The Fourth Floor

*Asahi Ryo's POV*

//April 14, 2040//Saturday//

None of us had really paid any attention to this floor when we went into our rooms yesterday so it really was confusing that there is only one room in this area.

"So... I guess the three of us will go inside here." Ichika said.

We went inside, and we were shocked at what we saw. A large library full of books, and study areas where we can read.

"I think the three of us need to split up."

"Huh?! Megumin? Why should we? I'll tag along with you. Asahi can manage on his own." Ichika said.

"You are so stupid, Ichika, there is no point exploring together inside this large room."

"Haah?! What did you just say to me?!"

"If you use that head of yours, Ichika, a quiet place like this will echo all the sounds a person will produce just like what you did. If someone were to enter here inside, we would know right away, and we would be more alert with our surroundings."

"Then how about Hyakuzawa?" Ichika asked.

"Do you think a hot-headed jock like him will go, and explore here inside?"

"Hmph! W-Well… I guess you have a point."

"Hmmm… This is a huge library. Since Sasaki told us to look at every corner inside a room, we will meet here at the entrance at 5:00 pm. Is that fine for the two of you?" Megumin said.

"Works for me."

"Hmph! I guess if Megumin says so."

The three of us split to search for the whole place. I checked the first aisle full of books about cooking and looked at the titles of each, and every one of them.

All of it was written by famous chefs around the world, and I am sure Megumin will be happy to know that there are a lot of books here about cooking.

"I am getting hungry just by looking at these things."

The next aisle I looked at were books about Science from Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. I do know a lot about these books, and maybe Kanade is the one who will find these things useful.

I explored deeper in this library and found an aisle that piqued my interest.

"Now these are things that I can understand."

The books that I found in this aisle were all about filmmaking, photography, and cinematography. I read some pages of these books, and it feels so refreshing to read these kinds of things again.

"If only I did not jump too far…"

While reading these books, I found someone sitting reading in a nearby corner.


It's Ichika. Since she is a Fashion Designer who is working mostly in the film industry, it's normal that she knows these kinds of things. But looking at her closely, it looks like she is enjoying it like a kid reading a storybook.

I didn't know Ichika liked reading this kind of stuff.

"Ah, Asahi! What are you doing here!?" Ichika asked.

I guess I got busted again. She really looked embarrassed that I saw her reading the book she was holding.

"There is no need to be embarrassed. Can I look at what you are reading?"

I approached Ichika and looked at the book she was holding.

"Cinematography: Theory and Practice"

The book Ichika was reading is all about the basics of Image making for cinematographers, and directors.

"Hmph! D-Do you have a problem with it?"


I thought Ichika would act like a bitch again when I looked at the book she is reading, but she really looked ashamed about it for some reason. It's like she does not want anyone to know that she is reading this kind of stuff.

I stood up and started walking to check the other aisles.

Suddenly, Ichika asked me a question.

"Asahi, why did you go here to Saitei University? Going to school is basically not necessary for a famous director like yourself…"

I thought Ichika was insulting me again, but looking at her, she looked gloomy when she asked that question to me.

I do not know if I should tell my reason, but the two of us have been working in the same field for a long time.

Maybe she will understand when I tell her the reason why I went to this school?

"I just want to live a normal life just like everyone else."

Ichika looked at me in the eyes like she was touched by the things I said. While I am talking to her like this, I guess Ichika was really not that bad of a person from what I think she is.

"That's lame, Asahi..."

"Shut up."

Ichika smiled at me and began reading the book again.

I take that back. She is annoying as hell.

"I guess we are both lame after all. We both have the same reason for going to this school."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Just like you Asahi, I wanted to live a normal life like everybody else. As time goes by, I am starting to hate the things I am doing…"


We may not get along, and we do not understand each other in the first place. But from what Ichika told me, I am starting to know her a little bit. But I wonder…

What could be the reason why you also want a normal life?


We heard a loud scream at the entrance, and it was Hyakuzawa. This is bad news for the three of us, and we also do not know where Megumin is.

Damn it. We're fucked.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********