Among Us

*Kei Machida's POV*

"Tch! this is getting more irritating. The people here are worthless! Maybe I should have accepted Ichi's offer last week."

//June 14/2040//Thursday//

Last week when Kiyoko and the others entered the kitchen to help Hagumi Megumin with the things she was overthinking, Ichi suddenly appeared right in front of me.

Everyone thought that Ichi just appeared for a few seconds, but in reality, the two of us had a long talk.

"We meet again, Kei Machida."

"What do you want?" I asked.

It seems like Ichi has calmed down, and accepted the fact that I am here inside even if he knows that I am someone he should look out for. He seemed relaxed and cocky. I felt that he has something on his mind once again.

"So how is it going with my students here inside?" Ichi asked.

"Just get straight to the point. I know that you want to talk about something."

From my response to his question, Ichi smiled. He knows that I don't like people who are beating around the bush, and I only talk to people whom I can gain new information from.

"Sigh… Okay then Machida, I have an offer for you."

"An offer again, Ichi? I remembered that you gave an offer to Raku two days ago, and that pissed you off the most since he declined your offer."

"Look, I said that was a mistake on my part." Ichi said.

I have my doubts about this offer that Ichi was talking about. But if this offer of his might has some benefits for me, I might take it whatever the condition is.

"So, what is this offer you are talking about?" I asked.

"What if you can get out of this place just by killing one person."

"Only one person? And who might that be?"

"Kei Machida, you should know by now who I am talking about."

"Who knows? Maybe you can ask me to kill myself since I am one of the people you are pissed at the most."

"Hahaha! What's with your way of thinking? It's not you, dumbass." Ichi said.

I knew right away who Ichi was talking about, but just to make sure, I tried acting dumb in front of him. Maybe my guess was wrong, and the person who I had in mind is not the one Ichi is talking about.

"The only person you need to kill is Kiyoko Sasaki."

I knew it. Other than me, Kiyoko is one of the students here that is a huge threat to Ichi. Kiyoko is a great leader. Even with all the tragedies that everyone has experienced, she is the one who lifts up their spirits. She also had the guts to show his determination to me, and that had earned my respect for her.

No wonder why he wants me to kill Kiyoko. It is like he is killing two birds with one stone. If I agree to kill Kiyoko Sasaki, I get to leave this place, and the two of us who are a threat to him will be gone at Saitei University leaving the others in more despair since there will be no one to lead them.

"That's a tempting offer that you have there, Ichi." I said.

"Kei Machida, killing one person is nothing for you. I know that in every investigation you have handled, if there is someone that you need to kill for the sake of solving the case, you will gladly do it. So how about it, Kei Machida? Will you accept my offer?"

"I refuse."


There are a lot of reasons why I decided to decline Ichi's offer.

First, there is no assurance that Ichi can get me out of this place if I kill her. We are nowhere to be seen in the outside world. If what Ichi said is true, where will I be when I get out of this place? Even a high-schooler knows that accepting an offer without any assurance is pretty fishy.

Second, I have made a deal with Kiyoko, and most of the students here knew about it. If I didn't get out of this place after I killed Kiyoko, then I would be totally fucked. Who knows what these students will do to me? Besides, I can't wait to see what will happen with this plan of ours.

Lastly, there is one more reason why I refused Ichi's offer, and that is…


"What are you doing here, you bastard?" Asahi asked.

Time is up, the five of them had gone outside of the kitchen. I guess what Ichi told me was a one-time offer, or that is what I thought.

Ichi glanced at me, and I knew right away what he wanted me to think. He is telling me that his offer is something that I can accept anytime. He is also telling me to act dumb, and to act like he just came in here for a few seconds.

That is what the two of us had talked about last week.

//June 22, 2040//Friday//

"Sigh… I think I should have accepted Ichi's offer."

After what happened inside the laboratory, I realized two things. First, Kiyoko is the only one who is useful here. Everyone else is pretty much worthless. That confirms my theory because of how Kanade acted earlier.

Second, I really can't get along with these people. All of them are just some dumb fucks who are believing that they can do anything when they are together. I am fucking sick of interacting with them. My mind is always telling me, why should I get along with these worthless people who can't help me at all?


"I'm hungry."

It was already 12:00 in the afternoon, and Megumin probably had cooked lunch for us. Aside from Kiyoko, Megumin might be the only one who is somehow useful here inside. I hate to say it, but she really cooks some delicious food for us every day. But she is still really worthless when it comes to solving the mysteries of Saitei University.

I went down and headed to the cafeteria to get some food but then suddenly, someone yelled.


From that voice, I can tell that it was Yua Ichika who was calling for help inside the cafeteria. I ran quickly straight towards the cafeteria and opened the door inside. Ichika saw me, and I was shocked to see her terrified face while crying with someone on the floor lying."


When I looked at that person who was beside Ichika, it was Megumin who was lying on the floor. Her whole body is having a seizure, her clothes are covered with vomit, and there was also foam coming from her mouth. She was conscious, but I can tell that she is suffering.


I was really surprised at what happened to Megumin. But…


My body is starting to get excited, and I started smiling. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, I should not show my face to Ichika.

I turned around and pulled my phone to message Kiyoko. Wait a minute… Megumin's life is in my hands, is it?

Ichika and I were the only ones here that could contact someone else. Ichika was panicking, and couldn't think straight because of what is happening to Megumin right now. Only I am the one who is composed enough to do something in this situation we are in right now. But the thought of not messaging Kiyoko suddenly came into my mind.

Aaah, this is great. What if I am a second late messaging Kiyoko that can cause the death of Megumin here this instant? Everything will fall apart, everyone will be in despair, and all of them will start to doubt each other. Aaahhh… How great will that be? What would you do if Megumin died, Kiyoko?

This is the last reason why I rejected Ichi's offer last week. The drive of investigating a case, the way how people react when they found out something bad happened to a person, and the fun of exposing the ugly side of the culprit who did a murder. Aaaaah this sensation…

It feels really good…

Seriously, in this kind of situation, these people are worthless.

Except for Kiyoko, all of these people who are in are trash.

Aaaah… I should calm down.

I opened my phone and messaged Kiyoko immediately. I find pleasure in this kind of thing, but I still want to solve every case that I could handle. I approached Megumin to check what happened to her.

"H-HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Ichika asked.

"Just shut the fuck up."

From the looks of it, someone did this to Megumin. It is impossible for her to attempt suicide, especially after what Kiyoko did to her last week.

So who did this?



Kiyoko and Kanade entered the room a few minutes after I sent the message. The two of them were shocked at what was happening to Megumin.

"This can't be happening…" Kanade said.


As expected of Kiyoko, she really can be calm in this kind of situation, and I respect her for that. But still Kiyoko, just like what I said last week, you really are naive. You told me that everyone is handling this in a mature way? You are amazed that everything is all well? Well, look at what is happening right now.

There is an attempted murder that happened, and the culprit is among us.

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********