Doubt Or Trust

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//April 13, 2040//Friday//

This is it. Maybe it's a bad decision to ask them something like that too early, and Kanade held me more tightly. I began sweating, and my heart started pounding from what was about to happen.

"You really jump to conclusions, Sasaki. Why don't you ask us first before assuming that we are suspicious?"

From what Megumin told us, I can tell that she is not lying. But why can't I believe the things she just said?

"You are underestimating us, Sasaki." Asahi said.

"Hmph! We are aware of the whole situation, but we can not do anything for now, can we? Besides, do you think we can still live on with our lives if we kill people?"

"We may be talented individuals that have the potential to kill someone, but we have our own morals. Don't compare us to desperate losers who will do anything to save themselves."

I'm at a loss for words to say to these people. I felt bad for jumping to conclusions.

But is it really okay to trust them right away?

"Don't worry, Sasaki. I know that you can't trust us for now. But knowing you, you can tell right away if we are plotting something bad, am I right?" Megumin asked.

"Oi Sasaki, I thought we needed the help of these people to stop Ichi. Why are you telling them now that they are suspicious?"

Seriously! Raku just doesn't think at all!

I told him that we need the strength of these people but still, it is good to be skeptical sometimes.

I guess I have no choice but to believe them for now.

"Sigh... I am sorry for being suspicious to the three of you earlier."

"Well, it's normal that we will doubt one another. Ichi wants us to kill each other. That was the plan anyway" Asahi said.

I underestimated them, in addition to being gifted individuals, they are also dealing with this situation in a mature way. All of a sudden, Kanade let go of my shirt and took a deep breath.

"I'm glad that we can see each other as friends." Kanade said.

Kanade gave us a big smile, and everyone started to smile as well.

The feeling of doubt in me to these people started to vanish slowly, and this could be a start on something big in getting out of this place without killing anyone.

I asked the three of them some questions since both me and Raku were finding a place to preserve Shinsuke's body earlier.

"From what we know, all doors, and windows leading outside are tightly shut. There is no way to get out."

"I also tried using my phone earlier to call for help, but there is no signal to contact people from the outside. Hmph! Talk about a total pain in the ass!"

From what I observed a while ago, Asahi was right. There was no place for us to get out of here. As for what Ichika told us about contacting people from the outside, I checked my phone, and there was really no signal.

"Sasaki, you told us about our talents, but we do not even know what you excel in. How about you Kanade?" Raku asked.

"Umm… I know things about Biotechnology and Medicine."

"Wait, so the Rabbit Ears that you have-?!"

"I-I did it to myself because I wanted to do an experiment. I really liked rabbits a lot, and I thought of transferring Rabbit DNA into me to inherit their ears... Aaah… I think it may be too weird from other people's perspectives."

"No Way! That is totally cool!"

"You're so cute, Kanade!"

Ichika, Asahi, and Raku were amazed by Kanade that they completely forgot to ask me what I excel in.

I am really glad that they forgot to ask me again because if they did-.

"So, Sasaki. How about you?"

Megumin asked me one more time about what I am good at. The attention of those three, and even Kanade's are turned to me.

"I really don't have one… I am just smart and interested in people. That is all."

"But being really smart is something else, am I right?"

"Besides, having a background on us is a huge advantage for you already, Sasaki."

That is what most people would tell me if I told them that I am not special.

In my opinion, I really don't have any talent from the very beginning. I am just an ordinary girl who uses her brain to earn a living.

I know that people might think that my intelligence is something else, but I cannot find anything special about it.

I know that what I am thinking when I was getting beaten up by classmates earlier contradicts the things I just said right now.

It is true that I have a huge advantage over anyone else, it is also true that my brain is the only thing that people want from me. Those are the things I realized when I talk to the people who interact with me because of my intelligence.

But I hated those things.

No matter how much I deny it, our society is showing a fact to my face that the intellect I have is something that a lot of people have been longing for and people say that I have a huge advantage over anyone else because of what I can do.

But just like I said, I am just doing what I can to live my life because I don't have anyone to rely on.

This society only forced me to be placed in a position that I didn't even ask for where my capabilities are far greater than most people have.

Anyone can be smart. There are even kinds of intelligence that each individual has and that is why I think I am not special compared to anyone else.

It's just that people see me as someone different.

"I guess… If you put it that way."

"Come on now Sasaki, being moody doesn't fit you at all. Cheer up"


"Geez, I am just telling you the truth."

Everyone chuckled when I punched Raku in the stomach, but at the same time, I felt glad that he told me those things.

That is right, there is no time to be moody, Kiyoko Sasaki.


A loud bang came from the hallway, and we saw Hyakuzawa enter the cafeteria with an ill-tempered mood.

Asahi, and Ichika glared at him. I remembered that Hyakuzawa picked a fight with both Asahi, and Ichika earlier so it's no surprise that they are both glaring at him.

Kanade also held my shirt again tightly, I guess she is terrified of Hyakuzawa. I mean, who won't be?

"Huh?! What are you both looking at, sons of bitches? Want to fight me again? TRY IF YOU DARE!!!"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********