What Needs To Be Done

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//April 14, 2040//Saturday//

"There are a lot of places that are yet to be discovered. From what I have observed, there are five floors here in this school. The first floor is where the cafeteria and different classrooms are located. The second floor has a gym and a laboratory where Raku, and I found out yesterday. There were also classrooms where I first met Ichi and Kanade".

"Woah, you met Kanade after those killings?" Raku asked.

"Well, I saw her hiding, and she ran when I tried calling for her."

"S-Sorry, big sister…"

"It's okay, Kanade."

I looked at Kanade and smiled at her. I patted her head, and she smiled back. She really looks comfortable with me.

And she is cute.

"Back to the topic, the only thing I know on the third floor was the clinic which Ichi mentioned when Raku got knocked out. Asahi, Ichika, Kanade, you went inside the clinic yesterday, right? Have you looked around what was inside each room?"

"I remembered that there was a room full of equipment for filmmaking, but the rest, I can't remember at all. We were too busy finding the clinic to treat Raku yesterday." Asahi said.

"Hehe, sorry about that."

"I guess we can say that there are a lot of rooms that we still need to explore on the third floor. As for the fourth floor, the rooms there are still unknown. The fifth floor is just our rooms so we do not need to check there at all."

"So what are we going to do, Sasaki?" Megumin asked.

"We need to explore every room in this school. Search for every corner, and the things inside every room. Those may be some useful information that we can use later."

"So how will we investigate every room? We don't have much time to investigate together in each room there is." Asahi said.

"I think we should split into two groups. One group should explore two floors that we do not know about. It is possible to finish searching all of the rooms by 6:00 pm."


"The cafeteria provides us with snacks that we can eat on the go. We can't rely on Megumin all the time to cook for us. Besides, it is better if we can explore the place as early as possible."

"Ichika don't worry. I will cook something good for everyone tonight."

"Hmph! I guess you have a point."

"Raku, Kanade, and I will be exploring the first two floors. As for Megumin, Asahi, and Ichika, the three of you will explore the third and the fourth floor."


"Ichika was right, I think it is unfair for us to explore a room that we do not know about. What if we got killed by Ichi, or by Hyakuzawa?"

Asahi and Ichika have a point about what they said. But I have reasons for why I assigned them to explore those floors.

"From what you said about the third floor earlier, you can't remember the rooms that the three of you passed by yesterday to look for the clinic, and you saw a room full of equipment for filmmaking, am I right?"

"So what's your point, Sasaki?" Asahi asked.

"The classrooms inside here have labels that you can see from an aisle. For some reason, that is not the case for facilities like the gym, and the cafeteria, their labels are beside the entrance of the room. If I can assume something from what you said earlier, only the first, and second floor have classrooms. If there are classrooms on the third floor, and the fourth floor, you should be able to see the labels of the classrooms, but you told me that you didn't know what was inside those rooms."

"So what do you think is on the third and fourth floor?" Megumin asked.

"There is a high chance that the third, and fourth floors are only facilities that this school has to offer which are easier to explore since we know what things to expect in that specific facility. You have explored the clinic while Raku is still unconscious, am I right? Since it is a clinic we are talking about, you saw all the medical equipment, tools, and medicines inside. The classrooms will also be harder to check if we are going to check the corner of every room since there are so many rooms to explore."

"Sasaki… I also have something to tell to all of you."

"There are also Illegal Drugs inside the clinic, am I right, Kanade?" I said.

"Is that true Kanade?" Ichika asked.

When I told them what Kanade had in her mind, she was startled, then she bowed her head down.

"Yes… There were Marijuana and Methamphetamine. I do not want anyone to be killed, so I disposed of it all yesterday… But how did you know about it, big sister?"

"This is Ichi we are talking about. There will be items that he will place that can be used to kill someone, or maybe to kill ourselves. Our goal is to be the last student standing after all."

"You're amazing, Sasaki." Raku said.

"And there is one more thing why I suggest this plan to everyone… I trust that all of you can do this."

Everyone was amazed by the plan that I thought of. Even Ichika and Asahi were satisfied with the things that I just told them.

All of the things I said are just my assumptions, but it was highly likely that all my theories are correct about the rooms inside this school.

"But what if we ran into Ichi or Hyakuzawa?" Ichika asked.

"Ichi is not a threat. As long as we do not attack him, he won't kill us. He also told us that yesterday. As for Hyakuzawa, avoid him as much as possible. He is still hostile to all of us."

"Can we really trust Ichi that he will not kill us?" Kanade asked.

"I am sure that he won't kill us. The things that he told us yesterday were rules that we need to follow. If this applies to us students, those rules also apply to Ichi, who is our adviser."


"As expected of you, Kiyoko Sasaki, You are right!"

All of us were surprised when we heard Ichi from a speaker. I guess he was listening to us all along.

But from where is he listening?

"Just like what Kiyoko Sasaki said, I will not kill you people, as long as you do not attack me. Umm… That's about it. Enjoy roaming around."


"I guess he was listening to us all this time." Raku said.

"Hmph! It looks like we do not have any privacy in this place."

"It's already 11:00 am, and we should start exploring right now. Does all of you have understood my plan?"

"We understood it perfectly, Sasaki. Well then, we will meet again later."

"Wait a minute."

Megumin went inside the kitchen once again, placed the same English Breakfast we had earlier on a table, and covered it.

"What is that for?" Asahi asked.

"It's for Hyakuzawa… I know he has been aggressive towards us. But as a chef, I will not allow anyone to get hungry."

"Hmph! I guess if you say so, Megumin. But I still do not like that guy."

Megumin really is a nice person. She even made food not only for us but for Hyakuzawa as well.

As we were about to go out to check the other floors, we got snacks in the cafeteria for our lunch later. Everyone said some parting words to each, and every one of us.

"Well… See you again later!"

"Please stay safe…" Kanade said.

"Hmph! It's not like we will die in this place."

"You got it! We will have a feast later after this!"

"Yes! Megumin's cooking!"

I guess I can't blame them for being sentimental. After all, we do not know what awaits us.

Ichika, Asahi, and Megumin left the room and went upstairs. As for the three of us, we are going to start searching on this floor first hoping that we might find useful information in this place.

I hope that Asahi, Ichika, and Megumin will be safe.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********