Missed Kisses

"So when are you popping the question?" Clarisse asked enthusiastically. 

"You aren't asking anytime soon, are you?" 

"Because that's not much time to plan for the celebration. Especially the bachelor and bachelorette parties," Clarisse said, her eyes twinkling with excitement. 

She was beyond excited for her dear friend, and the next milestone of his life. Louis had expected this, except she was more enthusiastic than he imagined.

For Clarisse, this was the perfect distraction. Not only did she get to take part in party planning, she got to constantly think about something other than her crumbling relationship. This couldn't have come at a better time. 

Louis nodded, "I'm not planning on asking him anytime soon, that's for sure." 

"But I've already picked it out," he said, referring to the contents of the box he held tightly in his hand. 

"Do you think he'll say yes?" Louis asked. 

Sophia and Clarisse both glared at him.