A Tool

*Kei Machida's POV*

//June 14, 2040//Thursday//


"Big sister! Stop it!"

One month has passed since that incident, and I revealed myself to these people since they are at Death's door, and I can't afford to lose these people.

I learned that the child named Ichi was the one handling this place and that we are also nowhere to be found in the outside world.

I also learned that these people here should kill each other, and the person who is the last one alive can get out of this place.

And here right now, I have been slapped by Kiyoko Sasaki because of what I said to her about not informing the students about what is going to happen on the first day.


Aaah… Fuck this girl.

Are those people really important to you?

I am annoyed that a great student like Sasaki is relying on someone else to get out of this place. Come on, be realistic.

Do you think after what all of you have experienced these students will still cooperate with you?

After the long heated conversation that we have, I can see her realizing the situation that they were in. That is right, you are just spouting bullshit giving false hope to these people.

Help them escape? Defeat Ichi? You can't even do these things, and look at you now, helpless on the floor in despair.

"You may have a point Machida, but I still believe that Sasaki will find a way to get us out of here in this place."

Raku Nakamura walked beside Kiyoko Sasaki and held her shoulder. Yuuki Kanade also stood up and walked beside her as well.

"I-I also believe in Big Sister!"

Tch! I guess all the things Kiyoko Sasaki has done to them lifted their spirits up even in these dangerous situations.

I looked back at Kiyoko Sasaki, and what I only saw are those eyes of her full of resolve. In just a few seconds she was in despair, and right now all I can see are those confident eyes of hers. Eyes that are resolute to help others.

"Oh, you have the determination in your eyes once again, Kiyoko Sasaki. Then, I guess there is no point talking to you people. I'll be taking my leave." I said.

I left the room, and what I learned is that Kiyoko Sasaki might help me with my investigation.

"W-Wait… Help?" I asked myself.

"Machida, there will be an investigation where you will need the help of others. Not because you want to use someone for your own benefits just like how you think, but it's because you just really need their help."

Suddenly, I remembered the things Shinohara told me last month before I went to Saitei University.

"Tch! Fuck you Shinohara."

Help? Don't make me laugh, Shinohara. These people are tools that I can use to finish this case of mine.

Night came, and I went in front of Kiyoko Sasaki's room and knocked on the door.


"Who is it?" Kiyoko Sasaki asked.

"Can you open the door for me, Kiyoko Sasaki? I have something to talk with you about."

Kiyoko Sasaki opened the door for me. Wow, how can you trust a guy you just met earlier so easily? You know that I can kill you here on the spot, right?

I talked to her about the plan that I thought of. A plan that gives us a higher chance of getting out of this place, and a chance to defeat Ichi.

It was hard at first. Kiyoko Sasaki can easily read if you have other motives for the things you are saying so lying is futile. I told the truth, and also promised that I will help her build the broken bonds between these people.

This is the very first time I am doing a case with people involved. Kiyoko Sasaki, with that intellect of yours, and your charisma with other people you really are great. No…

You are useful.

The power to lift yourself up even in the toughest situations, only a few can pull it, and I respect you for that. You may be the first person who I can truly admire.

"Since you are one of the people I can respect, you can just call me Kei. Can I just call you Kiyoko as well?"

"I guess it doesn't matter what we call each other. Okay Kei, we have a deal."

Kiyoko, you might be someone who I can respect, but you are just a tool for this investigation.

A tool that I can use for my own benefit.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********