Fade's p.o.v
"I heard the word parents.....Fade....are you going to have children?" He ran over to me sounding excited.
"Uh, we were, talking about, Kendal's parents." I tried to act cool about it.
"No....I've been snooping around all day. I already know." Lord Death crossed his arms.
"Know what?" I asked innocently.
"I'm going to be a grandpa!" He pulled off his mask and dropped it to the floor and smiled at me, pulling me up into a hug.
"Damn it! Well that didn't take long for the secret to get out." I muttered.
"Lord Death! It's girls night! OUT!" Noire pushed him out of the room and tossed his mask out the door and slammed it shut in his face.
"YOU'RE NOT A GIRL!!!!" Noire shouted at the closed door.
"NO DAD!" I giggled and laid back on the bed.
"SHE SAID NO SO NO!" Noire added on.
"GO WATCH A MOVIE DOWNSTAIRS!" Noire suggested. "OR INVITE- Oh wait...They're in Italy."
"GO FIND BLAIR!" I shouted and heard my dad storm away.
"KID! LET ME JOIN THE BOY CIRCLE!" Well now I know where the boys are....
"We should prank the boys tonight when they fall asleep."
"I'll get the tar, you get the feathers." Noire giggled.
"GOT IT!" I giggled. Noire sat down next to me and we played truth or dare until 11 pm.
"Are we really going to get them?" Noire asked me looking at the alarm clock.
"If you want to." I whispered.
"Let's get them." Noire giggled. She got up and ran out of the room and down the hall. I followed her down the hall and the girls came along with us. She went outside to the electric box and unlocked it with the key and flickered the power switch, making the lights flicker inside the house and turned it off after a few seconds. "Now, here is what we are going to do."
Kid's p.o.v.
The lights flickered a few times and then went out, submerging us boys in darkness. "KENDAL! I'M SCARED OF THE DARK!" Charles shouted in fear and started crying.
"Shhh, I'm right here." I heard him sooth.
"What the heck is wrong with the power?" I wondered out loud.
"We should go check on the girls." Black Star said worry in his voice.
"Well I doubt it is anything serious." Dave suggested.
"If it was then Maka would be texting me any minute now." Soul said sounding sure of it.
"Well...what if her phone is dead?" Black Star said.
"Then her phone is dead." Soul said.
"Hey you don't think it could be Alexander and Thomas do you?" Cori suggested. Soul's phone lit up from a text and he picked it up and read it, his face changing from curiosity to horror.
"MAKA!" He stood up and went over to the door.
"Soul don't go by yourself!" I yelled. "We need to stick together!"
"I'M SAVING MY GIRL! I'M NOT WAITING ON YOU SLOW PEOPLE!" I heard the door slam shut and Soul running down the hallway and a scream that was muffled towards the end.
"What did I tell him." I muttered and stood up. "Whelp, I am gonna go look for Noire." I grabbed Black Star by his shirt and dragged him towards the door.
"Coming with you bro." The other guys said in unison and followed me out the door. We walked down the hall in the dark and Cori was hugging himself in fear.
"Guys....what if a Kishin invaded?" He asked. "The girls and Soul could be DEAD."
"I bet it is Alexander and Thomas seeking revenge." Kyle said trying to scare Cori even more.
"I thought the box to the grid was locked...." Black Star mentioned. "Those two wouldn't have a key. This is something weird...."
"You never know, they could have stolen the key while we weren't watching them."
"We've got the girls and Soul. We're coming for one of you next. Choose your sacrifice well," a voice echoed throughout the house, one I had never heard before.
"AHHHHH KISHIN!!!!!!!!!!!" Cori yelled and ran away from us.
"No! CORI!!!!" Kyle shouted and looked at us.
"He's a dead man." Black Star shrugged.
"WE HAVE TO GO AFTER HIM!!!!" We heard a scream and then creepy laughter throughout the house.
"Onnnnne....twoooo. We're coming for you.......Three.....four. Check the doors....." The voice faded away, leaving us to panic.
"What does he mean check the doors brother?" Charles asked sounding scared.
"Check the doors!!!!!" Dave yelled and looked around checking the doors. One of them was open and had glowing yellow looking eyes watching us. "AHHHHHHHH!" Dave yelled as he was pulled into the room the door he checked and the door slammed closed. The lock clicked and we heard a sickening slash from the other side then silence.
"We're going to have fun with these precious little lambs...." The voice echoed then Fade's scream pierced the silence and Black Star's eyes widened.
"FADE! DAMN YOU! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!" The voice laughed evilly.
"Fiiiiiive.....six. Light the candlesticks...." The voice laughed again. I grabbed the near by candlesticks and lit them with my lighter and handed them to the boys as I gave us all one. There were blood stains all over the walls and shreds of red stained fabric here and there on the floor. The pictures were crooked and some of the end tables were knocked over. A broken vase was on the floor spilling out white roses with red droplets. I spotted Fade's engagement ring on the floor with blood on it and a little bit of black hair lay by it. There was a red smear that looked suspiciously like a handprint the size of Noire's hand on the wall along with the mess. Charles screamed in terror at what was around us. Black Star's fists were clenched as he picked up the ring and put it in his pocket, his face set like stone and completely unreadable. I walked over to the handprint and shook in anger.
"YOU BASTARDS!!!!!!!! MY NOIRE BETTER BE ALIVE OR YOUR GONNA GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!" The candles were blown out in that second and Charles screamed and we heard another sickening slash not too far off from where Charles had been standing.
"CHARLES!? YOU SICK BASTARDS! CHARLES WAS JUST A CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kendal yelled and his tone wasn't to happy.
"Seveeeeen....eight. It's too late." The voice said calmly.
"Too late?" I yelled. "YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THIS!" I started to run down the hall but was stopped by Kendal.
"I am not loosing you." Kendal said. Noire's screams echoed off the walls at that very moment.
"NOIRE!" I yelled and my heart skipped a beat. "SHOW YOURSELVES! YOU SICK ANIMALS!" I hit the wall hard and screamed out of anger.
"Niiiiiine....ten. How fun this is." The voice laughed darkly. I took in a deep breath. Damn there are people dying everywhere. "Kyyyyle...." The hall started feeling moist and fog was everywhere.
"Why did it say my name?" Kyle said in fear and I ran over to him and pulled him behind me.
"YOU WILL NOT TAKE HIM!!!!!!" I yelled. There was that sound....that terrible sound of someone being cut behind me and evil laughter filled the house as there was a thud behind me. I turned around quickly, but there was nothing there. "KYLE!!!!" I yelled out for him. There was no answer and Black Star stepped up next to me along with Kendal and we formed a triangle. "SHOW YOURSELF COWARD!" I yelled.
"Keeeeendeeel, your brother has a message for you.....He says hi and see you soon." The voice told us, echoing it off the walls.
"KENDAL HELP ME!" Charles' voice yelled.
"I can summon any ghost I want and have them replay their last thoughts out loud. How does it feel Kendal? To let down everyone, including your brother. In the end you didn't save Fade and Noire, you brought them home to a far worse doom. How does it feel?" The voice asked tauntingly.
"COME AND GET ME!" Kendal yelled and looked at Black Star then I. "YOUR NOT GONNA LIKE IT WHEN YOU TRY TO TAKE ME!"
"Kendal....you have ten seconds. Then I come for you. Prepare yourself." The voice said and laughed evilly.
"COME AND GET HIM, COWARD!" I yelled and grabbed Kendal by the hand. "I got you and your not gonna go anywhere." The lights flickered and we saw Charles with blood all over his neck and dribbling down his chin as he took steps toward us with a dead look in his eyes and his clothes were bloodstained too. We caught glimpses of him, and the light stopped flickering and we heard Kendal scream just as Charles should have reached us and Kendal was ripped from me and we heard a sickening crunch and then silence. I grabbed Black Star and ran for it down the hall towards my father's study.
"Kiiiiiid...." The voice called. "Would you like to hear Noire's last thoughts in this world?"
"F*** YOU!" I yelled and pushed Black Star under my dad's desk and grabbed a few books and got under it with him.
"Reunited in Death....How sweet that was of me to reanimate Charles long enough to take his precious Kendal with him."
"Don't listen to these idiots." I whispered to Black Star. He nodded and listened intently for any footsteps. The fire in my dad's fireplace was lit up at that moment and a shadow that looked very much like Noire's broken shadow fell across the floor and then disappeared in that instant. "Noire?" I took in a deep breath. Noire's ring I gave her clattered to the floor in front of me with blood stains all over the three white stripes in it and the evil voice laughed darkly.
"I've killed your little lamps, listened to their precious screams. It.....was very....very satisfying." The voice chuckled again. "Especially the brides to be."
"YOUR GONNA PAY FOR IT TO!" I yelled. "THE MEAL AINT FOR FREE." I got out from under the table and ran towards the door slinging it open. Glowing yellow eyes met mine and stared into my soul then disappeared. The fire in the fireplace blew out and I heard Black Star muttering things about Fade. "WHERE ARE YOU!?" I yelled storming out the room not scared anymore prepared to meet the guy and punch him. A hand clamped over my mouth from behind with a rag in their hand and everything went dark just as I heard the sickening sound of a slash.
When I woke up, I found myself tied up in a room lighted by candlelight and had a gag in my mouth. Noire was propping her feet up on a desk with a microphone and a whole set of systems and she had her back turned to me. "Blaaaaaaaack Staaaar." I heard her say and heard the microphone change her voice to that evil voice that had been taunting me and the boys. SOOOO EVIL! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH HER? AND IM ENGAGED TO THAT GIRL. "We've killed the unkillable. What makes you think you are going to survive to wreak revenge for your little lamb?" Noire said as she looked at the computer screens she had all over the desk with surveillance of every inch of the house. Black Star was walking through the halls by himself with a confident angry way of walking. Noire glanced at me and smiled sweetly and waved. Was this all a prank? "Two steps to the right and you'll find a light switch. Don't worry. It'll work. Why would I lie to you?" Black Star looked around skeptically and then flipped on the switch and screamed as he saw Fade's body lying in the floor with her hair matted in blood and gashes all over her. Her white shirt was bloodstained and still being soaked. Noire winked at me. What the hell is wrong with these girls? Noire turned off the microphone and whispered into a mouthpiece she had on the desk. "Now Fade." Fade slowly rose to a sitting position and looked at Black Star blankly.
"Why are you still here?"
"Fade?! Oh my god! How?! Did that bastard reanimate you too! I'LL KILL YOU YOU BASTARD YOU HEAR ME!" He looked around as he shouted it and Noire giggled as she took the gag out of my mouth.
"The microphones off so this can come off until I deam it necessary to say something." Noire smiled at me.
"You girls are sick." I laughed. "Great prank."
"Black Star, run." Black Star paled on the screen and stared at Fade with wide eyes and took off down the hall. Fade giggled when she was out of hearing and got up throwing a black cloak over herself and chased after him. Noire flipped a switch and the lights went out that she had turned on for this effect.
"Alright. Gag time." Noire looked at me and grabbed the gag again. I shook my head and let her. Noire smiled at me and grabbed the voice changing microphone and turned it on.
"Oneeeeee.....two. Fade's coming for you. Threeee....four. Better shut that door-" Noire said as he ran into a room- "Fiiiiiive....six. Say your prayers...Seveeeen....eight. She has a thirst she can't sate...Niiiiine....ten. She's back again." Noire turned off the microphone and took the gag out of my mouth and set it on the desk and made the lights in the room that Black Star was in flicker as Fade slowly approached him. Black Star screamed in terror and backed up against a wall.
"AHHHHHH!" Noire turned off the flickering lights and looked at me.
"And that, Kid, is the end of the prank."
"Well, now we know he will love her through death and beyond the grave."
"Eh true." Noire giggled and turned the lights back on to normal throughout the house and studied the screen with Fade and Black Star. She had him pinned up against the floor and was kissing him romantically. "Ew! I don't want to see that!" Noire slammed the screen shut. "That's their own business." Noire shivered and then looked at me. "Want out of that rope?"
"Yes miss killer." I smirked. Noire got down in front of me and untied the rope and smiled at me sweetly. I got to my feet and picked her up carrying her over to the door and walked out going to my bedroom. "You naughty girl." I said softly.
"Oops." Noire bit her lip. "Should've made Liz come untie you but she's too busy with Dave....I guess there was no way out of untying you myself then...."
"You went wrong playing that horrible trick on us boys." I walked into my bedroom with her and shut the door locking it then pressed her back up against it and kissed her deeply. She kissed back as she wrapped her arms around me and I felt the warm metal of the engagement ring against my neck from where Noire wore it. She must have put it back on while I was out. I smiled and laughed softly. "You scared me so bad." I told her and carried her over to the bed and laid her down laying down on her between her legs and kissed her neck biting it softly.
"Ah, Kid." She shifted a little nervously under me and rested her hands on my back, not daring to move me. I grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head with one hand and used my other hand to keep upper half up so I wouldn't put all my weight on her and I looked into her eyes.
"You weirdo." She giggled and looked up into my eyes.
"I love you Noire." I said softly and kissed her then moved off her knowing my limits with her and laid down under the covers shutting my eyes. "Now we should rest since tomorrow is a big day."
"Love you Kid. Sorry if it traumatized you, but we thought it was hilarious." Noire giggled and snuggled up to me.
"I'm fine now." I whispered and closed my eyes resting my head on hers.
"Ok, goodnight." Noire whispered back.
"Good night."
Fade's p.o.v.
Black Star rolled us over on the floor and kissed me deeply. "Don't," kiss "ever" kiss" do" kiss "that again" kiss and a little growl to go with it. I blushed and kissed him back running my fingers through his hair.
"I can't promise you I won't." I giggled.
"Good....I love you Fade." He murmured as he kissed my neck.
"I love you to." I blushed and looked away.
"Come on. My bachelor party is over and you girls have had waaaay too much fun." He stood up and picked me up, slipping my engagement ring back on my finger.
"Oh um, we can't sleep together tonight." I smiled.
"What do you mean?" He froze.
"It would ruin my believes Black Star." I stuck out my tongue.
"F-fine." He set me down on my feet. "I'll get you back for this little prank on our honeymoon."
"Huh? I wonder what you mean by that..." I walked away thinking it over. When I got back to my room, Noire wasn't in there and the TV was still playing Black Butler from where Noire had left it on like she meant to come back. I shut it off and Thomas hopped into the bed as I laid down feeling drained. I closed my eyes and fell asleep in mere seconds.
My alarm went off and I sat up looking at my phone and smiled getting out of bed and walked into my closet and looked at the wedding dress and sighed. Thomas ran in and rubbed up against my feet.
"Today is the big day." I told Thomas and he froze up flicking his tail. "I'm getting married." I held my stomach. This uneasy feeling washed over me. I'm getting cold feet. I shook my head wanting to be held by Black Star but I can't risk it. My believes are sacred. I walked into my bathroom and took a shower, a looooong hot shower. After avoiding the water on my wounds half the time I got out and dried off. I brushed my teeth twice before realizing I was starting to brush them a third time and put the tooth brush and past down. I sighed and looked at my reflecting in the mirror and fell to the ground. I'M PALE! I cant get married like this. I curled up wrapping myself up with the towel. I laid down in the middle of the bathroom and closed my eyes. The bathroom door flung open and dad walked in.
"What are you doing in the floor?" He asked me and I looked up at him. "Are you getting cold feet?" He asked and I nodded. "Don't feel that way! I'm gonna be right by you the whole way. Now get up and go get that dress on so I can help you with your makeup." He smiled and I nodded as he helped me up and threw me into the closet. Ok he didn't throw, more like shoved and locked me in. I put on the wedding dress and heels, the amazing white laced tights. I put on the other accessories that went with it and walked out to him and he smiled and done my hair putting it up in a stylish bun held together by a white rose clip and done my make up lightly then walked me out to my bedroom where my brides maids were waiting in their dressed and a box was on my bed. Where is Noire? I glanced around and looked at my dad. "She is getting everyone seated she will be up here when it is time for you to walk down." He told me and I nodded.
"Fade you look so gorgeous!!!!" Liz told me and I blushed.
"What about Black Star?" I asked. "He didn't run off in fear has he?" Tsubaki shook her head no. I heard someone approach the door and knocked.
"It's me Kid." Kid said and Patti let him in. He walked over to me and hugged me. "Whoa Fade, I am speechless."
"Can someone go get me something to eat before I die from nervousness." I wined.
"Guess I will." Kid laughed and left.
"I bet he brings cookies." Liz said.
"I bet so to!" Tsubaki giggled and I sat down on the bed and looked at the box.
"What's this?"
"Oh that? That is your robe hun." My dad said and opened the box pulling it out. The thing looked like it would go on forever. It was see through flowered lace and it matched my tights and the rose in my head. Why do I feel like flowers are gonna be everywhere? Wait....
"Dad... The wedding is out back isn't it?" He nodded. WELL THAT EXPLAINS WHY I'M STILL HERE. WHAT'S UP WITH THIS WHOLE STARVE THE PREGNANT BRIDE??????????? I walked over to the window wanting to catch a sight of the back yard but I was yanked back.
"WHAT IF HE SAW YOU!" My dad reminded me. "I am not up to last minute dress arrangements."
"I'm back." Kid walked in with a plate of freshly baked cookies.
"Told you." Liz shouted.
"You girls called it." Tsubaki said.
"YUMMY!!!!!!!!" I ran over to them just as my dad knocked them out of Kid's hands and they fell to the floor.
"SHE'S PREGNANT SHE NEEDS TO EAT HEALTHY- Why are you looking at me like that?" I was currently glaring at my dad.
"YOU. RUINED MY COOKIES! I AM A STARVING PREGNANT BRIDE DAD!" The door opened and Soul grabbed Kid pulling him out the room saying something about Black Star needed him. The door opened again and Noire walked in.
"Hey, I brought some cookies for you! Kind of figured you would be starving with these crazy people watching you." Noire giggled and had them in a Ziploc bag. "Here ya go." Noire handed them over and smiled at me.
"Your a life savior." I smiled and grabbed the bag and munched away.
"How is it looking out there?" My dad asked.
"Oh! It's time! I forgot to say that....Oops. Yeah, Black Star is waiting and we are supposed to walk downstairs to the back door. Ok girls, remember, you have to make sure that Fade's hoodie thingy doesn't get to dirty and hold it up for her. Lord Death, you make sure she doesn't trip. Fade, make sure you marry Black Star. And let's go. Pretty sure Soul dragged Kid downstairs to meet up with me." Noire walked over to the door and opened it.
"One final touch." My dad cleaned off my cookie crumbs from my face and took the bag then put another light pink coat of lip gloss on my lips and then nodded at Noire. "Go on ahead. We will be ten seconds behind for a dramatic affect."
"Ok." Noire nodded and started going out and downstairs to where Kid waited to walk out there with her since how they were both honor whatevers. Lord Death put the cap on me and the girls got the back of it and Lord Death escorted me down to the back doors and signaled for the boys to open it when I nodded and took in a deep breath. The doors opened and I looked around as we walked out and the piano started playing, flower girls were just getting done walking down the aisle and I gasped at the flowers everywhere falling from my entrance. I seen Black Star looking at me in his tux and a bright smile on his face. The ring boy was changed out to be Charles. I looked around at the crowd and seen two souls I thought wouldn't make it. Stein and Spirit? Yep. I smiled and walked down the aisle with my father and couldn't help but to smile. When I reached Black Star at the end of the stairs my dad handed me over and kissed my cheek and I took Black Star's hand.
"Worth the wait?" I asked him softly.
"A thousand times over." He mumbled as he helped me up to him and we stood in front of a priest. The maids stood by my maid of honor and the piano stopped playing and everything got quiet. The priest smiled and began what he had to say. When he got to the end of it and no one objected, he turned to me.
"Do you, Fade Death, take Black Star to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Black Star smiled at me and stared into my eyes. I took in a deep breath as I looked deep into his and for a second I forgot about everyone in the room and thought over my answer and looked at the priest taking a long pause.
"I do." The priest smiled and looked at Black Star.
"And do you, Black Star, take Fade Death to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Black Star smiled brightly.
"I do." The priest closed his book.
"Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." He took a step back and Black Star took a step toward me and leaned in, sealing it with a kiss as he put the wedding ring on me and himself. I froze up and then kissed him back and grabbed his arm feeling a bit dizzy. Black Star stopped and swept me off of my feet and carried me back down the aisle. People cheered us on and some were laughing as he took me to the dining room where they had set up the reception area and sat me down at the table and smiled at me. I blushed and leaned in giving him a soft kiss. Black Star pulled away laughing a little and handed me the knife to cut the cake with him when everyone came in and took a seat.
"You took a little bit," he whispered.
"Sorry?" I bit my bottom lip.
"You're so cute." He laughed and cut the cake with me and made sure that everyone got a piece after setting ours aside. I grabbed his plate and grabbed a fork getting some icing and smiled.
"Mr Star?" I asked and giggled. He looked at me.
"Hmm Mrs. Star?" I smeared the icing on him.
"AHHHHH! I'VE BEEN GOT!" He laughed and wiped a little bit of it off of his face and licked it off of his finger. "Tastes good though. FACE CAKE IS THE BEST EVER!" He laughed and looked at me. "You should try it."
"Oh no, I am good with this cake right here." I started eating his cake. His jaw dropped and he stole my piece.
"That was mine Mrs. Star."
"I am the one that needs the bigger piece, I have to think about the baby you know."
"Well, you need to eat healthy too. Things like oranges and salads. Besides, I thought I gave you the bigger piece. You just wanted mine."
"True." I laughed and looked at the wedding cake, what was left of it and looked at the little bride and groom on the top. My dad.... Weird. I looked around the room and blushed to see some taking pictures of us, like Kid and my father mostly. Noire was calmly pretending like she didn't know Kid and was looking away from him every time he went to take a picture even though he had her sitting right next to him. I giggled and looked down at my lap shaking my head. My dad stood up and hit his glass with a fork while clearing his throat and the room got silent.
"I would like to make a toast, here is to my beautiful daughter, and princess, Fade Star and her husband Black Star. Let their next ten years be a successful blast of fun and adventure." He smiled at tilted his glass towards me and others followed. I picked up my glass and Black Star followed. "To the newly weds."
"TO THE NEWLY WEDS." Everyone said besides Black Star and I. We drank to the toast and I leaned over kissing Black Star on the cheek. He laughed and looked at me.
"Hmmm....adventure....check...Fun, double check," he whispered to me.
"You scare me." I whispered and bit my bottom lip. My dad hit his glass again. The room got silent and looked at him.
"This one isn't a toast, I just want to say... the food is served. Chinese! I cooked it, for my daughter." He bowed and sat down. He was sitting at a table with Stein and Spirit who were sliding deep into their chairs. Waiters brought out the food and I gasped as my mouth watered. One of them came over to us and set our plates in front of us and bowed then walked over to serve the others. I looked over at Black Star then started eating. My dad planned this out for wayyyyy too long if you ask me. After the reception was over, the people left and Noire got up and ripped the pins out of her hair and ruffled it up.
"Oh my gosh this makes me hate weddings." Noire sighed and looked over at me. "So...see ya in two weeks then."
"Noire." I ran over to her after kicking off the deadly heels and hugged her tightly. "I'm gonna miss you! Knowing Black Star he is gonna destroy my way of communications so... KID IF I COME BACK AND SHE IS NOT THE SAME I WILL MURDER YOU." Noire laughed and kissed my cheek.
"What could he do to me in two weeks? I'm more worried about YOU Mrs. Star." She giggled and hugged me.
"When I get back we are sooooo running away." I giggled.
"If you say so. I don't think Lord Death is going to let you run away with a baby." Noire laughed and passed me back to Black Star.
"Your right." I nodded and hugged Kid, Stein, Spirit, Liz, Patti, Kyle, Cori, Kendal, Dave, Soul, Maka, Tsubaki, Charles, then walked up to my dad thinking I got everyone else. "So ummm... This is good bye for two weeks?" I asked him and pulled him into a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around me and laughed.
"Yeah, for two weeks. Have fun in Japan with Black Star." He kissed the top of my head and gave me back to Black Star who picked me up and toted me out of the room after giving his bros fist bumps and out to the car where our bags were packed.
"So Mrs. Star, ready or not. Here we go." Thomas was in a pet carrier and meowed when he saw me.
"Hi boy." I waved at him and looked into Black Star's eyes. "I think I am ready."
"Good." He leaned in and gave me a kiss then went around and got in the drivers and took us to the airport.