Noire's p.o.v.
I was at the window watching Fade leave with Black Star when they finally disappeared from my sight. Well....there she goes....for two weeks.... I turned around and looked behind me at Lord Death and nodded. "Their gone." I wiped at my eyes to keep myself from crying.
"Aw don't cry Noire it is only for two weeks." Kid told me as he walked up. Lord Death started laughing and walking away. His laugh sounded like he was up to something. Kid looked over at him and then back at me. "I promise."
"M-mkay....What's your dad doing besides being creepy?" I walked over to Kid, away from the window and watched Lord Death.
"He is going into his study to talk business with Stein, Spirit, Maka, and Soul.."
"Hmmm....What about?" I looked up at Kid and then back at Lord Death's retreating figure.
"I don't know." Kid followed his dad immediately.
"So we are going to eavesdrop on them?" I asked following him.
"Hm?" He rested his head against the door and as soon as he did Spirit pulled open the door.
"Come in Kid and Noire." Lord Death told us. Kid stood up from the fall and walked in dusting himself off.
"O-ok." I followed him in and Spirit shut the door behind us. Maka looked over at me and gave a smile.
"Now that most of us are here." Lord Death began. "Stein and Spirit your off the European case." Stein nodded and Spirit's jaw dropped.
"Why sir!" Spirit asked.
"I need you here for more important matters." Lord Death explained. "I done told Stein. He didn't tell you?"
"I was working at it Sir." Stein muttered.
"Tell him."
"We need to stay here and investigate Medusa." Stein explained to Sprit.
"Maka, I am putting Soul and you on the European case." Lord Death said to her.
"Why us sir?" Maka asked.
"Your not that busy." Lord Death looked at Kid and I. "We are going to be busy planning your wedding. You don't mind right?" As soon as I heard the word wedding, I was headed to the door to go to my room and lock it.
"Wait!" Stein grabbed me. "I have to ask you a question." I looked up at him and nodded.
"Ask away."
"Will you help Spirit and I investigate the nurse?"
"APSOLUTLY N-" Kid was cut off.
"It would help me a lot because it wouldn't look as suspicious if a chil- teen- student comes into the nurses office all the time asking weird questions to get to know their favorite nurse better." I bit my bottom lip and looked down at my shoes. But wasn't there something about Medusa? A reason I needed to sta- Nah. Not really. Besides, it's DWMA. What can she do to me there? I looked up at Kid and then at Lord Death and then back at Stein.
"Sure, I can do that. What kind of questions?"
"I will make index cards for you by Monday- by tomorrow. So on Tuesday."
"Index cards? That is waaaaay suspicious." I shook my head.
"That's why you will memorize the questions by... Wednesday?"
"F-fine. How many are there?"
"I haven't made them yet."
"Can I have an idea?" I looked up into his eyes.
"Twenty questions every other day."
"Ouch," I said as I pulled away. "Damn it and I already said yes."
"Kid can help you." Lord Death suggested. "When he is not busy planning with me and training with the girls."
"Mkay." I smiled at Kid and walked back over to him again.
"Fine, I'll do it." Kid smiled and kissed the top of my head. I giggled and kissed him back on his lips and wrapped my arms around him.
"Ok. Maka and Soul you should be on your way by the next two hours. Good luck." Lord Death told them. I smiled at them and went over to Maka and gave her a hug.
"Have fun. I think there might be someone there who you would like to see." I whispered to her and glanced at Soul.
"Here is the case folder I designed for you two." Lord Death handed it over to Soul.
"Cool, a case folder." He took it and handed it to Maka and they walked out to go pack. I waved after them and then looked at Lord Death and Kid as Stein and Spirit walked out to go make questions. Lord Death looked at us two.
"Hmmm this means no planning for a little bit. Have fun you two." He waved us out the room.
"What? You were so set on it like....three minutes ago." I mumbled. Good, I don't have to plan my doom yet.
"I have bigger problems like an infestation to take care of."
"Like rats?" I wrinkled up my nose. We don't have rats in the house do we?
"No, like Medusa."
"Oh...thought you were going to let Stein and Spirit worry about it since how you can't do anything until there is evidence of her being a witch." I shrugged.
"Yeah but I am worried so I am going to be watching this case like a hawk."
"Great! You do that." I smiled at him and looked at Kid. "Come on, let's leave him to turn into a hawk."
"Yeah." Kid pulled me out the room and off to the livingroom. Sighing I looked at the mess from the wedding.
"Great, big mess to clean up....and I had to get up early to get all the strawberry syrup and ketchup off the walls."
"No worries we are going to call a maids service." I looked over at Kid.
"Oh? You mean I don't need to clean this up then? Good, because that prank almost got me in trouble with your dad when he saw it."
"Yeah. It is no big deal. Lord Death is probably already calling them."
"Mkay, so what are we- wanna play chess? Winner can get what they want from the loser?" I smiled and sat down on the couch.
"Sure. I will win." He sat down by me. I got up and got the chess game off of the shelf and came back, starting to set it up.
"You seem so sure of yourself."
"Oh I am positive."
"Is that the reason you are willing to play with those rules?"
"Yeah." He shrugged.
"Well, too bad. I'm going to win." I smirked and put the last piece in it's place.
"You wish." Kid sat up straighter and looked at the board game.
"No, you wish. You want what you can't have." I giggled and chose white, moving first.
"Well we will just see who will win." He made his move. Damn it, that was a good move....but not good enough. We played through the game and we both had some close calls, but in the end, I came out on top.
"Hah! I win." I looked over at him and smirked.
"Pttf, I let you win." He shrugged.
"Yeah right. Go make me cookies. That's what I want."
"Sure." He left me going into the kitchen and started fixing the cookies while reading a cook book. I watched him from the couch and giggled. Free cookies! Hah! Told him I would win!
"You can always have a rematch after you make those cookies. To get you dignity back." I told him from the couch as I moved the pieces back to their starting position. "Unless your scared you'll lose again and have to do something else for me."
"I don't want another round. I don't need a game to get what I want from you." He looked over his shoulder at me and winked. A cold feeling went through me and I shivered. He wouldn't..... He walked back into the living room towards me with a plate of cookies when he finished and handed them to me. "They may not be as good as Fade's but they will do."
"Thanks Kid!" I smiled at him and moved my feet to let him sit next to me. He sat down and turned on the TV to Black Butler and curled up to one of the pillows on the couch.
"Your welcome." I smiled and leaned over giving him a kiss on his cheek and then started munching on my cookies, watching Sebastian in Houndsworth. Kid fell asleep about twenty minutes into the second episode.
"Well then....Maybe I should get him back for that cocky attitude of his." I smirked and went to the kitchen, grabbing the dumpster keys and went back into the living room. He had got up and was currently walking upstairs to his room. "Damn it. I wanted him to wake up in the dumpster." I narrowed my eyes and slowly followed him. What should I do now to get him back? Tease him or something? When he went into his room, I sighed and went to my room and looked at the emptiness since Fade left and went over to a floorboard that was loose and pulled it up, grabbing one of Kid's diaries. I put it back and went over to the bed and laid down, flipping through it.
Dear Diary,
Today is my first day going to this place called DWMA. It is this school my dad runs and I decided to go to it because, why not.
I'm back from my loooooooong day. Let me tell you how it began. Somehow Fade and her clever weapon Noire found out it was my first day and they made my morning hell! The house was a total asymmetrical mess so I was late getting to school because I had to fix it all and punish the two. Especially Fade. Then when I got to school two idiots tried to fight me! Their names were Black Star and Soul. Weird boys they are.... My dad was disappointed in my lateness but I don't care. I had to straighten out my sister and Noire. When I got back home the two were mysteriously missing. I wonder where they- MY MIRROR! IT IS TILTED OFF BY A INCH! BRB.
I found the girls out back playing tennis. I let them have it! The thought I wouldn't notice. Hmmm now I smell cookies. I am gonna go check it out, bye!!!!
Death the Kid.
I put the diary down and smirked. I know how to get you back now. How about a taste of old times? I got up out of bed and walked out into the hallway and started tilting pictures, making sure that some were obvious tilts and some were not and then I moved a vase a few centimeters to the right and went to Kid's door and moved his two favorite symmetrical pictures on either side of his door by tilting them big time and then ran downstairs and moved around the mantel pieces and turned a few things around and then moved the TV by a few inches to the left and then looked at the coffee table and moved that to be crooked and laughed. He's gonna be sooooo mad. I ran up to my room and went inside, shutting it. When I finally heard Kid's door open, I giggled and curled up to the covers of the bed and listened.
"Who said I did it?! What are we talking about anyways?! What happened to the house?!" I sat up and clenched the blanket and looked up at him innocently.
"The house asymmetrical Noire." He fainted at that. I giggled and crawled out of bed and crawled over to his body on the floor and pulled his head into my lap and grabbed the glass of water off of the nightstand and poured a little on his face. He woke up and sat up screaming. "WATER!!!!!!" He left me there as he took of running out the room. Kendal walked in rubbing his head.
"What's wrong with Death the Kid?"
"Remember this: Death the Kid can't stand asymmetry. It makes him sick and he faints. It's his weakness or....sometimes strength if he don't like you. Add asymmetrical house and water together and you've got a traumatized Kid. What math equation do you think I did?" I giggled and stood up walking over to the door and looked out into the hallway while standing next to Kendal. "Tell Kid I did it and I'll be mad."
"I wont say a word." Kendal told me as he watched Kid who was scrubbing his face where the water touched him with a rag and was walking through the house with a tape measurer fixing the symmetry.
"You missed a spot!" I shouted at him and pointed to his hair.
"AHHHHHH IM ASYMMETRICAL GARBAGE! THROW ME OUT ON GARBAGE DAY!!!!!!" He dropped to his knees and curled up in the floor panicking and Liz and Patti stepped out into the hall. I shrugged and went out to him and grabbed his collar and started dragging him down the hall.
"Ok Kid. Whatever you say." I giggled as I walked past his two weapons.
"Aw Kid your not garbage. LIZ QUICK GET A BLACK SHARPIE!" Patti yelled and ran back into her room.
"TOO LATE GIRLS!" I laughed evilly and ran down the stairs with him and went into the kitchen, grabbing the keys to the dumpster out back and went outside.
"Noire what's wrong with me?" Kid mumbled other things to himself.
"Nothings wrong with you. I'm just doing what you told me to do." I let go off his collar and got to my knees in front of him. "You can take it back anytime."
"DON'T YOU THOW ME IN THAT GARBAGE CAN NOIRE! I AM NOT DONE YET I HAVE TO FIX THIS HOUSE AND MYSELF FROM THE ASYMMETRICAL FILTH." He pulled away and ran through the house. Shrugging, I stood up and followed him slowly, messing up what he just fixed when he wasn't looking. He screamed noticing what he was doing wasn't working and he ran up the stairs. "DAD! WE HAVE A GHOST IN THE HOUSE!" He ran into Lord Death's room and slammed the door behind him. The door locked. Laughing, I started cleaning up the asymmetry so that way when he finally realized what was going on, I wouldn't be the next grave in Hook Cemetery. I put the dumpster key back on it's hook when I was done making it all symmetrical throughout the house (not my room though. Fade would murder me). Then I walked over to Liz and Patti and giggled.
"And that's what he gets."
"Glad to have you back." Liz giggled and walked into her room and Patti stood there with the sharpie for a second then handed it to me and went into her room shutting the door. I glanced down at the sharpie and then up at Lord Death's door, and then back at the sharpie.
"Oh....Everyone knows not to give me a sharpie. That's begging me to do something." I smirked and put it in my pocket for later. Kendal walked up to me and rubbed his eyes.
"Is it all over yet?" He asked.
"There is part to my revenge." I smirked at him and then looked at Lord Death's door. "But it will have to wait."
"Ok. I'm going back to sleep." Kendal said and left me going to his room. I went into Kid's room and tilted picture just by a few millimeters and then crawled into his bed, kicking off my shoes and curled up to the bedsheets and waited. Kid came back around the early morning, fixed the painting and then went into his bathroom and took a shower. Hmmm....didn't notice me then? Ok. I stayed on his side of the bed and under the covers and closed my eyes, trying to go back to sleep. He came back in only in his boxers and walked over scooting me over and climbed into bed getting under the covers then pulled me to him and laid his head against mine.
"K-Kid....I think you forgot your pants in the closet." I mumbled and looked into his eyes.
"Your the one in my bed." He smiled softly and closed his eyes. "I didn't forget them."
"Why? It looks to me you did."
"I wanted to just be lazy." He muttered. "Shhhhhh I had to sleep in my father's room all night to escape the ghost."
"Ghostie says hiya Kid."
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." He covered his head and curled up to the pillow. Rolling my eyes, I took the sharpie out of my pocket and dropped it on top of him and giggled.
"Poor Kid. So tired."
"HEY KIDS! WAKE UP YOU HAVE SCHOOL TODAY!" Lord Death yelled as he opened the door and turned on the light then when to the next room down the hall.
"I GRADUATED!" I shouted after him. "WHY DO I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL!"
"NO SUPPER FOR YOU." I shouted back to him. "Poor you Kid. He must have kept you up alllllll night. You should've come in here. It was waaaaay more comfortable." I giggled and poked him.
"I didn't keep him up." Kid mumbled and tossed the covers into the floor as he stood up and walked into his closet getting dressed into his usual for the day.
"KID! IT'S FREAKING COLD!" I grabbed the blanket off of the floor and covered back up with it.
"Go put some clothes on then." He shouted.
"I HAVE CLOTHES ON! IF I DIDN'T HAVE CLOTHES ON, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A BAD MORNING!" I turned over that way I wouldn't have to look at him.
"Go get ready for school silly." He walked out the room quickly. "DAD! WHERE ARE YOU!"
"Knock, Knock." Stein walked in and tossed me the cards. "There you go." He walked out and shut the door behind. Sighing, I sat up and looked down at the bundle and started going through them. I'll write his answers on the back....I laid down and read each one of them.
1) Why did you become a school nurse?
2) Why did you come to work at DWMA?
3) Do you like DWMA?
4) Do you like children?
5) What's your favorite hobby?
6) Do you have any special talents?
7) Do you like Stein?
8) Where is your favorite place to go?
9) Have you ever seen a witch?
10) Do you have any children?
11) Can you please be my role model and teach me things?
12) Have you ever dated someone?
14) Did you go to school here when you were a kid?
15) What do you think of Lord Death?
16) What's your favorite animal?
17) Where do you live?
18) Why weren't you at Fade's wedding?
19) Do you like making things with herbs?
20) Do you like science stuff?
I shook my head and made sure to remember at least half of them to ask today. I crawled out of bed and went out to Kid and gave him a kiss then went to my room and got ready for school. When I got there, I cut class to go check out this nurse. I knocked on the door and came in to find Medusa looking over some papers. She looked up at me in surprise when I came in. "Oh hello? Why aren't you in class?" I smiled.
"I wanted to get to know my favorite person in this school! Plus Stein is only doing a dissection today. I don't like blood and guts, so I thought I would come skip here." I walked over to her and looked into her eyes. "You don't mind right?"
"Well as long as Stein don't get mad at me for letting you do it." She smiled. "I don't mind."
"Thank you miss." I smiled back at her brightly and sat down in a chair. "So what are you doing?"
"I am just reading this magazine on fashion. The nurses office is running slower these days. It is nice of you to stop by."
"Hmm...I didn't see you at Fade's wedding. Where were you? I would have liked to have seen you there." I frowned and looked up at her.
"I was sick." She frowned. "I really didn't want to miss it but I also didn't want to spread my sickness so I stayed home. How was the wedding? What was it like?"
"Well, it was fun but really, really tiring. The lovely couple has gone off on their honeymoon already so I'm kind of out of work for a bit besides my studies." I laughed a little. She's actually kind of nice. I don't believe she must have written those letters. Maybe someone is framing her?
"I heard you became a death scythe, how cool does it feel?" I brightened up and looked at her.
"It's really awesome feeling but it wore me out for a day after I became one. It's so cool! Lord Death said I could graduate after midterms because I met the goal already." I giggled.
"That's nice. I bet you are excited to stop seeing Stein dissecting."
"Hmm mm, I am. I think Lord Death is going to come up with a reason to keep making me come to school though even if it's not as a student after midterms. Have you ever seen a witch? Their really powerful. The one I fought put a spell on Fade that lasted after the witch died. It was terrible." I looked into her eyes.
"Well no, I haven't. So the witch cast a spell on Fade? Is it still on her?"
"No I think Stein removed it." I shrugged. "She's doing better now."
"That's good then. I wouldn't want a shinigami under some weird spell for too long. Work might get hard because Lord Death would be angry."
"True. He'd probably have you and Stein work together on a cure if Stein hadn't done something about it already. Speaking of Stein, do you think he's cute?"
"Huh? Why are you asking me this?"
"Because I think that if Stein hadn't have married Spirit, you two might have been a cute couple." I giggled.
"I have no interest in that screw head."
"Hmm, ok. Well, he probably has a few screws loose somewhere." I giggled again. "Well, you both seem to like science though. You do right?"
"Well science is needed for nursing, so of course I do. I loved it as a child."
"Did you go to school here?" I tilted my head.
"Never got the chance to, I guess that's why when I got done studying nursing I came here for the job opportunity."
"So that means you like DWMA?"
"Very much, Lord Death and I have so much in common to. I love children so this job here has just made my life... worth it."
"So do you have any hobbies?" I asked giving her a smile.
"Does my job count?"
"No silly." I giggled. "That's why they call it a job."
"Then I don't really have any."
"Well, then what's your favorite animal?" I bit my bottom lip. How does she not have any hobbies besides her job?
"I love snakes, they are so adorable!" Snakes are adorable? Well....I guess they can be kind of cool....
"That's so cool! I think cats are adorable too. Cats and snakes.....they go together right?" I giggled.
"Uh.... Sure sweetie." She gave me a uneasy smile.
"Oh sorry miss. I just really like cats." I bit my bottom lip. Now I've done it!
"I guess a cat is alright." She sat the magazine to the side.
"Yeah but mine is kind of solitary and hates boys." I frowned. "I've got to do something about that..." I muttered to myself.
"That's a good cat you have then."
"Yeah, she's a good little protector and she scares off a lot of boys." I giggled and looked up at her. "So about boys, have you ever dated one?"
"When I was younger." She shrugged. "It didn't end well. I rather not talk about it."
"O-oh....ok then. We don't have to." I frowned a little. "So do you have any special talents or something?"
"Nursing of course."
"Do you like making things with herbs like homemade remedies?"
"Yeah. When I cook, I cook with every natural ingredient and I grow it all in my garden."
"So you don't live in the city then?"
"I live just outside of the city."
"So where do you like to go then? When you have free time?" I tilted my head again.
"To my garden or to the park." She waved it off. I looked at the clock and saw that class time was almost over and Stein would start his actual class on Souls.
"So this has been fun. You don't mind if I start coming in here to talk to you and learn a few things right? I think nursing is kind of cool and I'd like to see more about it." I smiled at her. "Class is about to start again and I need to study up on souls for midterms."
"Sure go right ahead to class, you'll need a note. Oh and you can come back as much as you like." She handed me a note signed by her with the date by it.
"Thank you Nurse Medusa." I smiled sweetly at her and stood up, leaving. When I got to class, I handed him the note and went to my seat, writing the answers on the back of the cards.
1) Children
2) Wanted to see DWMA
3) Yes
4) Yes
5) Job
6) Nursing
7) No
8) Park and garden
9) No
11) Wouldn't mind to see me tomorrow
12) Yes, but touchy subject
14) No
15) They have things in common.
16) Snakes
17) Outside the city
18) Sick
19) Has herb garden & likes cooking.
20) yes
On the last card, I wrote my conclusion about her: Her life revolves around nursing. I set the cards aside on the edge of my area bordering Kid's area, deliberately putting them there in case he was curious. He looked at me and passed me a piece of paper, a note.
Is those the cards with the questions Stein wanted you to ask Medusa?
I smiled and gave a really small unnoticeable nod not looking at him. He looked back over to Stein and watched him teach the soul lesson. After class, I got up and grabbed the deck and went down to Stein, putting them in his hand. "You misnumbered the cards. There are only 19 cards."
"Thirteenth you mean? Anyways, Medusa doesn't seem like she would be after me OR plotting to ruin DWMA sooooo I think you've got the wrong person." I shrugged. "She doesn't seem like she's capable of something like that. Maybe someone framed her?"
"That's what you think Noire, I am going to continue investigating. Go run along until I give you more cards." He got up and ran to the death room. I crossed my arms and shook my head then looked at Kid over my shoulder.
"Hey." He got up. "Woman." He smirked.
"What do you want?" I turned to look at him and smirked back.
"Nothing. I have to go train now with Liz and Patti. Do you want to tag along?"
"No, you go on ahead. I don't need to see how you three train because when Fade gets off of maternity leave.....I'm challenging you. I don't think it would be fair if I knew your moves." I laughed and hopped up onto Stein's desk and sat on it looking at Kid.
"Not fair? Hmmmm ok. Well see you later." He walked over giving me a kiss on the head then left me there. I got up and wandered back to the nurses office and went in to talk to the fairly interesting Medusa.
"Hey! I'm back! Classes are over and I'm waiting on Kid to be done with his training." I smiled at the nurse and sat back down again. "Did you know that there are souls that can be worth 99 souls?"
"Hmm? Really?" She turned to face me and gave a smile. "Keep talking about it. I am glad you learned something from Stein today."
"Ok....well he said they are very rare and very powerful, so it's bad if they are kishins and stuff." I shrugged.
"Is that all you learned today?"
"No, he reviewed Soul Resonance because it's so important to him that we know about it and he told us about the Grigori soul type and stuff. Basically soul types and.....stuff."
"That's a lot about souls." She laughed.
"Well, he also went over this motto thingy or something that I always hear Maka mutter and told us we needed to remember it for the test."
"What is it then?"
"Well....I think it's a sound soul dwells within a sound mind and a sound body or something like that."
"You got it." She smiled and grabbed a bottle of soda off her desk and took a sip of it.
"Oh? So you do know something about souls?" I tilted my hand and gave her a smile. "That's cool."
"I read here and there. Might as well since most the day I sit here doing nothing."
"Well it's better than someone falling down that death trap of stairs." I giggled.
"Yeah, I hope that don't happen this year."
"It almost did. Kid almost shoved someone down it."
"Ha!? He almost did? Who?"
"James before he was killed." I shrugged. "The guy tried to kiss me."
"Then he had it coming." She giggled.
"Yes, yes he did." I laughed with her. "After that he kidnapped me and didn't learn the first time!" I laughed again. "He was a crazy kid."
"He sounds crazy."
"Oh he was." I shifted a little. "Really....really crazy."
"So did anything happen while I was gone?"
"Nope, it's been empty in here."
"That's kind of lonely...." I frowned.
"Not really."
"Hmm...I wouldn't be able to put up with that. I would've gone and found someone to talk to by then." I clasped my hands in my lap.
"I have days like this here and there though so it don't bug me."
"Well I guess one would get used to it eventually....Kind of sad that you did." I looked around the room then back at her.
"Don't be upset over it." She held up her hands. "Ok?"
"Yeah, ok. I won't." I smiled at her and laughed. "You really are a lot nicer than I thought you would have been."
"I am a nurse after all and I do adore children."
"Well that's awesome considering you became a school nurse under a guy that can't stand not having at least one kid within a mile radius of him."
"It's a good job for me don't you think?"
"Yeah, I do! You really fit in here!" I giggled. I looked at the clock again and noticed that it had been awhile since I left Kid considering how long it takes to navigate the hallways. "Well....I think that Kid's training is about over, so I'm going to leave you to what you were doing before I came in here again. Thank you again." I got up and smiled at her then left, running down the hall to the gym. When I got there, I found Kid fighting Stein and I went in cautiously and went over to the bleachers and sat down, watching. Stein knocked Kid to the ground and put his foot on his chest to keep him from getting back up and held Spirit to his throat.
"I win. You lose." Stein smirked at Kid.
"UGHG. Fine you win this time." Kid watched Stein. Stein held him down for a few seconds, studying Kid and then let him up.
"It needs a little more work Kid, but you had me on my toes this whole time so feel good about that." Stein smiled at him.
"I do feel good about it." Kid dropped the girls and stood up looking over at me as Liz and Patti transformed back.
"Well, I'm going to leave you teens alone, so come on Spirit." Stein looked over at me and then left the room with Spirit still transformed and shut the door behind him. Kid walked over to me and smiled.
"Ready to go on our date?"
"D-date? When did you..." I trailed off and watched him.
"I thought we would go on a date." He smiled. "I'm just taking you out to get ice cream."
"Oh ok." I smiled at him and stood up. "Hey Liz and Patti!" I gave them hugs.
"Hey." They said and hugged back.
"Bye girls." Kid grabbed my hand and walked me out of DWMA and to his car. I laughed and got in before he could put me in the car himself with the way he was acting.
" cream shop?" I asked as I looked up at him from buckling myself in as he shut the door. He got in on the drivers side and turned on the radio as he drove off and nodded.
"Ice cream."
"This is you keeping tabs on your girl isn't it?" I giggled and watched him.