Morning Comes

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//April 14, 2040//Saturday//



It is already 7:00 am when I woke up. The feeling of not seeing the sun in the morning is new to me, and I guess this will be how it is every day.


"Huh? Megumin sent me a message this early in the morning?"

"Good morning Sasaki! Breakfast is ready here at the cafeteria."

As expected of a great chef. They always wake up early to prepare food.

I kind of feel bad having Megumin make our food for us, but if she doesn't mind then I guess there is no problem at all.

I went to the bathroom and took a bath because it is embarrassing to show myself dozing off with a haggard look in front of them later early in the morning.

After I took a bath, I just wore some casual clothes I found in my closet, and the jacket that I wore looked comfortable. I also wore my earphones before going out since it is a habit of mine to wear one when I am going somewhere. I checked my room once again, and it looks like everything is fixed.

"Time to go."

I left the room, shut the door, and it instantly locked itself. Just like what Ichi said, the door really is secured.

While I was walking to the cafeteria, I could smell a delicious savory smell of food once again. It may be because of what Megumin is cooking for us. I opened the door and saw everyone inside except for Hyakuzawa.

I did not expect the other three to be awake this early in the morning.

"Hey, Sasaki! You look pretty as ever!" Raku said.

Looking at him, I can see that his face was really patched up. Kanade and the others had really treated him well yesterday.

"If you are not injured, I have punched you in the face for what you said right now, Raku."

"Yikes! Sorry, Sasaki. But it is true. You look gorgeous in the morning."

Raku smiled at me after he told me those flirtatious words of his. Seriously, does this guy's mouth have any filter at all?

"Good morning, big sister..."

Kanade greeted me softly and smiled. I am glad that she is trying to socialize with us even if she really is a shy person.

"Oh, Sasaki, good timing. Thanks for the wait everyone! Here is the breakfast that I made!"

"Finally!! Megumin's food!" Ichika cheered.

Megumin served us a full English breakfast that included bacon, sausages, eggs, baked beans, tomatoes, and mushrooms.

For a light eater like me, I do not know if I can finish all of this in one sitting. The first thing I took a bite of was the bacon.


This is amazing, the bacon is crispy yet it is really juicy. The next ones I tried were the tomatoes and mushrooms. They were grilled to perfection.

I just kept on eating what was on the plate, and I realized that I have finished everything.

"You really are a good cook, Megumin!!!"

"Hehehe… Thanks, Ichika. I hope all of you liked it."


All of us told how great her food was, and I kind of saw Megumin blush a little because of their compliments.

"But what time did you wake up just to cook our breakfast?" Raku asked.

"5:30 am!"

That is pretty early to wake up. I still would not get up on my bed if I woke up at that time.

"Are the lights turned on at that time?" I asked.

Ichi had not told us what time the lights would turn back on. He just told us that all of the lights would turn off at exactly 10:00 pm.

"Yes, they are open."

It is a mistake on my part for forgetting to ask him an important question. But how did Megumin know that the lights were open when she woke up?

"Ah, if you are wondering how I knew that the lights were turned on, Ichi told me earlier that he will be opening all of the lights inside the school at 5:30 am."

"Ichi can do that?" Kanade asked.

"The funny thing is, I woke up, and subconsciously left my room then I saw Ichi standing in front of me. He knew that I would be leaving the room early in the morning, and said that he will be turning the lights on at 5:30 am for me so I can cook breakfast in just one condition."

"A condition?" I asked.

That is a dangerous thing that Megumin did. Who knows who can be outside her door early in the morning waiting for her to open it? If that is not Ichi, someone might kill her.

But what is this condition she is talking about?

"He just asked me to cook breakfast for him before all of you arrive."

What did I expect? Ichi is a child after all.

I am glad that the four of them are fine, but except for Hyakuzawa, someone is still missing here inside.

"Where is Asahi?" I asked.

Two hours have passed since we started eating while talking with each other, and it is already 9:30 am.

Where could Asahi possibly be?

"I have no idea, I messaged him earlier, but he is still not responding to it." Megumin said.

Our atmosphere became tense all of a sudden. Both Hyakuzawa and Asahi are not here inside.

"Could it be that Hyakuzawa killed him?"

"H-Hey Kanade… Don't joke about something like that." Raku said.

This is bad…

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********