
*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 14, 2040//Thursday//

Raku's senses are back, and he realized the kind of situation the three of us were in.

"SHH!!! KEEP IT DOWN!!!" I said.

I pushed Raku inside his room to prevent the others from hearing us. Kei followed us inside, and shut Raku's door.

"Oi oi, What is going on here? Don't tell me you want to kill me, Sasaki?"

Some people might think what Raku told me was because of panic, and confusion on what in the world is happening. But looking at how Raku acts towards us, I can tell that he knows what is up right now, and just wanted to tease us to make a commotion.


"Oww… What was that for?"

"Sigh… Can you please stop with your jokes right now, Raku?"

"Ok fine, Sasaki. Geez…"

"Umm… Can I borrow some of your clothes now, Raku Nakamura?"

"Oh yeah, come, and take a seat."

Raku went straight to his closet to get Machida some clothes. I sat down on Raku's bed, and Kei did the same thing.

I looked at Kei who is naked beside me, and what I can feel is only disgust because of his naked body, and the things he told me about doing sex with me earlier.

"Can you at least give me some personal space since you are naked, Kei?" I asked.

"As you can see, Kiyoko, I have a towel wrapped around my body. Don't exaggerate things."

"It's not an exaggeration!"

"Woah, it has only been a day, and the both of you have started calling each other by your first names. Are you two in a relationship or something?"

"It's not something like that Raku, and calling each other by our first names is not a big deal."

Here in Japan, calling someone by their last name is the common thing to do, but when you call someone by their first name, it means that you are very close to that person, or you have an intimate relationship with them.

"Really then?"

"Kiyoko is just one of the people I can respect in the situation we are in. Don't jump to conclusions. Now then, can I borrow those clothes you are carrying? I am starting to feel cold."

"Oh yeah sorry hehe."

Raku gave the clothes to Kei for him to wear.

Thinking about it, has Kei been wearing the same clothes all over again for the past month. Those clothes he was wearing earlier might be stinky by now.

Suddenly, Kei stood up from the bed and removed the towel exposing his naked body beside me, and I was flustered immediately.

"K-KEI!!!" I yelled.

"Oi, oi, Machida, that is not how you act in front of a lady geez…"

"Tch, getting flustered because of a naked body? How childish can you be, Kiyoko?"

Raku blocked my field of vision beside Kei, and I looked away while waiting for him to wear the clothes.

Seriously this guy! He is really much worse than Raku. At least Raku cares for his surroundings even if he tends to flirt with us all the time. But Kei is really different from him.

Sigh… What is the point of comparing them anyway? The two of them are different people who have their own ways of approaching others.

"I'm done. You can stop this nonsense now."

Raku gave a sigh of relief and sat down on the floor. I glared at Kei and tried to punch him in the belly. But then suddenly, he blocked my attack on him once again.

"You can never hit me for a second time, Kiyoko. The one you did at the cafeteria was your first, and the last time you could hurt me." Kei said.

"Tch, Bastard."

Why am I reacting like this? I have been the type of person to handle different kinds of situations in a calm manner. But why is it that when it comes to Kei I get flustered all the time?

It is like I can't handle this person, and I feel inferior when I am facing him.

Sigh... how can you let someone control you like this, Kiyoko Sasaki?

"Now now, let us lighten up the mood for a bit. Hmm… for starters, how do you like my room here inside?" Raku asked.

When Raku asked us what we thought of his room, I looked around and saw a lot of his things that are related to music.

There are a huge variety of musical instruments on his wall, from Electric guitars, Bass, and Drums. There are even a lot of manuscript papers on his tables and different kinds of amplifiers around the corners of the room.

But even though Raku's room had a lot of things inside, it was really organized, and it wasn't messy at all. I am surprised that a guy like Raku had an organized room like this. I expected his room to be a bit gaudy.

"I am surprised that a person like you can make this place organized." I said.

"Hehe, of course! After all, no one would want to play inside a messy place, am I right?"

"Thanks for letting me borrow your clothes, Raku Nakamura. Well then, I'm heading inside Kiyoko's room to rest."

"H-Hey wait a minute, Kei!" I said.

Because of all the things that happened tonight inside Raku's room, I believe that he deserves to have an explanation from both of us on what was going on between me, and Kei.

I tried to stop Kei from leaving, and he immediately looked at me with a frown on his face.

"What do you want now, Kiyoko?"

"I think it is unfair for Raku to leave in his place without telling him the agreement we had earlier." I said.

"Umm… No worries at all, Sasaki. It is all right if you don't want to tell me that there is something between the two of you. But I love a good love story so I am willing to hear what you two are going to tell me." Raku said.

"You heard him, Kiyoko. It is fine to keep our agreement a secret from these people."

Kei looked away and started walking towards the exit of the room. I walked quickly, and when he opened the door, I slammed it shut right in front of his face.


"Woah! Hey there, Sasaki. Calm down." Raku said.

Kei stared at me with his cold eyes, and I glared back at him. I had enough, I do not want to be taken advantage of anymore. I must fight to make some progress in this place where we are right now.

"Out of the way, Kiyoko."

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********