
*Yuuki Kanade's POV"

//April 13, 2040//Friday//

"Now, now. No need to be afraid of me. As your adviser, I just need to tell you some important announcements to you people."

"Is big sister, and the others safe?" I asked.

"No need to worry. My double is talking to them as we speak."

"Your double?" Ichika asked.

"As I said, my double is talking to them right now. What can you expect? I am a God after all. Splitting myself in two is a piece of cake."

"Geez, this is getting trippier as time passes by." Raku said.

"So what are you going to tell us?" Asahi asked.

"Have you ever thought about where you will stay for the night from now on?"

That is right, we can't get out of here so we need a place where we can sleep when night comes. It is already 6:00 pm, and we do not have any idea where we will stay.

"Yeah, I guessed it right. You do not have any idea at all."

The four of us kept silent since we did not know what to answer to Ichi.

"Sigh… Take a look at your Student ID."

I checked my phone and looked at my Student ID. I noticed something that popped up on my screen.

"You have gained access to Room 004."

Ichi explained to us that we have our own rooms that we can only unlock if we have access to it. If we do not have any access to a specific room, it is impossible to unlock it.

He also said that each room of the student had some equipment provided by him depending on the talents that we have.

"Well, I guess that is about it. See you all tomorrow."

Ichi left the room, and all of us gave a long sigh of relief. I thought that there would be something bad that would happen again because Ichi appeared.

"It's already 7:00 pm, I am going to explore a bit inside this school."

"You have a point, Asahi. The night is still young after all." Ichika said.

"Hey, hey, Kanade. It's okay for me to get out of this bed right? I also want to help Ichika, and Asahi explore the place."

"Yes, but please keep yourself safe, and do not stay late exploring around, you also need to rest."

"Sure, thanks!"

"Sorry for slapping you earlier…"

"Geez, Kanade. What did I tell you earlier? Everything is fine, don't worry about it."


As soon as we were about to leave the room, the four of us suddenly received a message.

"A message from big sister?"

"I also got one from Sasaki."

All of us opened the message Sasaki sent.

"Ichi has not told you about this, but all lights will shut off at exactly 10:00 pm. Please be careful, and stay safe."

"Geez, we should have thought about it when Ichi was talking to us. After all, this is Ichi we are talking about. Of course, he will not say something if it prevents the students from having a chance to kill each other." Raku said.

"Then how did Sasaki and the others know that the lights would go off at exactly 10:00 pm?" Ichika asked.

"My guess is that because big sister Sasaki asked for something again from Ichi."

"Well Sasaki is smart, I bet you can not hide things from her. Kanade, why are you calling Sasaki your big sister?" Asahi asked.

I got a little bit embarrassed when Asahi asked me that question. Aaaah, what should I tell them? Should I tell them the truth?

"Because she looks like a big sister I can rely on... I-I'm sorry if that is a little bit weird..."

"Not at all, Kanade. I am even jealous that Sasaki is there to protect you. I hope she can do that for me as well, my second knight in shining armor."

"Hmph! You really are gross, Raku."

"My apologies. Haha."

"I'm heading to my room. If what Sasaki said is true, it's best to take a rest tonight. Thanks again Kanade, and Ichika for the help. Raku, you should also rest. With your condition, there is no point exploring anymore."

Asahi left the room, he is really the type of person who picks the best decision in any situation. I am starting to see why Ichi called us the best of the best, all of them are really amazing.

"Asahi is right. I will be going to my room. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

Ichika also left the room, leaving only Raku, and me inside.

I am kind of nervous being with him since I am usually not comfortable with boys if we are alone.

"No need to be tense, Kanade. Shall we go together?"

I nodded at Raku's question. He looks like a nice guy.

If Sasaki went to the cafeteria with him safely, maybe he wouldn't do anything bad to me.

We left the room and checked where our rooms were. The map showed us that all of the student's rooms are on the fifth floor which is two floors above us. We walked together, and have this awkward silence between us.

I tried removing that awkward atmosphere and asked Raku a question. I do not want to be that person who dislikes talking to people. This incident is a huge turn in our lives, and I also need to adjust so I can survive in this place.

"Raku... C-Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Why did you enter this school if you are a great songwriter and a composer just like what big sister said?"


No response? Aaah, that question totally sucked. Maybe Raku will think I am weird or something for asking that question.

"Well I have the talent, but I do not have the people who I can call my friends who will support me in my music career."

"How about your family? Do they support you as a musician?" I asked.

"My family supports me a lot, they are crazy about me being a musician. But the thing is, I am not really one. I only composed, and wrote songs for musicians who became famous in this present day."

"Then why did you help musicians rather than using those songs you wrote, and compose for yourself?"

Raku looked me in the eyes. Am I asking too many questions again? I should really stop meddling with other people's lives. My curiosity will be the cause of my death one day.

"I-I'm sorry…"

"No it's fine, I just do not know what to tell you about it. You know that musicians need supporters for them to be famous right? I am glad that my family is supporting me, but that is not enough. So I just started helping others to become famous. I do not want to ask for their support in the end because people might think that I have been sticking my nose into famous musicians to make myself well-known to the public."

I felt bad about what Raku told me about his life. I might have a talent in Biotechnology, and Medicine, but being a musician is different. You need supporters for you to be called someone successful in that kind of career.

"Aaah, my life sucks. Am I right, Kanade?"

What should I say to Raku in this kind of situation? Aaah this is bad, I do not know what to do. But learning what Raku has been going through, only one thing has come out of my mouth. An appropriate yet sincere response to the things that Raku told me about.

"If you decide to become a musician, me, and big sister will be your first supporters."

Raku looked at me in the eyes for a while, then he patted my head, and smiled.

"Aaaah! I-I'm sorry!! I'm really sorry!! I said something embarrassing to you, it looks weird, and-."

"HAHAHAHA! You are too nice, Kanade, and your rabbit ears really fit you."

Once again, I got embarrassed by a compliment I received from someone, but I felt happy that I cheered for someone that had a problem that they were dealing with. We arrived at the fifth floor, and Raku accompanied me to my room.

"Thanks again, Kanade. I should thank Sasaki for telling us about the lights earlier. She saved our lives once again."

I nodded my head and thanked him.

"Thank you for also accompanying me here, Raku."

Raku left and entered his room. I showed my School ID in front of the scanner and unlocked the door. I entered inside, and I was surprised at what I saw in my room. There are a wide variety of books about Science, and even research papers by famous scientists.

There are even science tools inside. Beakers, test tubes, and even a microscope that I can use for experiments in the future. The bed is also really nice, and comfy.

I sat down on it and it feels like I am sinking in it just like a fluffy marshmallow. It is already 7:30 pm, I need to take a bath, and get a good night's sleep, but first, I sent Sasaki a message thanking her for helping us earlier, and even protecting me from the horrible incident in the cafeteria.

"I hope big sister is okay."

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********