Fixing Things Before It's Too Late

Louis turned around and entered Marcus' suite. He had dealt with enough of Eleanor's behaviour. 

He had already put up with all her insults - regarding how he ruined her son's life and made him sin. How he wouldn't be here if he never met Louis, or how Louis was the devil.

'It was her way of dealing with this,' Louis had reasoned with himself.

'She's lost all her sense of rationality what with her son previously in critical condition.'

'Marcus nearly died, how could she be alright, she needed someone to blame for everything,' he also thought. 

And at the same time, he didn't know how to feel, or how to talk to her even. 

He never had a mother. She'd died before he was old enough to get to know her. 

His father? He was non-existent throughout his son's entire childhood.

He sat by Marcus' bedside, glancing at him every now and then.