'I Hope For Miss Sophia And My Brother To Get A Baby.'

"Coffee, black," Sophia ordered a butler. 

Nicholas looked fine for someone who was lacking sleep. But not Sophia. 

He gave her a curious look. 

"Oh please, I didn't get enough sleep, what with being woken up by the squeals of an excited little girl on the day of her birthday," Sophia said, looking irritated. 

"You know the birthday party's not until a couple hours," Nicholas said reassuringly. 

"Then what was I supposed to say to Olivia when she barged in your quarters to tell us it's her birthday, continue to sleep and ignore her adorable pleas for attention?" Sophia asked. 

"I know she's a little girl but... really," Sophia sighed.

"Does she even sleep?" Sophia asked Nicholas weakly. 

Nicholas shrugged, "I'd be surprised if she did." 

Sophia yawned, covering her mouth. She resisted the growing temptation to fall asleep right then and there.