Japan's Greatest Detective

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 14, 2040//Thursday//

"Why? are you here in this school, Kei Machida?"

"Now then. Maybe we can have a little talk, Ichi?"

Kei Machida, the one who calls himself Japan's Greatest Detective, approached Ichi like it was nothing for him.

All of us were terrified by Ichi's aura, and yet it looks like he is not even bothered by it at all. Besides, why didn't anyone see him for the past month if he survived on the first day?

"Japan's Greatest Detective? DON'T BULLSHIT ME!!! ALSO, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SHOW UP JUST NOW?!" Hyakuzawa shouted.

"Ummm... But I really am Japan's greatest detective. Besides, I think it's embarrassing to ask me those questions coming from you who just shut himself inside his room for the past month working out your body."

"How the fuck did you know?"

It was kind of obvious for us to know that Hyakuzawa has been working out in his room, but in Machida's case, it's different.

After our classmates were killed, none of us have ever seen or interacted with this guy. So how did he even know that each of us here has different talents?

Ichi lost interest in killing Kanade and walked to where Machida is standing.

"Kanade, are you all right?!" I asked.

I rushed quickly towards Kanade and hugged her tightly while my tears flowed continuously. The fear of losing someone precious to me had this excruciating pain in my heart. Thank goodness that he was spared by Ichi.

"Big sister... I was so scared… I'm really sorry.."

I felt Kanade's body shaking, and her tears soaking my clothes. I felt the sigh of relief inside her, and some of the fear that built up on the two of us disappeared.

"I will ask you one more time, Kei Machida, why are you here?"

The tension between the two of them was even heavier when Ichi asked Machida that question one more time.

Kanade held me tightly, and all of us were scared to even move an inch. The only one who was not bothered by all of it was him, Kei Machida.

"Is a student not allowed to be inside a school?"


Machida showed everyone the screen on his phone, and his student ID was registered on it.

I could not believe that he was also a student who survived here at Saitei University.

If he is, then why isn't he in my contacts?

Every student alive here should be able to message others, right? And how come he doesn't have a room? Wait, that's right! There is only one answer I can think of.

Ichi doesn't know that Machida is a student here at Saitei University.

"Don't Fuck with me, Kei Machida. A Detective like you should not have any interest in going to this school. Why the fuck are you even here?!"

Most of the time when we are talking to Ichi, he is looking down at us like some inferior being to him all the time. But this is the first time we can see Ichi who has the power here inside this school, talking to someone that even he can't handle.

"Maybe I was just sure that something bad would happen to the students in this school year. So I also enrolled here to investigate the place, and guess what? I think my prediction was correct."

"How is that even possible? Without any evidence at all, how did you know? We do not even know that something like this will happen to us." Asahi asked.

That is right, I don't even know that something like this might happen. My only intention in going to Saitei University was to learn more about Psychology, and I bet that goes for everyone else here who wants to hone their skills in a specific course.

So how did he know? Machida looked at us with that cold stare of his and smirked.

"It's just my intuition."


Hyakuzawa stood up and started walking to Machida, but Ichi suddenly pointed his finger at Hyakuzawa.

"Shut the fuck up… This is between the two of us…"

Hyakuzawa was frozen in his place after Ichi warned him to not go any further.

Calmness, this is the only thing I can see at Kei Machida in this situation even if Hyakuzawa was about to start walking towards him furiously.

I still have a lot of questions that need to be answered. All of the things that are happening after Machida appeared have calmed me down a little, and once again I stood up to both of them.

"Can I ask you a question, Kei Machida?" I asked.

"Kiyoko Sasaki… How many times do I have to tell you? You don't have the right to ask questions."

"Well, that only applies to you, am I right, Ichi? Let Kiyoko Sasaki ask me questions." Machida said.

Ichi went silent, and he looks more pissed by what Machida said. Machida shifted his attention and looked at me with that dead fish eyes of his.

I remembered the first time I met this guy, he looked like the person who had a lot of secrets that he was hiding from people. I need answers…

I need answers from him.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********