Scared of Death

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 14, 2040//Thursday//

"Big sister?..."


Aah… I could not hear myself when I yelled my lungs out while pleading to the one who will kill a person here right now.

Why Kanade, of all people? Why is she the one who got picked? Why is Ichi ignoring me? Hey, Ichi, why? Why are you walking to where Kanade is? You should be in front of me by now.

This is the moment when I just wanted to switch places with a person who is about to die. I am talented, I am a gifted individual, but why can't I save anyone?

No, that is not actually true. Those are just the things that most people tell me about myself. All those compliments, but if I think about it…

Have I done anything good for the people who I really cherish from the bottom of my heart?

Nothing... That's right… I'm not helping people... I'm the reason why they are being killed… I am the one who should die… Then why am I the one who was not chosen? Why is Kanade the one to die?


"Well then, Yuuki Kanade… May your death be meaningful for all of them."

"Big sister… Everyone…"

Kanade looked at all of us, and instead of screaming in fear about what was going to happen to her, she gave us a smile while her tears flowed.

No sign of fear, no sign of regret. What I only saw in her was how grateful she was for the time that she spent together with us.

"Thank you for everything…"


Raku, Asahi, Ichika, Megumin… Why are you not protecting her? Why am I the only one who wants to protect her? Wait...

Am I even moving from my place?

Aaah… It's not like they do not want to save her… Just like everybody else... I am afraid to move… that is right… Aah... I understood why…

I am also scared of death…

"Ichi… Don't you think this whole thing is a little bit… Ummm... unfair for all of them?"

A voice from someone that is not from anyone who is in this room? A new voice from someone we do not know. But why is it so familiar?

Ichi changed into his grim face again, and when he looked at him. His ominous aura was the worst one that I felt since encountering him.


I looked at the person Ichi was talking to. That's right, I know him from before. He is the first person I met when I first entered this school.

The person with crimson red hair, the one who have yellow eyes that looked like it was of a dead fish. The one who gave me a bad finger a month ago who I don't even know his name.

"Aaah… I forgot to introduce myself... Since you people have amazing talents, maybe I should introduce myself, and my talent as well, or maybe I should say a title in this country that only I have."

He got all of our attention, and even Ichi started to get more aggravated because of him. This guy. He even looks even way calmer about this whole thing than how Raku acts in tough situations. No, it's not because he is calm.

It looks like he had no emotions at all.

"Nice to meet you, everyone. I am Kei Machida. Japan's Greatest Detective."

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********