
*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 14, 2040//Thursday//

"Just so we are clear Kei. I agreed with your plan because you told me earlier that you are going to be on good terms with everyone else here inside Saitei University, am I right?"

"O-Oi, what is going on between the two of you?" Raku asked.

The tension between the both of us suddenly got more profound, and Raku doesn't have any clue what is going on between the two of us.

Kei closed his eyes and gave a long sigh. He walked past me and sat down on Raku's bed.

"What? Are the two of you going to stand up there while I am explaining to Raku Nakamura what we talked about earlier?" Kei asked.

Both Raku and I looked at each other. I was happy when Kei told us that and it made me smile.

Raku sat on the floor where he stood up earlier, and I sat down beside Kei on the bed.

"So? What are you going to tell me, Machida?"

"Well… First of all..."

Kei explained to Raku the things we talked about earlier. Kei told him that we plan to fix all the things that were destroyed because of the horrifying incident earlier at the cafeteria.

Because of what happened earlier, we can see that Megumin and Ichika became afraid of approaching us. Hyakuzawa on the other hand still acts the same way he did on the first day we are inside here, but we still need to do something to make him cooperate with us.

"Yeah, you are right. Because of what happened earlier, the things between all of us got bad. Only Kanade, and I will be likely to cooperate with the two of you. I do not know about Asahi though." Raku said.

"As for the mysteries here inside Saitei University, we need the help of all the people inside here to answer a lot of questions that we had inside our head right now." I said.

"Kiyoko was right. Where on earth are we? Is there a different way to get out of this place without killing everybody? And lastly, who really is Ichi?"

Kei explained all of this to Raku. While I was observing all of Raku's reactions to the things Machida is telling him, I can say that even he is trying to answer these questions that are the keys to getting out of this place in his mind.

"Sorry. I can't really help you two. You guys are on a different level when it comes to these kinds of things."

"I can tell. Now I don't have anything to tell you. I'm leaving." Kei said.

Kei stood up once again from the bed and began walking away.

"But hey there is something you can count on me, Machida."

When Raku told Kei those things, he immediately looked at him.

"If Sasaki put so much trust in you to this plan of yours. I will do my best in uniting everyone to work together."

Raku smiled at Machida, and what he told him made me smile.

Seriously this guy. He really is one of the people I can rely on. Looking at Kei's impression.

On the other hand, it looks like he was not that impressed by what Raku said, and left the room leaving the two of us inside. Maybe I should have a talk with Kei when the two of us are alone.

"Well then Raku, thanks for listening to us. I will be taking a rest."

"Goodnight, Sasaki, and also, can I whisper something to you?"

Curious about what Raku is going to tell me. I walked closer to Raku, and he whispered something in my ear.

"Will you two do it together tonight?"

My face instantly turned red, and I punched him in the stomach. I can tell from the punch I gave him that it was stronger than before.

"I'm just kidding Sasaki… Oww… That hurts a lot more than your usual punch."

"Your mouth really doesn't know when to stop."

"Hehehe sorry about that. See you tomorrow."

I left Raku's room and saw Kei waiting for me outside to open the door. I remembered what Raku said earlier, and it made me blush while walking towards Kei.

"Are you blushing, Kiyoko?" Kei asked.

"It is none of your business."

I showed my Student ID onto the scanner and opened the door. Kei followed me from behind, and when we entered inside, I sat down on my bed to take a rest.


"Good work for today, Kiyoko."

"What are you talking about? We aren't some work buddies to tell those kinds of things to me." I said.

"But for me, you are like my partner in this investigation."

I stood up from my bed and got my towel to take a bath. I walked past Kei, and before entering the bathroom, I glared at him because of what he said.

"Don't tell me that kind of thing if you are not sincere about it."

Machida froze in his place, and I went inside the bathroom.

Because of all the things that happened that day, I was really stressed out and wanted to clear my head once in a while. I dipped in the bathtub and closed my eyes to relax.



I looked straight at the door of my bathroom and knew right away the only person who was inside my room. I called his name out of annoyance for acting like a bastard today.

"What do you want, Kei?"

"You asked me earlier where I have been sleeping this past month right?" Kei asked.

"I am quite surprised that you have the initiative to bring that topic to me."

"I have been sleeping in different classrooms this past month. I stayed up late until midnight to check my surroundings if there were students lurking in the place. After I checked my surroundings, I tried hiding in one area of the classroom, and that is where I will rest for the night."

From what Machida told me, I am glad that the people here inside have no intention of killing anyone or secretly exploring in the darkness to plot something sinister.

Thinking about it, if Ichi calls himself a God in Saitei University, can he see every move we make inside this school?

Aaaah… All of this thinking is making my head hurt, and I am pretty tired for the day.

"Look… I'm sorry for lying to you." Kei said.

Huh? Did I just hear that right? Kei apologized for the things he said?

I was skeptical, and I could not see if he was lying or not since the door was blocking our way. It is impossible for me to know now if he was lying or not.

"Apology rejected. You are always doing the same kind of thing over, and over again. If you really want to cooperate with us, how about starting to be nice towards the people here inside, Kei?" I said.

"Then how about this, Kiyoko?"

Is this another one of Kei's plans to make excuses later on? If that is the case, I have no intention of listening to this guy. But maybe I can hear what he has to say before rejecting the offer he is going to give me.

"Let us play a long game."

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********