"I need your help," Clarisse said to Oliver. 

Oliver asked her, "With what?"

She pouted, tears filling her eyes as she took a look around. She ushered him into her quarters. 

Without saying a single word, Oliver rushed to grab her a box of tissues. 

He handed her the box and Clarisse thanked him, plopping down on her seat afterwards. 

Oliver stroked her back, watching as her tears fell. 

Pieces of his heart chipped away as he watched. It was painful, seeing Clarisse like this. And worse, he didn't know why. 

He asked, "Want to talk about this?" 

She met his gaze and sniffled, "Promise you won't judge?"

Confused as to what she was referring to, Oliver promised he wouldn't judge anything she told him.

"So, what's up?" Oliver asked. 

"It's Blaine," Clarisse said. 

"I have to break up with him." 

"And… I'm not ready." 

Oliver's heart sank. 

She was going to break up with Blaine.