The Girl With Rabbit Ears

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//April 13, 2040//Friday//

I explained what I know about them. From Ichika being a great fashion designer for famous film studios to Raku being an amazing composer and songwriter for different musicians.

"Wow, I did not know that everyone here had amazing talents. Ichika, you even helped the world of filmmaking because of your designs. Thanks for that."

"Well… Thanks… Coming from you Mr. Director, I am quite flattered."

"Don't call me that here. I am just a student at this school. So then that means the guy who punched me in the face earlier was Hyakuzawa, an athlete that was even invited to play in the NBA G League."

"That's about it." I said.

"Then who is that person who was hiding at the corner?"

Raku pointed someone at the corner of the room.

We saw the girl with the Rabbit Ears at the corner of the room sitting, and hiding her presence from the four of us.

From what I know about this person, she owns a laboratory at her age, excels at Biotechnology, and Medicine. I do not know her name, and this is the fourth time I have ever seen her. The first time I saw this was on the news, and she did not even tell her name to the public.


After Raku pointed his finger at her, she got startled and hid her face. Megumin immediately approached the girl who was cowering at the corner.

"Hi, I am Megumin! I guessed you heard our conversation earlier from Sasaki, am I right?"


No response at all. Maybe she is still terrified about what happened earlier, or I guess she might just be a shy person.

"Have you eaten already?" Megumin asked.



Her stomach started growling, and her face turned red. She got embarrassed all of a sudden for lying and began quivering.

"I-I'm so sorry… Please don't kill me."

"Now, now, don't jump to conclusions. Come join us! I am gonna give you something to eat. You're hungry aren't you?"

She slightly nodded and followed Megumin while holding her hand. She sat down beside me, began to weep, and bowed down her head.

"Hmph! Nothing will change if you keep on crying. Do you think crying will solve all your problems?"

"Hey, hey, Ichika. No need to be so harsh to the girl. My name is Raku! What's your name?"


She began to hold my shirt gently. I felt her shuddering beside me, and she was forcing herself to stop crying.

There are different kinds of people, and in this kind of situation, there will be someone who does not have any choice but to get scared not knowing what to do at all.

"Here you go! I hope you will like it!"

Megumin gave her the exact dish she gave us a while ago.

The girl was hesitant at first in taking a bite. In her perspective, she might be thinking if it is safe to eat something that a stranger she just met gave food to her because there is a possibility that something might be bad on her plate. She closed her eyes and took her first bite. The girl started crying again as she began to chow down the whole thing.

"So, how was the food that I made?"

"I-It's delicious... Thank you..."

The girl gave Megumin a faint smile, and for some reason, that made me happy as well. That food Megumin made is progress on getting her trust.

"Y-Yuuki Kanade…"

"What is that again?" Raku asked.

"My name is Yuuki Kanade…"

"Woah, that's a beautiful name."

Kanade instantly blushed from what Raku said, and held me tightly.

"I-Is Raku a pervert?" She asked.

"Oi oi! It's not like that! Geez…"

Everyone started laughing at what Kanade said.

It is nice to see them having a good time even if this is happening to us. Yes, this is quite a fun time to feel. But…

This is not normal at all…

Kanade is an exception, it is normal for her to be scared in this kind of situation. But, I can't sense any fear from Asahi, Ichika, and Megumin. That is not normal at all.

Are they plotting on something? I got restless and asked them straight away.

"Sasaki, is there something wrong?" Megumin asked.

"I can see why Kanade is scared at first, and Raku has been with me after what happened earlier. He even told me that he was scared as well. But why are the three of you here having a good time as if nothing happened at all? It's really suspicious. Are you plotting something?"

The atmosphere changed from a happy, and carefree mood into an unsettling situation. I felt Raku, Kanade got their guard up, and so did I. Ichika, Asahi, and Megumin stared at me because of what I said.

"Seriously, Sasaki. You really…"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********