Could You… Stay Here Until I Fall Asleep?

Of all the people Clarisse could've seeked comfort from… she chose Oliver. 

Imagine Oliver's surprise when he was just about to fall asleep, only to hear some knocking coming from his door. 

Wondering who could want to see him this late at night, he opened the door, only to find a sniffling Clarisse. 

"Clarisse?" He tilted his head to the side, examining her face. 

"Come in," he beckoned, wrapping his arm around her. 

"Want me to get you a blanket or something?" He asked - Clarisse hadn't spoken a single word by then. 

She nodded, sitting down on the couch, watching Oliver rush to get her a blanket from one of his quarter's cabinets. 

Wrapping a blanket around her torso, he asked, "So, you must've come through with it, huh?" 

Clarisse nodded, biting her lip. She was done, she'd broken up with her boyfriend of years.