
*Kei Machida's POV*

//April 13, 2040//Friday//

I left the room quickly and saw a student run past me who entered a room that I have not investigated yet.

I followed him and entered the room. What I found is a clinic that is well equipped with medical equipment, and medicines that we can use for medical treatment. I also found the student who ran past me earlier.

"Fuck… FUCK THIS!!!"

He was trembling in fear and is covered with a lot of blood. I was also shocked when I am looking at this student.

How can that happen in just a short amount of time? I approached the terrified student, and he was startled by my appearance.


He can't even speak clearly because of how terrified he is? How can I ask him questions if he was in that condition? Sigh… Anyway, I needed information from this guy, and I must ask him gently.

"Don't worry, I am a friend you can rely on. What happened earlier?"


Sigh… This is no use. This student is terrified of whatever happened earlier. Tch! What a pain on the ass he is.

I tapped his shoulder and gave him a fake smile.

"Everything will be alright! I am going to help you! Can you explain the situation to me?"


The student explained to me that there was a child killing all of the students inside every classroom including the professors. He also told me why those things are happening to them, and they need to beat a student in the diagnostic test in order for the child to spare their life.

"So in short, you escaped from death because none of you can beat the student in that test you are answering."

I looked around the clinic while talking to the student, and found something useful that I can use for later.

Hmm... Or maybe, something that I can use right now.

"Y-yes that is t-the whole story."

"Hooo… I see… So who is this student that all of you are trying to beat?"

"H-Her name is Yua Ichika…"

Yua Ichika. A 19 years old student who is studying Fashion Design at this university. So that means this person in front of me is also a student in Fashion Design. But now I learned from this situation alone that Yua Ichika, one of the gifted students Shinohara, and I talked about, was being targeted by these people.

"Y-You get me… A-Am I right? C-come on, dude. L-Let us get the fuck out of this shithole. We deserve m-more than this. We are both the same, am I right? Y-You are also hiding here because you can not beat someone who has greater talent than you."

"HAHAHAHA! Greater talent than mine?"

I approached the student who was helplessly trembling from what happened and glared at him.

"H-Hey! W-What are you-?"



I punched the student in the stomach, and he tumbled to the floor.


I covered his mouth with my palm tightly, to shut him up. I pulled the scalpel that I found earlier and stabbed him in the arm.


He was struggling to get out of me but luckily I am a bit stronger than him. I dragged the knife that I used to stab him in his arm slowly downwards, and he began struggling even more.

His tears were falling down, his whole body was trembling, and what I can see on his stupid face is an expression pleading for mercy not to take his life.

All of these things he was showing to me, and there is only one thing that I can feel, and that is a pleasure from a piece of trash desperate to live another life.

"Do you think I will help a piece of shit like you? Didn't you just tell me, you almost died because you can't beat Yua Ichika in the diagnostic test? A piece of shit like you should die just like how all pieces of shit in the world should."

I released my hand from his mouth, and he was still crying in despair desperately pleading for mercy. I removed the knife from his arms and begged in front of me.


An inferior piece of shit, begging for his life. How worthless can a human person be? Just because you are in front of Death's door you are abandoning your pride, your morals, everything.

This is what human nature really is.

"Hoooo… Anything?"


A big future ahead of him? Don't make me laugh. I grabbed his hair, stared at him with a big smile on my face, and asked him a question.

"Are there benefits for sparing your worthless life?"



I stabbed the knife into the student's neck. Blood was gushing out all over the place when I pulled the knife, and for a few seconds, the whole floor was covered in blood.

"Sigh… Time to clean up some trash."

I cleaned the place first with washcloths that I found here inside the clinic and threw them away in a sink. I carried the body to one of the classrooms full of dead bodies inside to avoid suspicion why there was a dead body at the clinic. Just like what this student said, there are people dying in this place, and it is all because the gifted ones have defeated them in their field of expertise.


Shinohara, you might know my secrets in my investigations, but not all of them.

That is right, I will do everything just to solve any case, even if it means killing people who are in my way of work. Pieces of shits deserve to die because they are trash who can ruin a lot of innocent lives, and that is how the world works. There is no place for scums like them in a world like this.

"I better report this to the higher-ups. I might use those people to solve what is happening here inside."

I opened my phone hoping to contact the higher-ups, but unfortunately, there was no signal in this place.

Why is there no signal in a famous school like this? Tch, so there is no way I can contact them.

I noticed something strange about the windows as well. It was covered with a pitch-black object where it is impossible to see what is outside.


I quickly rushed downstairs to go outside, but it was also futile. The doors were tightly shut. I also tried breaking the windows but it was pointless. Not only we can't contact people from the outside world, but we also can't get out.

"Now what should I do?"

I climbed up the stairs once again and heard people screaming somewhere.


"There are more people alive?"

I quickly rushed to where that scream came from and quickly peeked at what was happening inside.

"Aren't these people-?"

What I saw were the eight people that Shinohara talked about. These students are the talented people who greatly excel in a field of expertise.

The seven of them were crying, and I saw a dead body on the floor bleeding everywhere. The one who died was Kotaro Shinsuke, a 19 years old student, who excels in Computer Technology, and in Programming. It is such a shame that an amazing person like him died.

"Shinsuke was right, maybe you think we are that low to kill ourselves. Do not underestimate us."

Kiyoko Sasaki stood up in front of the child and declared that the people with her can defeat him with their amazing talents. Wow, how ironic. You may be smart…

But how stupid can you be in this kind of situation?

"I know we can do it. I believe in these people."

Tch, How cheesy can you be, Kiyoko Sasaki? Are you an anime protagonist who relies on the power of friendship to defeat someone?

But what surprised me the most is, what she said had lifted the student's spirits. All of them stared at the child, and he was only irritated at how they were acting in front of them.

"This is stupid. Back to work"

I lost interest in what was happening inside, but what matters is that those people are safe. I usually do not care about others, but these students are gifted with amazing talents. They are worth living in this world.

But still, Kiyoko Sasaki, how foolish can you be? As much as possible, I do not want to have a conversation with someone like her.

Or that is what I thought.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********