The First Step

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//April 14, 2040//Saturday//

If Hyakuzawa really killed Asahi, then this will make every one of us here in a state of panic.

It is highly likely that this will happen because both of them fought yesterday before Ichi appeared right in front of us.

The cafeteria door immediately opened, could it be Hyakuzawa? We looked at the entrance to check who opened the door.

"*YAWN* Oh hello guys, Good morning. I guess."


It was Asahi who entered who looked like he just woke up a few minutes ago.

This is what I am talking about. I do not want others to see me just like what Asahi looked like.

Tired face, messy hair, it is obvious that he just woke up, and it is really embarrassing.

Ichika walked to where Asahi is standing and smacked his head. It is unusual for Ichika to get worked up on one person.

Are they really that close?

Looking at both of them, it looks like they built a friendly relationship with each other in just a short amount of time. I smiled a little bit at the scene I am watching between these two.

They really looked like a cute couple. A movie director, and a fashion designer for film studios. They really are a good match.

"Where have you been, dude?" Raku asked.

"Oh, sorry. I stayed up all night watching movies. Ichi is right, he really knows what to provide us in our rooms."

"You made us worry, Idiot!" Ichika said.

"Speaking of the things inside our rooms, what did Ichi give to all of you?" I asked.

So Asahi has movies inside his room? That is right, each of us has different things that Ichi gave us.

I tried asking them what they have inside their rooms since this information might be useful for later.

"My room has a lot of musical instruments, and manuscript papers."

"Fabrics, art supplies, makeup, and movies."

"Ummmm… I-I have tools for science experiments…"

As expected, Raku will have things related to music in his room. Ichika will have things that are related to fashion design. I guess Ichi gave Ichika movies since she had been working at famous film studios before. Kanade also had things for her lab experiments. My guess is that it is the same as the things Raku, and I saw in the laboratory yesterday.

"How about you, Sasaki?" Raku asked.

"B-Books… About psychology…"

"Sasaki… Your room looks lame."


"Owww… Sorry, sorry."

What Raku told me about my room being lame is true though. All of their rooms look interesting.

I do not mind it at all since I can learn a lot of things with it, but if you compare it to the others, their rooms really look more fun to stay in.

"Oh! Is that food made by Megumin? Give me some."

Asahi walked towards us and sat down with everybody else. He devoured the whole thing like it was nothing.

"Thanks for the food, Megumin."

"No problem! I am glad that you liked it."

Hyakuzawa is nowhere to be found, but I am glad that the five of them are safe.

"So? I think it is pointless to stay here for the whole day. What should we do?"

Ichika was right, there is no point in staying inside here. If we plan to stop Ichi we need to start doing something to make progress.

Looking at all of them, I think they do not have any idea where to start.

"What do you think, Sasaki?" Raku asked.

"Me? Why me?"

"Well, you are the smartest one in here. Besides, you have helped us a lot of times yesterday."

I guess I have no choice. If we do not know what to do on our second day here, and we are not familiar with the place, I guess we should first…

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********