I’m Not A Tight Ass


It's a complicated thing on its own.

You reach the end of your life, sometimes you're ready, sometimes you're not. 

Sometimes you know it's coming, that it's approaching you and just about to sneak up on you. 

But most of the time, it creeps up on you unexpectedly, using the element of surprise to its advantage.

Just when you least expect it, when you're beginning to live or have something to live for... 

Death finds you and takes you with it.

You'd think royals have a longer lifespan than most, since they have access to the finest foods and the best of medical care. That and how they lived an amazing, no, lavish lifestyle.

That they outsmart death simply because they have access to what most others don't.

But that, as a matter of fact, is wrong. 

It was what fate had planned for everyone.

To live a life before dying.

It was the harsh reality of the world.