What If She’d Never Taken Him Back?

"There's nothing else we can tell you sir."

"It was a miracle he woke up this soon, and without any symptoms," the nurse said to him, looking just as surprised as he was. 

Louis had thought this was too good to be true - that their had to be some downfall to this. 

It turned out he was wrong. 

"And you're a hundred percent certain?" He asked the nurse in charge of Marcus. 

She nodded. 

"I am."

"Have you made sure?" Louis asked nervously. 

"What does his doctor have to say?"

The nurse stared at him. 

"Sir, if I brought the doctor over he'd have the same things to say," she explained calmly. 

"There's no explanation to this, but you shouldn't be too worried," she assured.

"There are simply some miracles in medicine that can't be explained," she added. 

Louis pursed his lips, "I suppose so." 

She curtsied before she left.