Our New Place Called Home

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//April 13, 2040//Friday//

"Books… Are you serious? Only books?!"

From what Ichi said earlier about having things inside our rooms depending on our talents, I was expecting something surprising in my room. I looked around inside, and all I could see are books about Psychology.

"The Social Animal, Thinking Fast and Slow, The Art of Choosing."

There are a wide variety of books that Ichi gave me here, but I have read most of these books when I was still in middle school.

I looked inside the drawers and found a Rubik's Cube that has not been solved yet. I grabbed my phone and opened my timer. I looked at each side of the Rubik's Cube before starting the time.

"Timer starts… NOW!"

I began solving the Rubik's cube quickly. It was pretty easy to solve a Rubik's cube since I have been solving this thing when I had one in my free time when I was still a kid. When I finished solving it, I stopped the timer to see how long I finished solving the Rubik's cube.

"3.42 seconds huh."

I guess I beat my record when I was still a child. Well, what can I expect? Every one of us improves as we grow older.

It looks like Ichi also provided me with some snacks. I took one chocolate-coated biscuit stick, and laid down on my bed. I do not usually eat at night, but the things that happened made me hungry again.

"I'm tired."

I thought about all the things that happened on this day. From experiencing a horrible nightmare, Ichi who killed all of my former classmates, and him telling us that we need to kill everyone inside to leave the place.

"This is absurd. I can tell that things will get crazier from now on."

I am glad that most of us are in favor of not killing everyone inside. But I still need to be cautious around them.

Megumin, Raku, and Kanade look like the people who would not have the guts to kill someone except if there is something crazy that will happen soon, and I am still a bit skeptical about Ichika, and Asahi.

The one I should avoid the most is Hyakuzawa. By provoking him earlier, I expect that he had his eyes on me. After all, he is the strongest one in here.


I checked my phone, and read a message that Kanade sent me.

"Thank you for informing us earlier, big sister. Please stay safe."

I am still wondering why Kanade calls me her big sister. Maybe she thinks that I am someone who she can rely on. I do not mind it at all, I am even glad that someone trusts me despite what is happening right now.

I looked at the messages that others sent, and they thanked me for helping them with all the things that are happening today.

As for Hyakuzawa, he also sent me a message. A really bad one to be exact.

"Don't get cocky, bitch! you will be the first one to die later!"

Great, someone already has the motive to kill me. Well, it is not a big deal for me, a person who is rash about his actions can be easily handled if you are careful with your decisions.

"Sigh… Time to take a bath."

I entered the bathroom and saw a huge bathtub. This school is really fully equipped, and there are even bath balls that we can use for our bath.

Since I am tired, I just took a quick shower, and it feels nice. The cabinet was also packed with clothes, from night clothes to casual clothing that is exactly the same size as mine.

I tried wearing pajamas, and they fit me perfectly. Yes, this might be a school where everything is provided, but at the same time, it is kind of creepy that Ichi knows everything about you. I closed the lights and laid down on my bed. The bed really feels like I am sitting on a marshmallow.

"I have been through a lot on this day, haven't I? It almost feels like a week has passed because of the things that happened."

I closed my eyes, and while I was trying to sleep. I just realized that from now on…

This will be our new place called home.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********