The Game

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 14, 2040//Thursday//

"A game?" I asked.

"Now, now. No need for all of you to feel nervous. The game is simple, I will sing the Eeny Meeny song, and the person who my little finger pointed at will be killed by none other than me. How's that? It's a really fun game, am I right?"


"Ohhh… What are you scared of, Yua Ichika? There is only a 1 in 8 chance for me to pick you, am I right? You people do not have a choice anyway."

But this doesn't make sense at all. Ichi told us that he would not kill any of us unless we attacked him first. Then why did he propose this kind of game to all of us?

I will not allow it! All of us here are trying to adjust our lives here in order to escape without killing anyone, and then on this day, he told us he is going to kill someone by playing a game?

I tried to calm myself down and stood in front of Ichi to defend these people who I have been with.

"Ichi, you told us that you are not going to kill anyone unless we are the ones who attacked you. Now you are telling us you are going to kill someone because things didn't go your way? Do you think we will play this game of yours? You do not have the right to kill us after all."

"Kiyoko Sasaki…. I told you… You don't have the right to ask me questions..."

Ichi's face changed into something eerie. That face of his. A smile that intimidates anyone who sees with their eyes. Those hollow eyes of his that shows what a nightmare truly is. My mind started to lose it, and I collapsed on the spot.

My head can't think straight anymore at all, and I couldn't stand up against Ichi for our lives.

"Do you think that all of you here can get out without killing someone? What do you think you people are? A character from your favorite anime where all the good guys live in the end with the power of friendship? HAHAHAHAHA!! This is reality! As time passes by, those shitty bonds you had together will crumble. After all, all it takes is just one bad day, and it certainly can make a person go insane. That is enough to destroy those bonds you have been building this past month. Do you think you people have the right to tell me what to do? I am the God in this school, and no shitty rule will restrict the things that I want to do."

Everyone was slapped by reality once again including me.

Ichi was right, there are no rules that he needs to follow. Just like a student, and teacher relationship, we are the ones who follow those rules, and the teacher is the one who makes, or changes them.

"Now then... There are no objections to my game, right?"

I really wanted to stand up once again, but there is no point… My body is telling me that if I move one more step, death will be waiting for me.

"Your silence means yes to me. Don't worry, after all, only one of you will be dying today… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"


Everyone started screaming. Raku, the person who is the calmest with the whole situation since the beginning, started to be terrified as well after the face Ichi showed, and the things he told us.

"Eeny, meeny, miny, moe… Catch a tiger, by the toe…"

Every time Ichi pointed his fingers at someone, that person he pointed at started to shake far worse than before.

No one dared to speak against him, and no one has the energy left to scream inside this room. All of us were sweating, all of us were shaking, all of us were terrified, and all we could think of was…

Who will die?

The only thing that we can do in this situation is to cry at this horrible situation we are in.

"If he hollers, let him go… Eeny, meeny, miny, moe…"

My tears are flowing, and my whole body is covered with sweat. I closed my eyes hoping for the best.

Then I realized… Even with the talents that we have, there will always be someone who has way more power than anyone else here in this school.

We have been naive. No, I am the one who is naive. Why did I think in the first place that we could defeat him? I am so fucking stupid! I always cause trouble to others because of my fucking mistakes.

If there is one person who Ichi should kill, it should be me…

"My mother told me… To pick the very best one… And you… Are... It…"

The last word Ichi said made my hearing buzz. I was afraid to open my eyes to see who he would kill.

This long silence, I can't wait any longer, and when I opened my eyes, the me who does not believe in miracles, who only think at things that are logical, hoped that I could go back in the past to avoid this situation we are in.

It should be me... it should be me... But why?

Why is Ichi's finger pointed at Kanade?

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********