
Everyone is shocked by what I said, and I do not blame them for their reaction.

It's unrealistic, but it is the most logical thing I can think of in the situation we are in.


"Haven't you realized, Hyakuzawa? Ichi has supernatural powers. We have an unlimited supply of food, and for some reason, there are exactly seven rooms for each of us except for Machida since Ichi doesn't know that he is a student here inside. Ichi created our rooms, Ichi also provided us with the food we are eating. With his power, it is possible that my theory is correct. Saitei University is not in Tokyo. It is somewhere in Japan that even the government does not know of."

"No way! How is that even possible?!" Ichika asked.

"It's simple, as Kiyoko Sasaki said earlier, Ichi has supernatural powers. Teleportation is possible if this is Ichi we are talking about." Machida said.

"TELEPORTATION?! THAT'S BULLSHIT!!" Hyakuzawa shouted.

"Impossible… That is not possible in real life."

I understand the reactions of Hyakuzawa, and Megumin. But this is Ichi we are talking about. Everything is possible if Ichi is the one doing it.

Ichi looked speechless while Machida and I were speculating about what was happening here inside while uncovering the mysteries inside this school.

After the conversation ended, Ichi suddenly laughed out loud.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, JUST AS I EXPECTED FROM THE TWO OF YOU KIYOKO SASAKI, AND KEI MACHIDA!!! Yes! What they said is true. I teleported Saitei University to an unknown place that not even the whole world can find. What did I tell you the first time you met me? I AM THE GOD INSIDE THIS SCHOOL!!!"

Everyone could not believe what they heard from us. I was also shocked that my theory was correct.

We are all alone, we are isolated in a place where no one can find us. There is no one who can help us in the situation that we are in.

"Haaaa… Both of you gave me a good laugh. Kiyoko Sasaki, your intellect, and deductive reasoning are something else. Kei Machida, you lived up to your name as Japan's Greatest Detective. But, that is more reason for me to kill you, Kei Machida. After all, I have decided to kill someone today in the first place."

Everyone was once again terrified after Ichi told us that he would kill someone today. I am glad that he was not going to kill Kanade, but this is also bad.

Killing Kei Machida who is a great detective will be a great help for all of us in getting out of this place, and defeating Ichi.

"But you said on the first day of class that you are not going to kill anyone." Machida said.

"HA! Do you think I can't change my own rules? I am disappointed in you, Kei Machida. Disintegrate!"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********