Exploring Hell

*Asahi Ryo's POV*

//April 14, 2040//Saturday//

"I am fine that I am with Megumin, but why the hell am I also with you?"

Why am I with this girl all the time? That Sasaki is doing this on purpose.

If she is really that smart, it is obvious that Ichika and I do not get along well.

"Now you two, let's just work together, okay?" Megumin said.

"Hmph! I'm okay with you Megumin, but this film freak director is always getting on my nerves! Why am I with you all the time?!"

"Haaa? It's not like I want to be with you anyway." I said.


Aaah this sucks. I planned on watching movies until late at night after I finished eating my breakfast, but Sasaki told us that we should explore the whole place first before doing anything that we want to.

Sigh… This is a pain in the ass.

We finally arrived at the third floor to check each of the rooms around here.

"Well, let's split up. I'm going to the room I saw yesterday full of equipment for filmmaking."

"Wait! Why are we splitting up?! What if something bad happens to one of us?"

"Ichika, with an attitude like yours, I did not expect you to be such a scaredy-cat."


"Now, now! No need to fight both of you! Then Ichika and I will go and check on that room first. We will wait for each other to get out before going to another one. Is that good?"

"Suit yourselves, I usually like working alone." I said.

I left the two of them and entered the room full of equipment for filmmaking to look around.

"Reflectors, tripods, and cameras... Huh, what's this?"

I looked closely, and also found some spare security cameras. I do not know what is the point of having all of this here. It may be useful for filmmaking. Maybe for props?

But why do we need to do that in this kind of place?

"Sigh… I guess that's all this room has to offer."

I left the room, and the two of them were waiting outside for me.

"Hmph, Took you long enough!" Ichika said.

"Shut up."

"So what did you find inside, Asahi?" Megumin asked.

"Just like what I told everyone earlier, only equipment for filmmaking. There are also some spare security cameras inside."

"Security cameras? What are they there for?" Ichika asked.

"Who knows?, in a place like this, I doubt the things inside there will be useful. How about the two of you, what did you find inside?"

"There were only computers inside the room. We tried turning on each one, but none of them worked."

A room full of computers? I guess it is pretty normal for a school to have a room full of them. But it's such a shame that all of those were not working. I guess those were used by the students who studied here in the past.

"Since it is not necessary anymore to look around the Clinic, I guess there are two more rooms left on this floor. Asahi, you take that room over there. The two of us will go inside this room."

The room Megumin asked me to check looks like a tiny room. I went in front of the entrance and checked the label outside the door.

"School Director's Office?"

A School Director's Office is also a common thing in a school. But finding this here inside Saitei University might give us useful information about Kenji Takizawa, the school director here who was missing.

I went inside and found a room that is pretty much the same as the usual School Director's Offices that you can see in any school. A huge desk, plants, and an empty bulletin board. I looked at the huge desk and saw a nameplate where some words are engraved that I do not know what it means.

"dicere nomen meum, et ego apparebit?"

What kind of words are these? I don't even know the right way to pronounce it.

Other than those things that I found, this room is pretty much empty. I thought that I could find useful information about Kenji Takizawa in this place, but I guess not.

I left the room, but the two of them were still not outside. Maybe they are still searching inside the room they entered earlier.


Taking a look back at the situation that we are in, all of it feels so unreal. From a famous director, I became a normal person who is in this hell.

I guess this is the price I need to pay for wanting to be a-.

"Oh, Asahi!"

Finally, I saw Megumin and Ichika getting out of that room.

"What did you two see inside?" I asked.

"There was a room full of mannequins, and paintings. I guess it was used as an art room by the previous students." Megumin said.

"I see..."

"Aaaah!!! I'm tired!"

It looks like Ichika is already exhausted from exploring this floor. I can't blame her though. After all, it's already 1:30 pm. I'm a bit tired, and hungry as well.

"I guess we should take a break, and eat our lunch first." Megumin said.

"Finally! I am starving."

The three of us sat in a corner, and the two of them showed the snacks that they got from the cafeteria earlier.

Ichika has a banana, and fruit juice. It looks like she picked foods that are healthy, and easy to eat. Looking at her, she really has a nice body figure, maybe that is from a strict diet she is following based on the food she is eating right now.

"Gross... What are you looking at?!"

Ichika caught me staring at her. She really had a great sense of awareness. But she is kind of sensitive if you ask me.

Looking at what Megumin has, she has a ham and cheese sandwich that I think she made earlier while we were picking up some food.

"Oh, Ichika. Do you want some?" Megumin asked.


I believe this is what you call a friendship between girls, or maybe I just do not know the whole concept of friendship. I do not have a close friend after all.

"Oh. Asahi. What did you bring for lunch?"

I showed the potato chips that I got from the cafeteria earlier. Ichika laughed at me for bringing junk food for lunch.

"Seriously, Asahi?! Hahahahaha! You ate the same thing yesterday. Why junk food for lunch?"

"It's none of your business."

I'm starting to get annoyed with Ichika. It's not like I have any connections with her. So why does it look like she acts as if we are that close enough?

We finished taking a break and cleaned the area where we ate.

"Let's go." Megumin said.

The three of us went upstairs, and there we saw only one door. Sasaki was right that there are fewer rooms on the third, and fourth floors. But, we did not expect what lies on this floor.

The fourth floor only has one room.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********