An Attempted Murder

*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 22, 2040//Friday//

Two hours have passed since we saw Megumin in that state earlier. We carried her over quickly to the clinic, and Kanade treated her right away.

Kanade took some of Megumin's saliva coming from her mouth earlier to test what kind of substance Megumin has consumed. She also told us that it is highly likely that the cause of what is happening to Megumin earlier is poisoning.

I am sitting beside the bed where Megumin is resting, and I was really shocked because of what happened. Ichika was also beside Megumin crying, and Kei is standing at a corner waiting for something to happen.

"FUCK! WHO DID THIS?!" Ichika shouted.

Kei was right. I was naive to think that things are going well between all of us, and then something like this suddenly happened. I let my guard down, and as a result, Megumin was almost killed by someone.

But thanks to Kanade, she saved Megumin just in time.

Once again, I didn't do anything.


"Oi, oi! What happened to Megumin?!"

Raku, and Asahi entered the clinic. The two of them were shocked when they saw what happened to Megumin since Ichika told them to come here. Raku leaned on the wall while Asahi went to a chair, and sat down beside Megumin who was unconscious on the bed.

It was really a bad move for Ichika to tell them about this because it can make this situation worse. But it has already been done, and now we need to explain to them what happened to Megumin.

"Oi, Ichika! What happened to Megumin?!" Asahi asked.

"I don't know… When I was talking to Megumin earlier inside the cafeteria, she started shaking, and foam was coming from her mouth."

"Kanade said earlier that this might be caused by poisoning." Kei said without hesitation.

"What the hell…" Raku said.


"What are you getting worked up for, Sasaki? Don't we have the right to know what happened to Megumin? Asahi asked.

"It's not like that… It's just…"

"To avoid panic, Sasaki?! Don't fucking give us that reason. They will still know it sooner or later. So why delay the inevitable?" Ichika said.

Ichika was right. It was stupid for me to think that keeping this a secret from those who had not witnessed is a good idea.

I was frozen in place and bowed my head down while keeping my mouth shut. I started clenching my fists and gritting my teeth at what happened because of how naive my thinking was.


Kanade entered the clinic with a miserable face. Kanade must have finished testing the sample at the laboratory that she got from Megumin. Looking at her face alone, anyone can already tell that what she learned is bad news.

"Kanade, how was the test?"

"Test? What test is Ichika talking about?" Raku asked.

"I tested some of the foam, coming from Megumin's mouth."

"Kanade, what did you find out?" I asked.

"Megumin has consumed a large concentration of Arsenic mixed in a liquid substance. It was right to give her dimercaprol earlier, a medication to treat poisoning."

"But how did Megumin consume Arsenic?" Ichika asked.

"Are you stupid? There is only one reason why Megumin has consumed that kind of chemical." Kei said.

"Food Poisoning…"

"Food Poisoning?!" Asahi asked.

"Big Sister was right, this was caused by Food Poisoning. Arsenic does not have any taste. So it is likely that while Megumin was tasting the food she was cooking for our lunch. A lethal dose of arsenic was put into the food."

"But how come Megumin was still fine while I was talking with her earlier?" Ichika asked.

"Arsenic poisoning usually takes 30 minutes until its effect kicks in," I said.

"But then that means…"

"Someone attempted this murder."

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********