Irritation And Disgust

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 14, 2040//Thursday//


A new day has begun, and the first thing I heard in the morning was Ichi cursing at us through the speaker.

It's been a while since Ichi has talked to us, and for some reason, he looks furious this morning. Since this looks like an important matter, I quickly took a bath and changed my clothes.

As soon as I left my room, I saw Kanade and Megumin who left their rooms as well.

"Oh! Good morning Kanade, and Sasaki!"

"Good morning…" Kanade greeted me.

"Since all of you left your rooms at the same time, I can assume that you heard what Ichi said earlier?" I asked.

"Yeah… For some reason, he looks angry at us. Do you think we did something bad?"

"That's impossible, Megumin. We have been doing the same thing as always for the past month. Unless Hyakuzawa did something since he is not always around, but I doubt that."

"Big sister… I'm scared…"

That's right, even if all of us had adjusted in our situation, one bad moment is enough to destroy anything we built, and this might be it.

Kanade held me tightly on my shirt, and she started quivering. We have no idea why Ichi got mad all of a sudden. This could be bad for us, and someone might die today.

Is it because we have not been killing each other just like what Ichi wanted? It's highly likely, but he told us he will not kill us unless we attack him so I guess we are still safe.

"Anyway, there is nothing we can do. Let's go to the cafeteria, shall we?"

Megumin and Kanade agreed with me, and the three of us went inside the cafeteria.

Raku, Asahi, and Ichika were inside with Ichi, and the only one left that we were waiting for is Hyakuzawa.


Ichi yelled out of frustration because of Hyakuzawa, and all of us still do not have any clue why he is acting that way.

"Why did you ask us to go inside this early-."

"Shut the fuck up, Kiyoko Sasaki… You are in no position to ask me questions…"

With that terrifying glare of his, everyone is terrified with the way how Ichi talked to me. I started to feel nervous, and I didn't even dare to speak up again after what happened.

That moment we realized, we are experiencing the fear of death that we have not experienced for this past month once again.

"I'm sorry I'm late…"

Hyakuzawa entered nervously inside, and his body changed a lot from the last time we saw him. His muscles were bigger, and his posture is even better. He might be working out in his room after all.

"Where the fuck have you been?" Ichi asked.


Hyakuzawa was frightened to speak when Ichi asked him a question. Who will not be terrified of Ichi when he is acting that way to us?

We do not even know what we did wrong, and I can tell that everyone here is thinking of the same thing…

What did we do? Will we live for another tomorrow after this?

"Anyway since all of you are here already, I observed that you have not been killing each other for the past month, and it is fucking killing me because you are not meeting my expectations."

So the whole thing that made Ichi angry was because of that? Ichi has kept on insisting on the same thing over, and over again but none of us are listening to what he says.

So why did he get pissed off right now if he can throw a tantrum at us earlier for not doing what he wants us to do? Did someone do something that made him lose his temper?


Because of the way Ichi talks to us, it looks like no one can think straight in this difficult situation that we are in. I noticed Raku having a different reaction to the things Ichi was saying to us.

Was he related to this matter?

"Yesterday, I am trying to fucking help someone to kill his classmates. But unfortunately, he just fucking shut the door closed in front of my fucking face! AM I RIGHT, RAKU NAKAMURA?!"

Everyone looked at Raku, and it seems like he knew that this is going to happen.

Thinking about it, Raku said he was going to his room when we met at the library, and from the way Raku was speaking yesterday, he looked like he was not feeling well.

Maybe before Raku entered his room, he was confronted by Ichi, and Raku got tired of what Ichi was saying about killing everyone, and he just ignored him.

"Well… Sorry I guess… I'm not feeling well yesterday…"




Hyakuzawa punched Raku in the face out of frustration. Fortunately, Raku did not pass out this time.

I went to where Raku is to check him out, and Kanade also came to check for injuries. There was a big bruise on his cheek, and there was blood coming from his mouth.

"What the fuck is your problem? You have not been showing up, and now you have the guts to punch Raku in the face again because of what he did?" Asahi said.

"Asahi, that's enough!!"


Ichika tried stopping Asahi from losing his temper at Hyakuzawa because of what he did to Raku. Hyakuzawa started to get more pissed off with the whole situation and began walking towards Asahi.

Megumin blocked the way, trying to prevent the fight between the two of them.

"Please stop this… It is normal for a person to not feel well, right? I checked him yesterday, and he was really sick. What if you are the one who was not feeling well at that time? There is a chance that you might do the same thing Raku did to Ichi, right?"

"You're in the way bitch… And what did I tell you? I do not need a bitch's help, but you kept on cooking shit for me every time I entered the cafeteria. JUST LIKE WHAT I SAID!!! I DON'T NEED YOUR FUCKING HELP!!!"

Hyakuzawa grabbed Megumin's collar with that strong grip of his.



Ichika tried stopping him, but she just got slapped in the face by Hyakuzawa.

Megumin started struggling, and it looks like she can't breathe. I looked at Ichi with the assumption that he was enjoying this scene, but what I saw in his face was not what I expected.

It was a face of disgust and irritation.

"P-Please… I can't breathe anymore… Sto-stop this…"

"Oi, Hyakuzawa! Let Megumin go!" Asahi yelled.


Ichi got the attention of everyone including myself when he yelled at us, and with Ichi's voice, Hyakuzawa released his grip from Megumin's collar.

I went towards her to check how she was, and Asahi went to help Ichika.


"Are you alright Megumin?"

"Yes… Sorry for making you worry, Sasaki."

"Oi, I thought you wanted us to kill each other? Then why the fuck are you stopping me?" Hyakuzawa asked.

"Did I just tell you to do what you fucking want in front of me?"

Ichi's expression became darker, and the whole atmosphere became worse. Hyakuzawa went silent, and all of us felt helpless against him.

"You? Killing someone, Joichiro Hyakuzawa? If you really wanted to, you could have done it sooner. Do you know why it's not the case? Do you fucking know why are you still here in this shithole you were all talking about?"

Ichi approached Hyakuzawa and stared closely at him like he was looking through Hyakuzawa's soul.

"Because you do not have the balls to do it, bitch…"

Hyakuzawa collapsed on the floor with his body trembling in fear.

Ichi immediately stood up, and with a change of mood. He acted like his normal childish self once again and smiled at us.

"Now that all of you have behaved, let me get straight to the point. Since all of you have no intention of killing each other, I just thought of a really, really good idea to fix this little problem of mine."

This idea of his might be bad for all of us. I suddenly felt nervous about what Ichi was going to tell us.

"Let's play a game!"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********