Chapter 1

So I died. Well, that sucks; can't remember anything though—probably because of that robber decking me in the back of the head with a pipe. Killed in my own home. Sucks man... I should've lasted longer; I'm never touching alcohol again.

And now I'm faced with inevitable possibility of being flung into a world of 'safe' world-ending threats, forth wall breaking and RPG mechanics. Seems legit.

Four wishes, huh... My karma should be high in that case considering that these are basically omnipotent wishes. Though, I wouldn't be surprised because I did pose as a pseudo-phantom thief that stole information and items from all kinds of people to show my own 'justice' to the world. 'Justice' that – while may be wrong from a certain perspective – is at least more pure than society's version of 'justice'. Though, that might be just my own bias considering that I was wronged by society due to a corrupt government official who turned out to be running for president.

Anyway, since I was a pseudo phantom thief, why not become a real one? My first wish is a system based on persona 5.

That error made me nervous but I'm glad everything turned out well in the end.

<'Entity: ???' has been categorised as 'Entity: Trickster'>

<'Entity: Trickster' has gained the persona 'Arsène' due to resonation between souls>

Hehehe... Seems like I got the blessing of the Lord of Thieves himself... Neat. Also, good to know that I also transform instead of manually equipping; though I do hope no one confuses me for a CPU if they see me transform. That'll just be a shit show; although, that would be apart of the game of being a thief.

Anyway, onto my next wish. It's pretty basic but I want all my previous life's experiences integrated into my Social Stats.


[Trickster's Social Stats]:

[Knowledge RANK 3] – Scholarly

[Expression RANK 5] – Trickster

[Diligence RANK 4] - Thorough

[Proficiency RANK 4] – Masterful

[Understanding RANK 1] - Basic

[Kindness RANK 2] - Considerate

[Charm RANK 3] – Suave

[Courage RANK 4] - Daring

[Guts RANK 5] – Lionhearted

[Social Power]: 28/40

[Trickster's Social Links]:

[Trickster's Community Links]:

[Guild RANK 1] - Freelancer

[Planeptune RANK 1] – Outsider

[Lowee RANK 1] – Outsider

[Leanbox RANK 1] – Outsider

[Lastation RANK 1] – Outsider


Well, that seems pretty good. Though my kindness and understanding definitely need upgrades.

Anyway time for that third wish... Heh, I know. I want a black cat familiar that can also use a persona.

Name my cat "Morgana" after all her fellow persona using cat was also called that.

<'Black Cat that can also use a persona' has been renamed to 'Morgana'>

Oh and last but not least; I would like the status of a 'Wildcard' and a 'Fool' to be able to use multiple personas.

Oi, did you just click your tongue?

And those are my four wishes. Neat.




Well then, it's show time.


A phone vibrated as Sean Lupin grabbed the phone and turned it off. He lifted his body up and yawned as he stared at the message.


Chian: Hey, you up yet?


"I wonder what she wants..." The trickster murmured as he saw the message.


The Fool: No.

Chian: Oh come on, your definitely awake!

Chian: Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm gonna be out of town for a while to gather some materials so you have free time for a while.

The Fool: Need some help?

Chian: Nah.

The Fool: K bye.

Chian: Tootles.


"Guess I have free time..." Sean muttered as he rubbed his frizzy hair  and twisted towards the cat that was sleeping near him.

"Wake up Mona." Sean poked his familiar's cheek.

"Nyehehehehe~ No more fish~" Morgana mewled.

"Welp, don't say I didn't try." He muttered as he went into his white jumper's pocket and pulled out a... airhorn... Oh Shi—


"NYAAAA!" The black cat jumped up from its spot and fell off the bed. After a while of the cat gathering its bearings it spoke up to its companion.

"Damn it Sean, don't do that!" The cat meowed to the outside perspective but to the residents inside the hotel room the cat was fluently speaking words.

 "Maybe." Sean replied.

"What do you mean 'maybe'?!" The cat questioned in response.

"Maybe." The trickster parroted again.

"That's not an answer!" The cat retorted.

"Maybe." He couldn't help but respond like this.

"UNYAAAAAA!" The cat finally lost its marbles.

Anyway, after calming down the Morgana spoke up.

"So what's the schedule for today Joker?" It's golden eyes peered onto the 'handsomely-average' 19-year old who's hair and eye colour were onyx.

Sean walked towards the table nearby and donned a black suit over his white jumper as he momentarily made sure he was wearing his blue jeans and white socks.

"Today, we're gonna work for the Guild as an 'adventurer'." He responded as he made sure to be vague instead of fully explanatory. After all, the walls have ears.

"I see... gotcha." The cat responded as Sean picked up a blue bag and hung it over his shoulder.

"After all, I need to increase my rep as a 'supporting adventurer'." Sean explained as Morgana jumped into his bag.

"Ugh, I hate how they treat supporters as glorified leaches." Morgana poured.

"Eh, it's necessary. Though it is annoying when people start cutting my pay when I work as a supporter but it gives me my defenceless rep so it's even. Plus when we're on our... 'escapades'... I let them feel a little karma." He patted Morgana on the head as he went to the exit of the door and put on his brown shoes on whilst putting on his glasses which were slightly curved at the edges.

"So," Morgana piqued the Trickster's interest.

"When's the next heist?"