Perfect Couple Isn't So Perfect After All

Blaine and Clarisse made an amazing couple. 

Everyone could see that. 

Whenever they were with each other it was like they were in a whole other dimension. Like it was just the two of them in the room. 

It was obvious the two were madly in love. It was maddening. 

When Oliver thought back to every moment the two of them were together… it was all sunshine, rainbows and butterflies. Like a damn romance novel. 

He wished to find someone that'd make him feel that same way. He wished to find someone that'd make him the way he felt whenever he was around her. Whenever he was around Clarisse. 

And Oliver didn't want to admit it, but he was rooting for them. He was secretly rooting for them to get their happily ever after. 

Even if he hated the fact someone else made Clarisse happy, and that someone else managed to make her the happiest woman in the world… at the end of the day, she was content. She was happy with Blaine, and not him.