
*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 14, 2040//Thursday//

"Where have you been this past month? And why haven't any of us found you here inside? That should be impossible. There will, and will be a time that we should have found you sooner. So why?"

"Now that was a lot of questions you have there for me. Hmm… Let's see… I don't know either."

Machida gave that stupid face of his to me. Based on his response, I know that he has an answer to my question, but he doesn't have any intention of telling us what it is.

"Tch! There is no point in asking this man a question. Let me answer that for you, Kiyoko Sasaki. Kei Machida is indeed Japan's Greatest Detective. Even if he had that great title, no one knows his true identity."

"How is that even possible? I thought detectives are known to the public because they interact with their clients?" Megumin asked.

"That is not the case for Kei Machida. He likes to stay hidden from the public. Major cases have been solved by a lot of detectives, but as time passes by, those solved cases have been suspicious. It is impossible that every detective in Japan has solved cases in just a short amount of time. The government has investigated that matter, and the detectives who were involved had said the same thing. It was solved by someone, and left a note that says to take the credit for finding the murderer with the evidence he provided."

"So how did Kei Machida have the title of Japan's Greatest Detective if he was not known to the public?" I asked.

"It's simple. He turned himself in. He didn't want to bother the government to look for the guy responsible for the solved cases, so he showed himself to the higher-ups. He agreed to take cases in just one condition. No one should find out about his identity other than the higher-ups in the government, and that he is the one behind all of those solved cases."

"So he is kind of like a Vigilante Detective in the past," Raku said.

"Yeah, I'm kind of… That is also one of the reasons I have kept anonymous to you people for the past month."

There are some articles that are confidential for the public that only the government knows about. So that is why when I first met him, I didn't even have a clue who he was.

I have been reading a lot of books, and articles about people so I knew everyone here except for Machida, and Kanade who was still yet to be discovered because of her talents.

"But how the fuck did you become a student here in my school without me knowing?! I should be notified right away by all the students who have enrolled here in Saitei University!" Ichi asked furiously.

"Notified right away? What do you mean?" Megumin asked.

"The moment that the students had enrolled here at Saitei University. The moment when the students entered this building for the first time. Only the School Director should be notified of these kinds of things. Based on what Ichi said to us today, we can already tell that he is Saitei University's School Director."

"What do you mean? Ichi should not be the School Director in the first place." Asahi asked.

"Ichi has always been the School Director at Saitei University. There are no other school directors except for him. The real school director was none other than Ichi himself."

"But what about the person from the websites about Saitei University. Shouldn't Kenji Takizawa be the school director in this place?" I asked.

"Are you people stupid or what? I thought this school was made for the people who are the best of the best? It's obvious, that person who you people know was a fake. It is easy to spread fake news to the public. After all, Ichi is Kenji Takizawa in the first place."

Everyone was shocked by what Machida told us. Now it all makes sense How there is no opening ceremony on the first day of school, and why we can't find out about Kenji Takizawa's whereabouts.

I looked at Ichi, and he started to laugh out loud at the things Machida just said.

"HAHAHAHAHA!! Yes, I am the School Director of this school! The person Kenji Takizawa that you saw on the websites was none other than me! I have always been the School Director in this school! Now, Machida Kei, answer my question. Why didn't I know that you came here to my school?"

"It's simple, I asked the government to let me be a student here at Saitei University without the School Director knowing. They gave me a Student ID that is the same as these people have here without asking my motive."

Machida has a point. If he has connections with our government. Going to this school with a simple request as being hidden from the School Director is possible. After all, this is the Government of Japan we are talking about.

"Then that means if Machida is here with us, and he is missing… Then why is the government not attacking this place?!" Hyakuzawa asked.

Hyakuzawa has a point. A person who had close connections with the higher-ups should be missing right now in the outside world.

Huh? In the outside world?

"Wait a minute… Could it be?"

The outside world. Why didn't I think of this simple thing sooner?

Parents should be looking for the students here since it has been a month since the whole incident on the first day of class.

I remembered that Megumin and Raku have parents far away from here when they talked about it. Then why haven't they filed a report that Raku and Megumin have not been in contact with their family for the past month?

Because of our situation, no one has ever thought of this possibility. Could it be?

That we are…

"Kiyoko Sasaki, you realized something, do you?" Machida asked.

Closed doors, and windows. An advanced university for college students supported by amazing technologies, and Ichi who has supernatural powers that can kill someone…

It can't be… But it is possible. These things had supported the terrifying theory inside my head which shouldn't be real in the first place.

"We are missing from the outside world…"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********