Someone Who Can Also Help

*Yuuki Kanade's POV*

//June 22, 2040//Friday//

"I-I don't want to do it… I can't ruin a dead person's body… It's the least I can give respect to a deceased person. Don't you think what you are suggesting is wrong?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

Machida held my wrist tightly and placed my hand above the ice covering Shinsuke's body. I began trembling in fear, and my hand turned numb instantly because of the ice.

"Don't be a pussy, Kanade. This is the only thing you can carry out, and this is the first time I am asking you something. Ruin a dead body? Respect for the deceased? Do you think A dead person cares what you do to his corpse? HAHAHAHA!!! I think this is the reason why the two of them hid this from you. Because you are weak. You? A professional in the field of Science? You might be great with medicine but in these kinds of things? I think not. What are these Rabbit Ears of yours for? You have great talent but you are putting it to waste! People want to be gifted, but you on the other hand? You are scared of one thing that is easy for you to do! Come on, look at him. Do you think that this body will move?"

Machida grips my wrist more firmly, and he is starting to push my hand harder on the ice. I started to tear up because of the pain in my wrist, and the numbness of my hand.


Someone entered the laboratory. When I looked at who it was, it was Big Sister who looked furious when she saw what Machida was doing to me.


Big Sister approached Machida quickly and tried removing his hand from me. Machida is not budging, and the tension between the two of them got fierce.

"Kei, stop this at once! You are hurting her!"

"Really? I am just telling Kanade here to dissect Shinsuke's body to investigate what happened to him."

Big Sister looked at the machine where the body is, and she looked surprised like she did not expect Machida to show this to me.

"What are you doing? Do you think it is right to push Kanade into dissecting Shinsuke's body even if she doesn't want to?" Big Sister asked.

"Then let me ask you about this, Kiyoko. Is it also right to hide this body from Kanade who has been experimenting here inside for the past month?"


"Are you going to make excuses right now, Kiyoko? Kanade has been trusting you, and Raku the most. Hiding something like this to her? Are you really some friends that Kanade can trust?"

Big Sister looked at me, and from her face, I can tell that she really felt guilty about it.

"Big Sister… It's not yours, and Raku's fault for hiding this from me. Please don't feel guilty about it."

Big Sister shoved Machida's arm, removing his grip from me. She then lifted my hand away from the ice covering Shinsuke's body and covered my hand with her handkerchief to warm it up. Big Sister glared at Machida for what he did and walked straight in front of him.

"Just so we are clear, Kei, I agreed to help you with this plan of yours because you have promised me some things that can help with getting out of this place. Don't ruin my trust in you." Big Sister said.

"Tch! Fine..."

Machida left the room, and Big Sister quickly closed the machine where Shinsuke's body was in. Big Sister suddenly hugged me, and my body stopped shaking. I was still terrified because of what Machida did to me but Big Sister hugging me somehow calmed my nerves down.

"I'm really sorry for hiding this from you, Kanade."

Big Sister was really guilty about keeping Shinsuke's body here a secret from me.

"It's okay Big Sister. I understood very well why the two of you didn't want to show this to me…"

After a few minutes, the two of us sat in a corner of the laboratory on the floor. Big Sister explained to me why the two of them preserved Shinsuke's body inside that machine.

"So you really plan on asking me to dissect the body in the future…"

"Sorry Kanade, I really am. I didn't want to open this to you, especially after what happened last week. I felt like you needed more time to get accustomed to this place."

Machida was right. I am weak, and that is why Raku and Big Sister hid this from me. I do not blame them for it, but I blame my own weakness for why this happened. I bowed my head down and curled myself up like a ball by hugging both of my knees covering myself.

"Can I ask you something, Big Sister?" I asked.

"What is it, Kanade?"

"What are those promises you were talking about with Machida earlier?"

Big Sister told me that he accepted Machida's plan because he agreed to get along with everyone. That explains why he is being nice to me earlier. I think if Big Sister and Machida did not have any conditions like that, he would force me straight away in dissecting Shinsuke's body.


"What is it, Big Sister?"

"I really am sorry. From now on, I will not keep any secrets from you."

"Everyone has their own secrets, you know? It's fine if you don't tell me everything." I said

"You may be right, Kanade, but I think you are one of the people to who I think I can tell my secrets."

Big Sister patted my head and gave me a hug again. Big Sister really is the best. Not only is she a great leader, but she also cares about all of us. But then, this doesn't change the fact that I am weak.

I get scared easily, my mind goes blank when I see something horrifying, and I always rely on someone for me to move forward.

I ask myself, I have these people who support me all the time, who are there when I need them the most. But is it okay that I am like this? I lifted my head up and looked at Big Sister in her eyes.

"Big Sister, about the dissection, I don't want to run away at something that can help to move forward. But I am not yet ready to do that kind of thing for now. Please give me some time.

Big Sister gave me a big smile and patted me on the head once again.

"Take your time. I believe in you, Kanade."

People might call me stupid for this excuse. I know that it is stupid, and I can say that I am really a weak person right now. But I still wanted to push myself forward. Maybe not right now, but hopefully, soon I can improve myself. I wanted to be someone who can also help Big Sister, and everyone to get out of this place.

I must get stronger.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********