
"Helloooooooooooooooooo...…Hellooooooooooooo" I heard a voice, it was a similar voice. This scenario it is giving me a sense of Déjà vu.

The state I was in was comfortable, there was a liquid around me and it was comfortable. I do have an idea of where I am at. I am back to that place.

"I know you are awake…..wake uppppppppppppppp." The voice continued.

I slowly opened my eyes before that annoying loli continues to shout in my ears.

"I see, you are as annoying as always," I said while lying down. I opened my eyes and my eyes were met with her face. It was the face of the demigod I met before getting reincarnated. It was the face of Arianrhod. But it was too close.

I continued " Maybe, you gods don't feel anything about this. But you being so close to my face, is.... kind of embarrassing. Would you mind getting it away?"

She got her face closer to mine "Oya Oya, I see someone is embarrassed." She paused for a second and then got more close to my ears and whispered " Just so you can know, I was human once too.".

My face got red.

I pushed her face away and cleared my throat before speaking "Ahem, we meet again. So you were right that we will meet again.". I looked around was sitting in that lake again, it was the same as I remember. The same forest of cherry blossom trees on one side and on the other side icy mountains with never-ending tops.

"Yes, why would I not meet you again. I saw your life up till now, it was..... unfortunate. The thing that happened." She paused for a brief moment and continued "do you hate me for what happened?" she asked.

"No, I don't. things that happened to you have nothing to do with you. You are a demigod and If I had to guess, most probably you don't have the power to write someone's fate. And most probably me reincarnating here has nothing to do with you, so I have no reason to hate you." I replied.

She was shocked for a moment "I was right, you are very interesting after all. Really interesting. The fact that you got to make a contract with a vampire, makes you, even more interesting. You are right I don't have the power to write someone's fate, no one has the power to write your fate.

Not even god, he just created a system that allows us demigods, demons, vampires, humans, many other races, creatures, and things to exist at once place. He never wrote anyone's fate and he doesn't interfere with anything as long as there is balance in his universe.

He doesn't care about the poor or rich, he doesn't care about war and other things like that. He is just like a pre-programmed machine who only exists to maintain the balance of the universe and I think it's better this way."

The information that I got right now was interesting, it changed my perception of the universe. But it was enough to send a chill down my spine.

"I had a different perception of God, I never thought it would be like this. Things you said are kinda frightening, but more than frighting I am relieved." I replied.

"I know right." She folded her arms and continued to ask " So what will you do now?".

But before I could answer her, she interrupted me and said " Before you could say anything, I will give you information. The church of Iris is heading this way and as you already know they are against the existence of demons and vampires. They are the reason most vampires and Demons are dead. Somebody tipped them off and now they are heading this way. I suggest you leave the village as soon as possible. They will kill everyone that radiates dark aura."

I am glad, I got this information. I will have to leave the village as soon as possible with the remaining villagers. But there are only a few survivors and all of them are kids around my age. There are 12 of us, the rest of all villagers are dead.

"I am glad you told me this," I said.

"Are you going to take those kids with you?" She asked.

I nodded twice as an affirmative. She continued "I am going to warn you, most of them won't survive. The chance of their survival is very less. They were exposed to the dark aura from their birth and this aura eventually mixed with their mana. This dark aura was like a vital organ for them, it was part of them. Now as they lost most of it, they cannot survive anymore. They will die eventually, some in few years and some might even die tomorrow." She paused and then asked, "Are you still going to take them with you?"

I replied, "I can't abandon them, I will take them with you."

"Fine, ill tell you about a possibility. A possibility where there is a chance of them surviving. Head towards Goldberg city, there is a fruit named Amrit. That fruit is blessed with a rich amount of condensed mana, consuming it may give them the chance of surviving and they would have to consume it regularly until their body is stable. But, those fruit comes at a really high price though."

"Is that so? Fine, I will head there." I said.

"I will tell you this ahead of time, there is no saving for those kids. only two of them will survive out of all those kids. So, helping them might break you as a person." she warned

I didn't give any reply and sat there silently, I didn't know what to say.

"Okay, I was so useful to you. Now now, at least give me a reward. Even small praise will suffice. " she said mockingly.

I was just getting a good impression of her, she didn't have to ruin it.

"Wow, you are such a great god. You should have your own church. Wowwwww." I said as emotionlessly as I could make it sound.

"At least try more." She then continued "Oh, it seems. That your time is up, now then. We will meet later. We will meet again for sure." She said.

and she suddenly said "I saw that you want to become a hero, do you think your soul can become a hero? can you defy the nature of your soul?" before I could even process what she said

The world vanished.

Grey and the remaining kids of the villager left the village including Rai and Aetna. They walked forward leaving the village with no one to live in it behind, it was a lonely village.

Grey looked back once more, it was windy. Grey's white scarf fluttered in wind, that was a scarf of his mother.

"Where are we going?" Asked Rai.

Grey paused for a second to take a good look at the village, so did everyone. Some of the kids were crying, this village was their home, they were born in. this village was their everything, they never thought they would have to leave it like this.

And Grey never thought his life would turn out like this. Everything he witnessed broke something in him and out of this born something in him, a strong desire to become a hero.

Grey finally answered Rai's question as he walked forward " We are going to Goldberg's city."

Everybody walked by, leaving something behind. This was the beginning of the story of grey, The story of a false hero.

-----------------------------------------End of False Genesis arc-------------------------------------