A Truth Or A Lie?

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 14, 2040//Thursday//

"A game?"

"Don't worry, this game will not affect our plan. But it might affect our relationship."

A game that can affect my relationship with Kei? What could this possibly be? Knowing Kei he can just be playing with me.

"And what is this game you are talking about?" I asked.

"It's simple. Every time I am saying something, you can tell me if what I said is the truth or a lie. Pretty easy game for a person like you Kiyoko, am I right?"

A game where I guess if what he is saying is the truth or a lie? What can I gain from this game of his? It almost sounds like I am asking these questions to myself just like how Kei does.

But If I think about it, I can practice my skills in reading different kinds of people, and I might know a lot more about Kei. Besides, not only do I want to unite everybody to get out of this place, but I also want Kei to see a better way of handling things, and not by just using other people.

"Okay then, Kei. I accept this game of yours."

"Oh? I thought you would consider this to be useless." Kei said.

"You don't know me, Kei."

"Okay then, let us try if you can tell if I am lying or not. I am Japan's Greatest Detective. Is that a truth or a lie?"

Based on what Kei said, it is obvious that he is Japan's Greatest Detective. Even Ichi told us earlier that he really is. I can see that Kei is starting this game of ours by telling me the basic information that we already know. But this game is difficult if you can't see the person who you are talking to.

"It's the truth. Am I right?" I asked.

"That is correct Kiyoko. Now for the next question. I am willing to do the plan that we have discussed earlier to get out of this place."

Another question that has an obvious answer. It is really easy, and Kei will not tell me that he is not willing to help. If he doesn't want to help us, he knows that I can kick him out of my room, and can consider our plan as void between the two of us. There is only one answer to his second question.

"It is the truth."

"Once again, you are correct. Well, that is it for our game today, Kiyoko. I will give you your time to take a nice bath inside there. I want to take a rest. I will sleep on the floor, don't worry."

"You can take one of my pillows, and a blanket inside my cabinet. Make yourself comfortable." I said.

"Will do."

Finally, Kei left while leaving me here inside all alone to relax. After a few minutes the lights inside my room went out, and only the lights here inside the bathroom were on. I guess Kei took a rest for the day.


After 30 minutes, I left the bathroom and changed into my nightwear. I saw Kei on the floor beside my bed sleeping like a log. This may also be the first time he can have a comfortable sleep for the past month. All of us are really tired today because of all the things that happened.

I checked my phone to look at the time, and it is already 12:00 am.

"I should also sleep."

I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. After a few seconds, I can hear someone calling my name.

"Hey, Kiyoko, are you still awake?"

It was Kei. I thought he is already sleeping? Seriously this guy. Not only is he great at telling lies, but he is also great at pretending.

"Yes, I am awake." I said.

"I'll ask you one more question for today. Let us see if you can guess it right this time."

"Sure. Make it quick, I am really sleepy right now."

"I am afraid of the situation we are in here at Saitei University. Is that the truth or a lie?"

A new kind of question, and it is not something that I already knew. I couldn't even see him when he asked me. So how can I possibly know if he is telling the truth or not? The chances are only a 50/50 percent of getting it right.

Wait, maybe I can use the things I learned from the book I read yesterday about reading other people? You can read someone not by just looking at them but by also listening, huh? Let us try.


From how he talked earlier, to how he asked me this question right now… Aaaah, I can't tell. It's really impossible, especially for someone like Kei. I think I will just play with the chances if I can get it right or wrong by basing on Kei's attitude.

"What you said is a lie, am I right?" I asked.


No response to what I just said. Is he asleep right after he asked me that question?


"Once again, you are correct Kiyoko. Well, that is it for today. Goodnight, Kiyoko"

"Goodnight, Kei."

I closed my eyes and thought about that last one that Kei asked me. Sometimes it really is scary to know a lot about reading other people's minds or emotions.

Not only can you understand how someone thinks or act, but sometimes you can also discover secrets that they are trying to hide from everyone else. From how you said that I was correct with my answer, I knew right away.

You might be denying what you are feeling all this time, but I can tell. What you said about me being correct was a lie, you are also afraid of the situation we are in right now here inside Saitei University,

And that is the truth.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********