Nicholas Picture-Style

Sophia stepped out of the car. 

She put her trembling hand in her pocket. Not now.

She took a deep breath.

Nicholas closed the car door for her, "You ready to go inside?"

Sophia stared at the palace. 

"I am," she mumbled.

She was about to enter the palace doors before they swung open. 

"Miss Sophia!" She heard someone yell with excitement. 

A grin immediately formed on her face.

She felt two tiny arms wrap around her waist.

"Hi Liv," she greeted, ruffling Liv's hair.

"Hi Sophia!" Liv greeted.

"Did you miss me? Did you miss me?" She asked, bouncing with excitement. 

Sophia's grin widened, "Of course I missed you!" 

"I missed you tons, because you're my favourite," Sophia said, giving Olivia a hug. 

Nicholas crossed his arms. He thought he was Sophia's favourite. 

He then realized who he was going up against.