If Perfect Was A Clown, They’d Be A Whole Damn Circus

"Clarisse?" Sophia asked confusedly. 

She had to turn around to see for herself. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Sophia yelled from one side of the beach.

"I'M HERE TO TALK TO YOU!" Clarisse answered. 

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Sophia questioned, crinkling her nose. 

Clarisse said even louder, "I SAID, I CAME HERE TO TALK TO YOU!" 

"OH!" Sophia exclaimed. 

She glanced at Nicholas.

He nodded, "Go ahead." 

She chuckled before she rushed over to the side of the beach to Clarisse's side.

"You better have a valid reason for interrupting our bonfire date, Claire," Sophia said sternly. 

Clarisse apologized for crashing their date so unexpectedly before she asked, "Could we go somewhere else to talk?" 

Sophia placed a hand on her hip.

"Is this place not private enough?" 

Clarisse took a look at everything around her.