The Detective Named Kei Machida

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 14, 2040//Thursday//


Earlier at the cafeteria, I slapped Kei in the face for intentionally letting a lot of students die on the first day of school. Then, both of us had an agreement to reunite everyone despite the horrifying incident that happened earlier.

And now, he wants to stay inside my room with just the two of us. A-A boy, and a g-girl inside one room, but t-that's…

"Kiyoko, Haven't you slept with a boy before?" Kei asked.


I tried to slap Kei in the face innately, but he suddenly blocked it and held my wrist gently.

"Hoo… Kiyoko With just your expression alone tells me that you have not experienced it yet?"

"W-What do you mean?!"

"You already know what I am talking about. I am talking about sex, Kiyoko. S-E-X."

My face instantly turned red, and I felt aroused by what Machida said. Isn't this awkward for the two of us since we just met each other for the second time today? And to open up that kind of topic to a girl, isn't that just quite offensive?

"W-What are you doing?! I am not going to do it with you!"

"Sigh… Don't worry, I am not going to do anything ."

Kei suddenly started taking off his clothes, and I began sweating a lot by this sudden turn of events. Even my mind is going blank because of what is happening right now.

"I-Idiot! I told you I am not doing that kind of thing with you!"

Even if Kei hasn't told me anything yet, I already jumped to conclusions about what was going to happen.

This guy is crazy!

"Are you stupid Kiyoko? I will just take a nice bath. It has been a while since I have one."

Figures. Sigh… Why am I always jumping to conclusions about the things I get flustered about?

Sigh… Sometimes this habit of assuming all the time will make a bad impression on me one day.

"S-Sorry for jumping to conclusions."

"But if you really want to, I can have sex with you."


I walked away and laid down on my bed.

What is wrong with this guy? He is much worse than Raku when it comes to these kinds of things.

Hmm… Thinking about it, if Kei doesn't have any room to stay in for the night, where has he been the whole time? He also said that he hasn't taken a nice bath in a while.

I walked near the bathroom where I think Kei could hear me. I leaned on the wall behind where the bathroom is and asked him a question.

"Can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" Kei asked.

"Where have you been staying this past month?"

"Hmm… It's a secret."

This guy! He just told me a while ago that he wants to cooperate with me. How can you promise that to a person, and then try to hide information that I want to know?

"If you keep on hiding secrets about the things I am asking you, just leave my room this instant."

"Why, Kiyoko? Is that question important with our agreement from earlier?"


I slammed the door out of frustration with Kei's answer.

Important this, benefits that, this is what only matters to this guy. If he is going to give me that kind of attitude, then it is for the best if we work on our own ways out of this situation we are in.

"Sigh… Sorry, it's just a habit of mine. I have been sleeping in one classroom from another for the past month." Kei said.

"One classroom from another? If that is how you have been living this past month, then how come Ichi hasn't found you yet?"

"Are you going to believe the answer I will say to your question, Kiyoko?"

"I can tell right away if you are lying or not. Get straight to the point, Kei." I said.

Kei left the bathroom with his towel wrapped around to cover his naked body. For him wanting a nice bath, that was pretty quick. Do detectives only take baths in just a short amount of time? Well, at least he doesn't smell funny like before he entered my room.

Kei stared at me and left my room. I was curious about where he would be going, and I followed him.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

No response from him. He suddenly walked straight in front of the door where Raku was staying and knocked at the door.


"Hey, Kei!"

No response inside Raku's room yet. At this hour, it is probably best to assume that Raku is sleeping. Kei knocked on Raku's door a lot of times, and then suddenly, the door inside Raku's room opened.

"Huh, Machida? What are you doing here, and why are you naked?"

Looking at how Raku acts, he looks like he just woke up from bed.

I rushed quickly beside Kei to avoid any suspicion about what was happening, and why Kei is doing this even if I do not know what his intentions are.

"Raku Nakamura, I was wondering if I could borrow some of your clothes that I can wear since I think that both of us had the same size."

"Yeah, sure thing dude. Oh, hello, Sasaki."

"Hey, Raku. Sorry for the trouble."

"Sasaki, and Machida… HEY!!! WHY ARE YOU TWO TOGETHER?!"

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********