
*Kei Machida's POV*

//April 13, 2040//Friday//

The time has come, and Saitei University's first day of school starts today.

With the information that I got from Shinohara a few days earlier, I decided to go to school at 9:00 am to observe these eight gifted students if what she told me was real.

When I checked the area in the university, there are no students to be seen. If that is the case, Shinohara was right about the other students starting their classes at 7:30 am.

I am hiding my presence to observe the area when I suddenly saw someone enter the university.

"Aaaaaah… Am I late on the first day of school? I should have ignored those interviewers earlier. But if I did, maybe that would give them a bad impression about them. Sigh… What should I do?"

The girl was slouching with a gloomy look on her face while she is walking towards the school.

From what I learned from Shinohara, this girl was Yuuki Kanade. She is a 17-year-old student who is taking Medicine here at this university. We only know little information about this girl, and earlier, I saw her being interviewed by a lot of people when they discovered that she put the DNA of a rabbit in her to inherit their Rabbit ears.

"So those things are real…"

I was even surprised that people with animal ears which can only happen in anime shows are here right before my eyes.

As time passed by, I saw the other students enter the university with the same question inside their heads. Why are there no students around Saitei University?

That same question is also inside my head right now which made me even more suspicious of this university. The last student that Shinohara, and I checked came, and looked around with the same question the others asked earlier to themselves with a horrified look on her face.

"There are no students outside?"

The last student that came is Kiyoko Sasaki. She is an 18-year-old student who will be taking Psychology here in this school. From what we know, she has been helping professionals from different fields to earn money for a living. When she entered the university. I followed her, and there was a machine in front of the entrance inside.

"Please place your thumb on the scanner for student identification."

Tch, so there is no way in hell I can enter this university just by slipping past the security.

I asked Shinohara if she can hack the security systems just in case the Student ID didn't work, but she told me a few days ago that for some reason she can't get into the security of Saitei University so I had no choice but to enter this school normally just like how a student should.

I went inside and saw Kiyoko Sasaki trembling in fear. She started panicking, and I could see her breathing heavily.

As expected of her who has a great intellect, she is thinking of all the possibilities of the things that are happening in the area. But this is also bad for my investigation if she started to have suspicions around this school. I needed to find a way to calm her down a bit and patted her head.


A common reaction of someone who they met for the first time patting their head. I have no choice because as much as possible, I do not want anyone who is in my way of investigating this case.

I acted dumb when I am looking at Kiyoko Sasaki, and she fell for it. I remembered that Kiyoko Sasaki can somehow read what a person is thinking, and it is a huge gamble to act dumb in front of her.

But because of how I startled her, I bet she will not bother checking the way I act.

"Sooo... Why are you still here? You know classes start at 7:30 am right?"

To make her less suspicious of her surroundings, I decided to tell her that classes start at 7:30 am to make her feel restless and to end this conversation quickly.

She quickly checked her phone, and just what I wanted, she felt restless for being late on her first day of class.

She is one of the people who received a 9:30 am schedule from the school, and I bet that she is baffled right now.

I walked away, to investigate more around the area. If our conversation takes too long, someone might see us. But suddenly, while I was walking away, Kiyoko Sasaki called for me and asked a question.

"What is your name?"

Tch! Kiyoko Sasaki is really a handful. She is still asking me questions even if I was annoying her the whole time. Sigh… I guess I do not have any choice.

I stared at Kiyoko Sasaki straight into her eyes and pulled a middle finger at her. Based on her reaction, I can tell that she got pissed off from what I did.

It doesn't matter to me as long as Sasaki loses interest in me. I walked away and heard Kiyoko Sasaki rushing to her classroom.

"Sigh… Finally"

I began checking all of the classrooms carefully without exposing myself to the students, and the professors. While I was observing them, I noticed that the students inside, and even the professor were all tense for some reason. Is it because they are all nervous on the first day of school? No, that is not the case. They are not middle school students to be afraid of on their first day. It seems to me like they are terrified of something, but what could it be?

"This is pretty suspicious."

30 minutes have passed since I started checking every classroom, and luckily, no one has noticed me. I checked the next room on this floor and saw the students answering a test. A diagnostic test perhaps? It is the first day of school after all, and the school might be testing the student's knowledge of their chosen field. But why is it that they are all terrified while answering it?

I went upstairs to check on the other classrooms and found the other students also frightened. I looked at every classroom, and some were even yelling. Even the professor did not care about the way the students acted.

"What the fuck is their problem?"

This is getting more suspicious. Famous school my ass. How can a university like this have students who don't even have manners while answering a test? But is this really what my intuition has told me for the past month?

It can't be.

"Tch, I need to investigate the whole area first."

I went upstairs and found five rooms. The first room I entered was a computer laboratory where no students were inside. I think this room will only be used if needed by the students. The next one I entered was a room full of filmmaking equipment. I tried to investigate more closely inside the area, and also found security cameras inside.

"Security cameras? Why are these here inside?"

This doesn't make sense at all. Why are there security cameras inside a room for filmmaking? This school doesn't make sense at all. The room I entered next was full of arts equipment, and again I am suspicious about something.

"If this was really a school for students who can become successful in the future, why does it feel like the facilities Saitei University is providing are not enough for these people?"

I went inside to another room where it says School Director's Office at the front of the office. What Shinohara, and I know about this school is that Kenji Takizawa was the School Director of this place. I took a peek and saw nobody inside.

"Where the hell is Kenji Takizawa?"

I entered inside and looked around the area. For a School Director's Office, this place looks like no one has entered here for days. The room was a little bit dusty. There are no things posted on the bulletin board, and in addition, there is a nameplate at the desk with strange words that are engraved on it.

"Dicere nomen meum, et ego apparebit."

These words looked familiar, but where have I seen this? I tried remembering what these words mean that are engraved on the nameplate when suddenly I heard loud screams everywhere on the lower floor.



What the fuck? Why are the students screaming all of a sudden?

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********