked at Alice's injury "Mom the blood – "

Alice raised her, to touch Grey's cheeks. She kept her hand in Grey's cheek. "Mom, don't move. I will get you help.". Grey got up, but Alice grabbed his hand "No, don't I am fine. I will be fine after a little nap."

"Listen to what mom has to say." Said Alice, Grey stopped. Alice continued "Mom Is going to the gods, mom will be back. Till then promise mom that you will take care of yourself."

"Liar!" shouted Grey, the tears kept flowing from his cheeks. His face was a mess "You know such lies won't work on me." he said, his voice broke.

"Hehe." Alice chuckled "It didn't work, I have one smark kid." She took a brief pause and continued "Mom will not be in your future. But don't be afraid, Mom will always look upon. I will always love you, mom will be always proud of you and I was always proud of you." Alice raised her hand and wiped Grey's tears off " I am sorry, I can't spar with you anymore. If you feel like it, you can master the ways of Polearm. But whatever you do, mom will always be proud of you."

"Please don't say things like that, Grey's voice cracked.

The last strength she had, she used it all to sit up and grabbed Grey into a hug "Grey, remember this, from the moment you were born, now and even in future…..Mom will always…..always love you."

The last of the life in her went away. Alice died in the arms of his son, "Mom!? Mom!?"

"Mom wake up...…" Grey Chin trembled as he tried to say anything, the tears kept falling. He wiped his face every few seconds but it was replaced with new tears. Grey sat there holding his mom's lifeless body, his sobs were silent. He sat there silently for a while.

A seal marking was formed on Grey, same as her mother on Grey's back. Maybe it was his fate, to wield the same snake as her mother.


Upon reaching the goal that her master has given her, She brought the boy. But when she reached there, she was met with a destroyed battlefield. Her master was dead, there was no longer anything controlling her mind.

"Ugh." She grabbed her head. The pain she felt in her head was uncontrollable. She was first controlled by Priest, then prince dirk, and then the demoness. But right now she was not under anyone's control, she was free. But being free came with a price, she no longer knew what is reality.

Grabbing her head she shouted. She was running out of time, burning her life force away gave her immense strength but she could live for very little time after burning life force away. Once the life force starts burning away it doesn't stop.

Fire enveloped her, two hands of fire were formed around her. These hands attacked everything that came in its path, it was out of her control and berserk.

Grey noticed the new disturbance around him. When looked at that girl, he remembered. his expression became furious

"It's you guys' fault. You guys attacked this place when there was a treaty to not attack this place. You guys killed all these people, you guys killed my mom." Grey shouted. But his screams weren't reaching till Aetna.

Grey's eyes started glowing purple, the aura around him became dense.

"Don't act like you are suffering, after doing all this." But he was again ignored, more like his voice wasn't reaching Aetna.

Grey's subconsciously increased his physical strength by his Venomous aura, his hands started collecting mana, the mana reacted with his newly formed snake-shaped seal marking. This mana took shape of a snake, which turned into the shape of a lance.

Grey dashed forwards with his lance, but one of the fire hands grabbed Grey's left hand. The fire burned Grey's hand, which made a sound of sizzled meat. The second fire hand grabbed the left side of his face, the fire hand's thumb was inserted inside Grey's left eye.

*Ahhhhhh* Grey felt tremendous pain in his left eye.

Grey bit his lips to stop himself from screaming and kept moving forward. He swung his lance to destroy both fire hands.

Grey's left hand was totally burned off and so did his eye. His eyes were burned till inside, his eyeball was crushed. He was no longer able to see from his left eye, his left hand was barely functioning. But, still, he kept moving forwards.

He dashed near Aetna and swung his lance, hitting Aetna's chest. She was knocked back, she rolled twice in the ground before crashing into the ground. She had no longer intention or will to fight anymore. She didn't know what was real anymore, she didn't know anything.

"It hurts...…it hurts." Kept repeating Aetna holding her head.

Grey tapped his lance in the ground, the snake opened its mouth to reveal a blade. The lance was turned into a spear.

Grey walked forward with the spear, his intention was clear. To kill Aetna. As he kept walking forward, a certain person flashed in his mind.

"I am sorry, kid." The words of general Werner before he died. Grey eyes widened and he stopped in his tracks.

He got to his knees "Am I going to kill an innocent girl? What is wrong with me? I can't do that. But what am I supposed to do? Why is this happening? Why did everyone die? Why did that villagers have to die? Why did Tess and Kain have to die? Why that soldier look like that before he died? Why did he say sorry? Why did he feel bad when he didn't even hesitate to kill Kain and Tess? Why did my mom have to die? It doesn't make sense.....nothing makes sense."

No tears came from his eyes, his voice was broken. But remembering all the time spent with his mom, all the time he made his mom run behind him to make him medicine, All the time he made fun of his mom for not being able to cook, all the time he sparred with his mom, all the time his mom thought him how to fight.....Grey was a kid who always wanted his mom's attention, everything he did was to make his mom proud.

After remembering all these things, Grey eyes teared up "What am I supposed to do, mom?" tears flowed down from his cheeks. He collapsed to his knees.

"That's right, I will become a hero." He said Suddenly.

"I need power, I have to become more powerful. Only if I had more power, I would have stopped things like this from happening. That's right I will become powerful and more powerful and more powerful and more powerful and more powerful –" He kept repeating the same thing until he felt a warm embrace.


The person who embraced him stroked Grey's head gently. The person spoke, "Everything will be fine." Softly.

It was a familiar voice for Grey, the voice of The vampire girl, Aetna. But this time her voice wasn't emotionless, it had a warmth to it.

"Everything will be fine." But this time her voice broke. She held Grey more tightly, Grey felt a comforting warmth from her. They were like that for a while, until grey heard her sobs, which grew louder and turned into loud crying.

She cried like a baby loudly, Grey hugged her back. Her cries were loud and somehow Grey didn't feel lonely because of that.

A bond was formed, that connected this soul. The dark aura swirled around them and poured into them, among this dark aura there was also an Orange aura that seeped into both of them with the dark aura. The dark aura was from the villagers that died and had nowhere to go and the Orange aura is from the demoness. This aura helped in forming a contract, a contract that combines two souls to exist as one. This contract has many requirements to trigger and one of them is the presence of a lot of wild energy that belongs to no one.

The contract was sealed between Aetna and Grey. This contract will help Aetna to survive, which was not possible for her because she burned most of her life force. Aetna's soul from now on will only survive on the support of Grey's soul. A bond that they will share for the rest of their life.

"I was trying to kill her, huh?" Grey muttered to himself.

After a while Aetna passed out in Grey's arm, Grey checked her to see that she was asleep.

Grey spent a while on that battlefield. After some time, Grey came back with dirt on his hand. He was wearing a white scarf around his neck. He picked up still asleep Aetna to give piggyback and Left the place heading towards Rai and Sofia with Aetna in her back.

As grey walked away from the battlefield, the wind blew behind him. Grey wanted to turn back on more time but he thought it would be good if he didn't. behind him was a lonely battlefield, where soil blew away from two graves. Those were graves of two friends who met each other as enemies and found a friend in each other, those were Grave of Alice and Ami. The question of why Grey chose to burry both of them side by side? Maybe because he felt lonely looking at Ami's body. Maybe he felt like it was his mom's last wish to do so. In end, he just did what his heart said.

{Author: Even though Mc has sworn to be a hero, he will not act hero-like. His actions will not be hero-like. Of course, he won't be evil either. 

If I had to say it, he won't be good or bad, he will just be realistic. You will get the glimpse of his character in the first chapter of Volume 2}