Thinking Of The Past

*Raku Nakamura's POV*

//June 13, 2040//Wednesday//

"Hmmm... I will ask Megumin to cook something for me first before going to my room."

Time sure flies by. One month has passed since we all came here, and it feels like nothing has changed for me at all.

I saw Asahi, and Ichika a while ago arguing with each other inside the library. Now that's what I call a change. Sometimes I just want to have a relationship like that with a girl you know, and there is a high chance that they will be lovers one day.

"Who knows? I'm just assuming after all. Maybe Sasaki and I will also be lovers one day. Nah, I just liked teasing her a lot."

I went inside the cafeteria to look for Megumin and wanted to ask her to cook some dinner for me. She told us that if we need something to eat, we can ask her to cook for us. I am also not in the mood to eat with the others this day anyway.

"Oh, Raku!"

"Hey, hey, Megumin! I was wondering if you can cook dinner for me, maybe something easy to eat will do."

"Dinner? This early? It's still 3:00 pm in the afternoon, you know?"

"Yeah, but I'm not feeling well right now… I might rest inside my room until tomorrow. Besides, your cooking might make me feel better."

"Geez Raku you don't need to flatter me like that."

"Hehehe. It's just who I am."

Megumin went to the kitchen to prepare my dinner. Thinking about it, she is the only one who doesn't get disgusted when I am teasing her.

On the other hand, Sasaki always hits me in the stomach when I make fun of her, and Ichika is always saying that I am gross for talking to them like that. As for Kanade, when I am trying to tease her, she always slaps me innately in the face. It really hurts a lot, and that is why she is one of the people I do not want to tease as much as possible. Maybe it's because of that Rabbit DNA of hers that makes her powerful.

"Here you go Raku!"

"Woaah! this really looks good, Megumin. Can I marry you when we get older?"

"Geez, Raku! Stop with the jokes!"

"Just kidding. Hehehe."

Megumin cooked porridge for my dinner later. A perfect dish for those who are not feeling well. The scent of it makes my mouth water, and I can not wait to try it out later while I am taking a rest inside my room.

"Thanks, Megumin. I'll be leaving."

"Okay! I hope you'll feel better soon!"

I went outside the cafeteria and went upstairs. While I was climbing up I heard a really loud explosion coming from the laboratory on the third floor. I guess it was Kanade with her experiments again.

I wanted to check her out, and talk to her, but I feel like she might slap me again once our conversation takes too long.

Finally, after all that climbing I'm already on the fifth floor in front of the entrance of my room. Ichi should really make an elevator in this place. I think it is possible since he was telling us all the time that he is a God.

"Sigh… Finally, I can rest"

"Oh, what's that delicious food you are carrying there, Raku Nakamura?"

As soon as I was going to open the door inside my room, Ichi appeared right in front of me, and it's been a while since we last saw him.

He has been pushing us to kill each other when we were still adjusting to our new life here inside Saitei University, but no one really wanted to do it.

Hyakuzawa has been staying in his room for the whole day for the past month so Ichi can't even talk to him about killing everyone here. I can see Ichi getting more irritated every time he fails to convince us to kill each other.

"It's been a while! How are you doing? Have you killed someone yet?"

Figures that is what he would like to ask.

"I'm fine I guess. And no, I don't really like taking someone's life." I said

"That's quite unfortunate."

Maybe it's unfortunate for you, but for us, the whole killing thing is not a bother at all.

Maybe better luck next time in pushing us. It will not happen though. Sigh... I just want to rest…

"What if I give you an additional reward for killing all of them?"

"I think I'll pass… But why are you asking me of all people?" I asked.

"Raku Nakamura, you have been close with everyone here inside for the past month. From what I observed, even if the girls are kind of annoyed by the way you speak to them, they really are comfortable with you around. I can't even see a sign of suspicion from the look in their eyes when they are looking at you, Raku Nakamura."

"Thanks, I guess… Is that all you need to say? Besides, I have not gotten along with everybody. Hyakuzawa is the only person who we have not talked to yet."

"What if I can give you something to kill Hyakuzawa after you have killed the rest? After all, I'm a god and your adviser. You can ask me anything."

"Thanks for the offer… I'm really tired. See you again soon Ichi."

"Wa-wait, Raku Nakamura-!"


I went inside my room and placed the porridge that Megumin gave me on the desk.

Ichi has kept on insisting us to do one thing, and it's starting to get annoying. Well, I can't blame him. He is the one who put us into this situation after all.

It was just unfortunate for him that we are not giving him exactly what he wanted us to do, and we thank Sasaki for that. Sasaki looks like the leader here who is guiding us as always.



Ichi banged my door out of frustration for ignoring him, and that was the first time he did that to someone here.

I guess his temper was losing it, and he thinks that there is nothing he can really do to convince us.

"Sigh… Thank goodness he left…"

I picked up my guitar and sat on my bed. My room has different kinds of musical instruments, but the instrument I really liked playing was an acoustic guitar.

I played a song that I wrote a long time ago.

"Fondly thinking of the past huh...?"

You are happy, and satisfied, yet I can feel that you are fondly thinking of the past, not with something, but with someone, Sasaki told me that earlier.

Looking at how I always play the guitar, I always sit beside plants while imagining the nature around me just like what I always do before I got to this school.

This might be what you call a mannerism that we do when we repeatedly do the same thing over, and over again.

Sasaki is right, I am happy, and satisfied, But I am still fondly thinking of the past. Missing someone, huh? I think I am just afraid to admit the truth to her. It's quite terrifying howSasaki reads what others think, or how she knows what a person feels. I also don't like people knowing too much about my past self since it can be bothersome sometimes.

I continued playing the guitar, a song that I will continue playing every day. A song I wrote for the first supporter in my life, the person that I love.

"Are you listening with me, Alice?"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********