Chapter 2


Sean Lupin, or rather our protagonist if you haven't realised yet with your pea-brain intelligence, exited his hotel room with Morgana inside his bag which was resting on his shoulder.

'Hmm... the gem in Lastation's western district's museum contains the "Tailed Gem" which according to my analysis contains the persona "Lilith". Lilith may not be the strongest but she's still useful considering that she repels ice and nuclear whilst she nullifies curse – curse nullification doesn't really matter because I have Succubus which I obtained from the gem in Eresthian City's West Museum – but the downside is that she's weak to fire, although that can be countered slightly with my other persona's resist to fire and Jack O' Lantern's drain of fire.' Sean planned as he exited the door and headed towards the Guild 'Anyway, her main benefit is her nuclear and support skill. Her ice skill is good but I'm not looking to kill anyone so I don't really care about it.' Sean inwardly smirked whilst his face on the outside was neutral 'Her support skill "Makarakarn" would be hella useful considering that it repels one attack of magical origin. That may not seem much but unlike in games there is no turn-based action so in other words I can spam the support skill.' After Sean finished planning on his next course of action when he obtained the Tailed Gem he decided to get to work. Legitimate work.

"Hello, I would like to take on a support request; got any?" Sean asked the receptionist. She smiled and gave him multiple folders which contained 'support jobs' and Sean skimmed and scanned the folders until he eventually found one he liked.


Title: I need help obtaining big boom shell!

Key content: I'm an alchemist of the Atelier Ryza and I need help obtaining 15 "big boom shells" for my synthesis; although I'm not very familiar with the area because I moved here from Leanbox.

Shares: Confidant RANK 1

Reward: 5,000 credits, 10 status effect nullification pills.


'This is the Atelier I frequent... Earning an extra confidant would be useful. After all, my only confidants are Morgana who represents "Justice", IF from the time I went to steal Succubus who represents "Chariot" and lastly Chian of Passe who represents "Hanged Man".' He weighed his decisions but decided to concede as he turned to the receptionist "I would like to take this quest."

After a while she processed Sean's confirmation and thanked him as he walked away. As Sean was walking away he could feel the stares of some judgemental adventurers, after all supporters were looked down upon as "leaches" however a "supporting adventurer" like Sean could be said to be the king of leaches considering that he takes the reward for easy missions and doesn't actually adventure.

'That's fine though.' He mentally reminded himself. 'After all, looks need to be deceiving.'

And plus it's not only enmity, Sean also gets his reputation increased among the general populace as the adventurer who actually helps the people because he is genuinely kind. Receptionists also seem to value him highly because considering that there is a death rate among adventurers, a supporting adventurer would do a world of help. Also for some reason, high-ranking adventurers and experienced adventurers give him weird stares but Sean's MAX level Guts Social Stat tells him it's because his guard is heavily raised even on days he's not adventuring. Though since he's a "supporting adventurer" people generally assume it's because something bad happened to him in the past which caused him to heavily focus on support, and in truth: they're not entirely wrong. Although the more paranoid adventurers assume he's hiding something which is also not wrong.

'Oh God... They're all not wrong...' Sean realised as he then spoke to his personas.

'Hey, Arsène, you think you can teach me how to hide my raised guard?' Sean asked Arsène – his master and teacher – who was apart of his original persona.

'I'll teach you on the weekdays, so in two days.' Arsène responded.

'I'll also teach you a stronger form of the "Dia" spell tomorrow.' Messiah Picaro also added on.

'K thanks.' Sean responded as he thanked them. Sean lightly smiled as he stared at the rising sun as he reminisced the time he got Messiah Picaro. It was after a few months of arriving in this world, you see Sean thought he would get personas easy peasy but reality was different. Sean obtained a persona system which was similar to Persona 5, not the same hence why he can only obtain personas from gems. Well, it's not only gems but a large majority of jewellery. Although it is common in gems; and gems are expensive as fuck.

Anyway back onto topic, Messiah Picaro came from Haneda City's Southern Museum. Sean literally went to another country and entered museums to search for good personas under the pretence of doing a support quest for someone. However since he operated twice in Planeptune they named him the "Planeptunian Phantom Thief" when in actuality he's from an entire different country. Also – in standard Phantom Thief fashion – he sent a calling card, so that might have something to do with it.


"!" Sean immediately stopped as he looked at a chair that was thrown out a window nearby.

"That's what you get for disobeying Avenir's orders." A group of henchmen told the store keeper whom seemed to be a young man in tears. The henchmen left as they barged Sean out the way.

Sean observed the scene and mentally sighed. 'Change of plans, in three days we're raiding Avenir.' Sean told his personas as he then checked to see Morgana still in his bag. They looked at each other and nodded.

Avenir will pay, whether they like it or not.

"Damn it all! What are the goddesses doing? What is Black Heart doing?" The man in tears exclaimed "Why haven't they arrived from Celestia yet? We're all suffering while they just fight each other." He ranted and then looked at the crowd. Sean walked up to him and patted him on the back "Help'll come. You just need to endure." Sean told him to which the man calmed down. "Thanks, what's your name kid?"

"Sean Lupin; supporting adventurer." Sean responded to which the man chuckled. "So your the supporting adventurer. The newbie adventurers present you as a pussy but I can see it in your eyes; you have rebellion." Sean raised an eyebrow as the man rubbed his forehead "Don't give me that look. Anyway, 'Sean' was it? Come to my store and I'll give you a discount whenever. Why? Because your the only one who's ever talked to me after something like this. Anyway I gotta go." The young man spoke as he entered his store.

'That conversation was one sided.' Sean commented.

'Agreed.' All his personas agreed.

Anyway, onwards to Atelier Ryza.

He had arrived after a few more minutes of walking. The Atelier seemed fairly new, it was made out of wood which was strange considering that Lastation generally has steam-punkish modern buildings. Sean approached the building and knocked on the door.


"HAIII!" Someone exclaimed from inside "I'm coming!"

After a few minutes the door to the Atelier opened and a woman walked out. She seemed to be the same age as Sean; she seemed 19 years old. She wore a loosely worn yellow coat over a white shirt which had a light blue ribbon underneath the collar which was pushed aside by her... assets... Also she wore a necklace. She also wore red shorts which had all sorts of potions attached onto her and one of her legs had a leather boot and armor connected whilst her other leg had simple leather shoes connected with a band of potions laced around that thigh, and Sean could also notice she wore fashionable gloves which revealed some of her fingers.

"I'm here for the request." Sean explained towards the normally stunning brunette who had a white hat which had a black ribbon as an outer layer.

"Oh! Just in time!" She murmured "I was thinking about going by myself but guess not." She murmured audibly towards herself.

Sean looked towards her vibrant brown eyes.

"I may not be much help in terms of combat but I'll be better than the average adventurer at support." Sean explained towards the Atelier owner.

"Oh, that's enough help!" She confirmed "My name's Reisalin Stout but everyone calls me 'Ryza'! Nice to meet you!" She stretched her palm out to which Sean grabbed and also spoke up "Is that so? My name's Sean Lupin, a self proclaimed 'supporting adventurer'." He stated to which she raised an eyebrow "Supporting adventurer? Oh! You mean the adventurer which a lot of people speak highly of!" She exclaimed which made Sean rub his cheek sheepishly.

'This fame is kinda embarrassing...' Sean couldn't help but mutter to which Arsène agreed.

'Wait, you can pull fancy moves and weird tricks with glee in front of a crowd as "Joker" but as "Sean Lupin" your embarrassed as any other person?' Succubus spoke up inside Sean's head.

'Hey, this and that are very different.' Sean protested like a tsundere.

'Ahh... I was just like that when I started out... Old times...' Arsène muttered to which everyone took a pause excluding Messiah Picaro.

'..You were?' Succubus spoke up after a moment of silence.

'Yes, I was quite the emotional chap when I was younger.' Arsène explained.

'You sound British not French...' Succubus muttered as Messiah Picaro.

'I know how he feels; when we're doing what we believe in we can shoulder any humiliation but when we're relaxed we seem to be as normal as any other person.' Messiah Picaro chipped in.

'You know exactly how I feel!' Arsène gave a bro hug towards Messiah Picaro.

'Yeah... I think I'll let them have their fun talking to each other.' Sean muttered as he focused back onto reality.

"When can we leave?" Sean asked Ryza to which she grabbed a backpack which had potions attached to it and raised her hand like she's going on a school trip.

"Now!" She exclaimed with a smile.

Ryza then proceeded to lead Sean towards an abandoned ruins which contained machines called "Panzer" which the items they want would be obtainable from. On the way there they had small talk.

"Ne~" Ryza spoke up to get Sean's attention "Why are you a supporting adventurer?" She asked to which he tilted his head and she further explained "You see, the way you walk is like that of an experienced soldier but yet you only work as support for people – or so I've heard – so I was just so wondering why you simply stand on the side lines whenever you fight."

She asked a very good question out of the blue. She, a young woman who resembled an hyperactive tomboy, asked a very – normally – sensitive question. Sean smirked faintly.

"Tell me something Ryza," He called out to her to which she mumbled "Huh?" in questioning.

"Is it wrong to help someone?" He asked out of the blue to which she refused.

"No it's right to help people." She replied to which he responded "Even if you are branded evil by everyone beside you? Even if you have to discard the normal morals of people around you? Even if you remain alone as the only decent person willing to speak up?" Ryza was taken aback by his questions.

There was a moment pause.

"I... don't know..." Ryza paused as she recognised herself as a normal person. She was normal. Normal family who were farmers, normal friends who strived for dreams above themselves, normal desires to adventure whilst also not standing out too much. The only thing not normal about her was that she had alchemy, and not only the normal talent at one branch of alchemy – people were generally talented at least one form of alchemy – but she was a genius at every branch of alchemy.

So being confronted with the morals she was raised with and the morals of everyone around her, she was confused. She didn't have an answer. She also didn't know where he was going with this.

Sean smirked for an unknown reason.

"My reason lies within the answer."

'Because it's not wrong to help another, even if I'm condemned to hell itself.' Was left unsaid by Sean but Ryza could imagine him saying that for an unknown reason.

There was an awkward silence as Ryza re-evaluated her life choices which led up to this moment.

"Oh look, we're at the ruins." She heard Sean's audible voice.

She shook her head, she'll think of the answer later.

The ruins they entered were fairly ancient. Sean had been here before, it was when he first arrived in this world and thanks to Arsène he could fight his way out.

Both Ryza and Sean began exploring the area for items and searched for Panzers to defeat. All the items that Sean found were given to Ryza simply because he had no use for them whilst Ryza had every reason to obtain them, and plus more items for her means more items that he can use considering that he frequents her Atelier.

"Hey what's your favourite colour?" Ryza asked out of the blue but it wasn't surprising considering that having idle chatter would boost the mood.

"My favourite colour? Hm... I guess I like 3 colours equally." He responded to which she urged him to continue with her eyes "My favourite three colours are: black, white and red. Not original I know, but they have vastly deep meanings."

"Meanings?" She inquired.

"Black holds many meanings such as chaos, enmity and curses." He first explained as she spoke up.

"So then why do you like that colour?" She asked which provoked a grin from him.

"Its because freedom is born from chaos, therefore chaos might as well also represent freedom. Same as enmity because enmity means we have the freedom of what we like and dislike and same with curses because that means that 'holy' stuff also exist." He explained as he also added on "Just because there's only one visible meaning does not mean there cannot be another."

"Huh... Deep..." She muttered which caused Sean to chuckle.

"And I like the colour white because it represents purity, order and a blank slate." He spoke to which she urged him to continue with a nod "Purity means that there is a state of innocence and innocence isn't necessarily bad if it doesn't border to ignorance," He explained as she spoke up.

"How do you know the difference?"

Sean chuckled.

"You don't. You just have to eventually realise it and accept it; although the acceptance of things is the hardest." He replied as he then continued "Anyway, I like order as well because even though it's the opposite of freedom and chaos – which I value highly – it also represents peace as there can only be discord without peace and with peace happiness is obtainable. Lastly, there's 'blank slate' which is pretty self explanatory. Pave your own path, so to speak." He explained.

"You really thought about this a lot, huh." She commented "What about red; I can't see any good things about red."

Sean gave a faint smile, different from his smirk; his eyes seemed somewhat distant.

"Red represents the mortality of both yourself and the people around you. Never assume you will never die, and if you do only do so when you will actually die. You are human and therefore are limited but that does not mean you cannot try at all." He explained "A good phrase I once read was: 'memento mori – remember you must die."

There was a moment of silence given for Ryza to think.

"That's... dark..." She commented as Sean's eyes urged her to continue "What's the point in trying if it's all going to end eventually?"

Sean smiled.

"That's the point. The limited time means that we must strive for all we can achieve... but that's not all..." He trailed off.

"It's not?" She couldn't help but ask.

"It also means that when the time comes you should rebel as much as you can; just because the end is inevitable does not mean you can't deny it or prolong it."

There was another moment of contemplative silence.

"You know... you would be a really good philosopher." She complimented to which he responded with "Hah. I doubt it, but thanks for the compliment."

Ryza was going to say something else but was soon interrupted.


A laser was shot in between the two. They both jumped opposite sides and observed heir opponent, it was a white 4 legged machine equipped with 2 laser cannons. Their target, along with company.

"5 Panzers, huh." Sean muttered as he looked towards Ryza "I'll support you!" She nodded and she went further in front whilst Sean's position was near the back.

Sean pointed his hand towards Ryza.

"Tarukaja, Sukukaja!" He exclaimed as he fired a speed boost and attack boost.

"Thanks!" She exclaimed as she got her staff – which had three rings on the end – out from her inventory and proceeded to launch spectral spears from the air.

"Eclipse Javelin!" She summoned 7 spears to hit one target which utterly demolished it. "Huh... That did way more damage than normal..." She grinned.

"I'll give you heals when you need it!" Sean shouted towards Ryza to which she nodded. "Roger!"

Ryza switched stances as she summoned a a ball of light.

"Astral Sphere!" She bulldozed another robot whilst Sean pointed his palm towards the enemies "Rakunda, Rakunda, Rakunda!"

"I lowered their defences!" Sean called out to Ryza who nodded "Got It!"

"Shining Trail!" She called out as a golden rift in the sky opened up and numerous beams fell onto the enemy and pierced all of them.


Thus the battle had ended and they began to scout the machines.

"I found six!" Ryza chirped whilst Sean commented "I found four."

"So we're almost done and depending on how much robots we find we might get extra." Sean commented to which Ryza pouted.

"Hmm? What's wrong Ryza?" Sean asked seeing her pouting face.

"It's just... that means our adventure's almost over." She squeaked out.

Sean gave a smile at this innocence.

"Just because it's almost over doesn't mean it's the end; we could start another adventure together if you'd like." Sean's attempt to cheer her up succeeded.

"You know, your right!" She agreed "Its not over!"

She then proceeded to give Sean a weird look.

"Your surprisingly optimistic for someone who holds such pessimistic views." She commented towards Sean. "I mean, I know that it's not over but your interesting views are amazing and gives me a lot of room to think about things I wouldn't normally think about."

"I find you interesting as well." He stated as they both began to enter deeper into the ruins.

There was an odd silence.

'Hmm... Why is she silent?' Sean wondered.

'He's a natural.' Succubus commented.

'Agreed Heeee hooo!' Jack Frost and Jack O' Lantern commented like parrots.

'Even I know it.' Messiah Picaro also commented.

'Huh? What'd he do? What's he a natural at?' Arsène – the gentleman thief – was as confused as Sean.

After walking down the corridor for a bit they entered a cavern which seemed like the relics of an old nation. They walked around a while and found a notebook which was on top of a slab of a rock near a skeleton and they approached it.

"He must've been here for quite some time if he became a skeleton." Sean commented as he noticed that it's neck was chained to the rock which held the book.

'Must've been broken down by time to become a small rock.'

"How cruel..." Reisalin Stout spoke up as she observed the skeleton.

"Feeling nauseous?" Sean asked to which she nodded "Close your eyes and take a deep breath and count to ten."

She took a deep breath and counted to ten.

"One... Two... Three..." After she was finished counting she saw Sean looking directly at her.

"Good." He said as he patted her head and turned towards the book and skimmed and scanned it.

"What does it say?" Ryza asked.

"Something about a nation called Tari which used to exist between here and Planeptune. The CPU or goddess, was initially a god-send but eventually she turned into a tyrant and massacred her own people. This guy seemed like a survivor but..." Sean finished the book or rather the diary "His companion betrayed him; his companion wanted this guy's things because apparently he was loaded. So he chained his friend to a pillar – which time seems to have reduced into a mere rock – and left him for dead." Ryza seemed horrified but Sean continued to speak "But given how it was placed on the rock, I guess he drowned and he threw his diary in a last attempt to be remembered." A lot of the diary was hard to read but Sean used his Third Eye to properly examine the diary "His name was... There's nothing."

"Huh?!" Ryza seemed distraught but seemed to still be fully in control of herself.

Sean skimmed and scanned the book but didn't find his name written anywhere. "His name literally Isn't there."

Sean was beginning to panic because he really wanted to honor this guy's death.

'Trickster, over there.' Arsène pointed towards the diary's cover and in the cover there was a small map which marked out a treasure chest.

"I... found a map." He spoke out loud towards Ryza.

"Huh? Show me." She grabbed the book from his hands and looked at it. "Ooh~ Treasure!" She seemed like she instantly cheered up as she turned towards Sean "We must look for it to honor his death."

'Her ulterior motives are apparent.' Sean commented inwardly.

'Agreed.' All his personas simultaneously agreed.

"We can't do it today though. The sun's setting and we don't have any supplies." Sean explained to which she looked downtrodden.

"Aww..." She pouted.

After giving the book to Ryza they decided to head back however they came across some Panzers which they eliminated and proceeded to head to Ryza's Atelier.

As they were heading back they had small talk.

"Hmm... How can you read this?" Ryza asked as she held the book in multiple ways to see how in Gamindustri did Sean manage to read faint scribbles.

"Oh, I have a useful technique for seeing things which are harder to see than normal." Sean made his Third Eye seem lame.

'Understatement of the century.' Arsène commented. 'Your telling me a technique which lets you see traps, footsteps, traces, hidden routes, hidden objects, identification of important or meaningful objects and validation of objects or items – and that's only some of the vast uses – is likened to a simple technique which merely let's you see better?! It let's you even memorize things which are generally impossible to memorize!' Wow, sounds like Arsène has a lot of pride in this particular technique.

'Of course he holds pride in this technique, it let's him also see if something is fake or not.' Succubus explained which made sense considering that there would no doubt be counterfeits which normal thieves mistakenly steal whilst Arsène a master at his trade would probably receive more counterfeits than needed when he gives out a calling card.

"Huh... Can you teach it to me?" She asked which made Sean think deeply as they stopped in front of her Atelier.

'Respond carefully Trickster, for this will impact thy fate.' Arsène informed him.

"..I'll teach you only if you teach me the basics of alchemy." Sean offered to which she nodded energetically.

"Its a deal!" She exercised her palm out and Sean took it.






'Huh... obtained a new Arcana.' Sean commented.

"Oh, that's right!" Ryza exclaimed as she brought out her phone from her pocket "Lets exchange contact information."

Sean nodded to that.


Normal Alchemist: Can you see this?

The Fool: No, I most definitely cannot.

Normal Alchemist: Liar!!!


"Liar!!!" Ryza smiled as she typed the message in. "Anyway, I'll send the confirmation of the request to the Guild." She said as she sent it just now on her phone "Anyway, see you later!" She waved him a goodbye as she entered her Atelier.

After a moment of gathering his thoughts, Sean slapped his bag.

"You awake?" He asked Morgana.

"Nyaa~ Always..." The cat yawned "What... Are we... doing now..." The cat dozed off to sleep.

"Hmm... how about studying the different nations?" He muttered as he went towards his hotel and entered his room.

He went into the bath which increased his Charm and also when he was out of the bath he changed back into his clothes – minus his shoes and suit blazer – and laid down on his bed as he skimmed and scanned the internet about information about the four nations.

In summary: Lastation is a nation which runs on democracy and has government officials and even a prime minister in the cases that the CPU isn't present, like right now. Leanbox runs on the basis of aristocracy with nobility also being involved. Lowee runs on the basis of everyone being part of the same community with everyone sharing different roles but it also offers a great deal of freedom in terms of job options. Though, unlike the other nations the climate is cold and there is a lack of forced education with only few choosing to immerse themselves in the libraries which hold lots of information. Lastly, Planeptune runs on the basis of religion and either the CPU is ruling or the pope of the religion is ruling the country, and although it's a nation centred around belief in the religion they don't force the belief onto others and hence there are a lot of non-believers and believers residing in the same country. It's also famous for being the most technologically advanced.

"Hmm..." He murmured "Out of all of these options the go-to nation for me would be..." He paused "Either Lowee or Planeptune. Lowee because of the community sticking together, although a downside would be how my... 'job' would be hard and people point fingers if someone's done something they consider wrong which means that someone could become a social outcast easily if enough rumours spread quickly enough which it probably will. Planeptune seems alright because it seems to run like democracy except but handled by one force, however a downside would be the religious prattle and too much power to the religion itself." He examined. "Although out of the two, I guess I would choose... Planeptune." He decided.


"Hmm?" He muttered as his phone resonated.


Normal Alchemist: You there?

The Fool: I don't know, am I?

Normal Alchemist: You definitely are there...

The Fool: Anyway, what's up?

Normal Alchemist: Nothing. I just wanted to speak to you.

The Fool: ..We're typing though...

Normal Alchemist: Same thing!

The Fool: Eh, sure.



Normal Alchemist: Hey.

The Fool: ?

Normal Alchemist: When you have a problem what do you do?

The Fool: I analyse the problem and find a solution and proceed to follow through with the solution.

Normal Alchemist: What if you can't find a solution?

The Fool: There always is a solution, it's just a matter of whether you can find it or not; in other words, find it.


Normal Alchemist: Hey.

The Fool: Hey.

Normal Alchemist: Thank you.

The Fool: No problem. Oh, and here's another solution.

Normal Alchemist: A solution?

The Fool: If you need help, simply ask and I will be there.

Normal Alchemist: ...

Normal Alchemist: Thanks.

The Fool: No need for thanks.

Normal Alchemist: Your kind.

The Fool: Debatable but okay.

Normal Alchemist: No, your really kind. Actually, why do you call yourself a fool? Aren't fools supposed to be dumb or something?

The Fool: Why do you call yourself normal? Isn't to be normal supposed to be the standard or something?

Normal Alchemist: >:^( Muuu... Don't answer a question with a question!

Normal Alchemist: Actually to spite that I'll tell you why!

The Fool: Hello, I'm 10 years old.

Normal Alchemist: MUUUUUU

Normal Alchemist: I call myself normal because I desire not to stand out! To stand out means to be picked on!

Normal Alchemist: THERE! I SAID IT! YOUR TURN!

The Fool: I never agreed.

Normal Alchemist: Eh?!

The Fool: But I'll do so.

Normal Alchemist: You absolute troll.

The Fool: lol

The Fool: I name myself Fool because of the meanings behind the name.

Normal Alchemist: That your an idiot?

The Fool: Includes that too.

The Fool: Fools in the 22 arcanas which are part of the tarot decks represent ignorance and infinite potential. Therefore, I name myself as such to show that I'm always growing even if I'm ignorant of a situation.

Normal Alchemist: That's surpsingly deep. Nice to know you don't half-ass anything.

Normal Alchemist: surprisingly*

The Fool: Also I like it because it represents the Zeroth Arcana.

Normal Alchemist: 0?

The Fool: The Zeroth Arcana, a wildcard so to speak, means that whilst zero may represent nothing it also represents infinite potential to become something.


Normal Alchemist: Hey.

The Fool: Yeah?

Normal Alchemist: Thanks. Your a good listener.

The Fool: We typed though.


Normal Alchemist: Fine then! I'm going to sleep!

The Fool: G'night.

Normal Alchemist: Bye.


"That was interesting." Sean muttered.

"Agreed." Morgana muttered which made Sean raise an eyebrow.

"When did you wake up?" He asked his cat.

"Just now." It responded as it used it's tail to equip a pink ribbon around it's neck. The pink ribbon had a pink jewel – a camera – in the center.

"You going somewhere?" Sean asked Morgana.

"To scout Avenir." Morgana stated to which Sean nodded.

"Stay safe."



Chian: You there?

The Fool: No.

Chian: Ughhhh be more honest.

The Fool: I refuse.

Chian: Whyyyy tho

The Fool: Why not tho?

Chian: You know what nvm

The Fool: What'd you want?

Chian: ...

The Fool: Hello?

Chian: ...

The Fool: ..Did you eat something bad?

Chian: ...

The Fool: LE GASP It can't be... you stubbed your toe against a lego and fell out a window!

Chian: How did you reach that conclusion?!

The Fool: Or your constipated.

Chian: How?! Just how?!

The Fool: Anyway, what'd you want?

Chian: Don't ignore my question!

The Fool: I'm bout to fall asleep so get on with it.

Chian: Ugh... fine... What colour do you like more

Chian: Gold or Silver?

The Fool: Those are materials but I'd like to say that I prefer both.

Chian: If you could choose one.

The Fool: Gold because it's shiny and maybe silver because it's reflective.

Chian: Those are your reasons?! And I only said one!

The Fool: Typed one.

Chian: Whatever!

The Fool: Fine, gold because it represents first place and also wealth and wealth represents stuff like good fortune.

Chian: Now that's my philosophist assistant!

The Fool: I don't think that's a word.

Chian: Bringing philosophy even now!

The Fool: Its a dictionary not philosophy.

Chian: Same thing :P

The Fool: ...

The Fool: ...

Chian: A dictionary about philosophy.

Chian: A philosophic dictionary.

The Fool: ...

The Fool: ...

Chian: ..Did you fall asleep?

The Fool: Meh.

Chian: K bye!

The Fool: Cya.


"That was out of nowhere but okay..." Sean muttered "Why do I feel like a therapist?"

'Eh.' Arsène commented along with some of the other personas whilst Succubus and Messiah Picaro shook their heads in disappointment for some reason.

"Time to go to sleep..." Sean muttered.


"Fuck sake..."


Wind Walker1: You there?

The Fool: Please call again later after the beep.

The Fool: beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

Wind Walker1: I'm guessing that's a yes.

The Fool: No! Guess a No!

Wind Walker!: Anyway...

The Fool: Ah... forced into submission once again.

Wind Walker1: That sounds perverted for some reason.

The Fool: ...

Wind Walker1: Wait I take that back!

Wind Walker!: Ignore it please!!!

Wind Walker1: How do I delete?!

The Fool: >:^)

The Fool: Kukuku... Kuhahahahaha!

Wind Walker1: Noooooooo

(After tens of minutes of bullying Wind Walker1)

Wind Walker1: So cruel... Your the devil... evil... Satan...

The Fool: Don't worry, I haven't unlocked either Satan or Satanael as a persona yet.

Wind Walker1: ?

The Fool: Reference to a game, nvm.

Wind Walker!: Uhee, millennial.

The Fool: Your the millennial for not knowing.

The Fool: Anyway, what'd you want?

Wind Walker1: Oh right. You see I'm going on an important mission for the Guild soon and wondered if I could call your support skills for a bit.

The Fool: I should be available in 7 days.

Wind Walker1: Can't you make it quicker?

The Fool: I'll be there in 168 hours.

Wind Walker1: Oh great!


Wind Walker1: Wait... That's the same as 7 days!

The Fool: Tch. You noticed quick.

Wind Walker1: I guess you really are busy, huh...

The Fool: Yep.

The Fool: And Avenir's making it harder.

Wind Walker1: That company which somehow gained control over Lastation?

The Fool: The very same.

Wind Walker1: Sucks.

The Fool: Agreed.

The Fool: Don't remind me.

Wind Walker1: Why don't you move to Planeptune?

The Fool: Ara ara trying to seduce me?

Wind Walker1: Nooooo

Wind Walker1: You would just be really useful here.

The Fool: I'm useful everywhere, your point?

Wind Walker1: You would be useful to me here though.


The Fool: ..You sure your not trying to seduce me?

Wind Walker1: Its not like that! I sent that wrong! Redo!

The Fool: No.

The Fool: Anyway, I wanna explore all the nations before deciding where to settle down.

Wind Walker1: Fine...

The Fool: K bye.

Wind Walker1: Bye.






"Finally I can sleep..." Sean muttered as he closed his eyes.


"UWRRRRRRRY!" Sean shouted with a deadpan voice.


Wifey Collector: Are wifeys with purple hair better than wifeys with black hair?

The Fool: First, wifeys with purple hair; black hair is way too common.



Wifey Collector: K thanks bye.


'Accept it.' Messiah Picaro told Sean.

'I refuse! Not only did she almost kill me, she almost raped me because she thought I was a "wifey" even though I clearly have some male features!' Sean complained.

'Your hurting her feelings. She's trying to make up with you in the only way she knows how.' Succubus explained.

'Through wifey talk.' Arsène explained.

'Not cool he ho...' Jack Frost shook his head in disappointment.

'I thought you were better than that ho...' Jack O' Lantern shook his head in disappointment.

"Argh. Fine."


The Fool: Sorry for my behaviour.

Wifey Collector: I don't mind... I'm sorry for our first encounter.

The Fool: Lets make up and become friends?

Wifey Collector: Friends.

The Fool: Agreed.


The Fool: ...

The Fool: Eh sure.

The Fool: K gotta go sleep, bye.

Wifey Collector: Bye bye.


"Finally... Some good nights rest." He breathed a sigh as he began to finally sleep.