
*Kiyoko Sasaki's POV*

//June 22, 2040//Friday//

What I said was the horrifying truth. Even if we knew that this was going to happen at some point, it was still shocking that the worst thing that could happen came true.


"Oi oi Ichika calm down for a second!" Raku said.


"Calm down, Ichika! What Sasaki just said is most likely true. Can you even understand how Sasaki feels by doubting the people she trusts?" Asahi asked.

Ichika calmed down a bit because of what Asahi said, but she had a point. I was the one who believes in these people yet I am the one that told them that there was someone who attempted murder among us.

But, can I even accuse someone of attempted murder? To these people who I have been with for more than a month?

"Kiyoko, you are overthinking again."

What Kei said suddenly cleared my mind. Sigh… Kei was right, this is not the time to overthink these kinds of things, and to be carried away with my emotions. Someone tried to kill Megumin, and we need to find out who it is.

"For starters, we should first think of the person who is most likely to be the culprit." Asahi said.

"HUH?! Isn't that obvious? Hyakuzawa is the only one who has been hostile to us the whole time. He also does not show himself to us. He is the one who did this! Hyakuzawa was the culprit!" Ichika said.

"I doubt that. In fact, Hyakuzawa is the least likely to be the culprit."

Everyone looked at Kei because of what he said. I understood immediately why Hyakuzawa can't be the one who poisoned Megumin.

"HUH?! Why is Hyakuzawa unlikely to be the culprit?" Ichika asked.

"There are a few reasons that I can think of why Hyakuzawa is not the culprit."

"And what would that be, Sasaki?" Raku asked.

"First of all, it is not Hyakuzawa's character to kill someone by poisoning them. If he really wants to kill someone, shouldn't he have used brute force instead? A proud person like Hyakuzawa wouldn't do a cowardly way of killing someone."

"Sasaki was right. Hyakuzawa is the strongest one around here. Why would he attempt to kill Megumin by poisoning her?" Asahi said.

"Besides, from observing Hyakuzawa for the past month, I can confirm that he really doesn't have the will to kill a person."

"So just like what Ichi said, he really can't kill any of us?" Raku asked.

"Yes…" I answered.

But then again. If Hyakuzawa was not the culprit, why is Kei so sure that he is the least likely to be the one who attempted to kill Megumin?

"If that is the case, if Hyakuzawa was not the culprit, isn't Machida the only one left who can do such a thing?"

"What are you talking about, Yua Ichika? Me? The one who attempted to kill Megumin? Don't be stupid. I am even the one who messaged Kiyoko to help Megumin in the first place."

"You can't trick anyone here, Machida! You even told everyone in front of our faces that you think little of us."

"Tch, this is ridiculous." Kei said.

"Stop this, Ichika. Kei is not the culprit."

"Shut up, Sasaki! You wouldn't accuse the person who you are with most of the time. This is not the time to play favorites, Sasaki!"

"Ichika… Calm down…" Kanade said.

I am not accusing Kei because we are always together. Kei might be a sadistic person that uses different people for his own benefit. But if this is attempted murder, as Japan's Greatest Detective, he would not be the culprit in this kind of thing.



Megumin woke up, and all of us checked on her. It looks like she is still weak because of what happened to her earlier.

"Are you alright, Megumin? Ichika asked.

"I-I guess…"

"Are you feeling nauseous, Megumin? Is your stomach alright? Kanade asked.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine Kanade… Thanks, everyone."

Megumin looked at each of us and bowed her head down. The fact that someone tried to kill her, and the feeling of being poisoned might be bothering… No, it is bothering her for sure.

"Megumin, I know this might be sudden for you but do you know who can do something like this to you?"

"Ichika… I think we should let Megumin rest for now." Kanade said.


"Ichika, thanks for the concern… I was glad that you cried for help earlier, and you are the reason I was saved. But, can all of you give me some time alone first?"

"But what if the one who did this to you suddenly-."

"Ichika… Please…"

Megumin looked at Ichika, with tears flowing from her face. Everyone was really in pain seeing the most positive person around here being almost killed earlier. Ichika started tearing up while clenching her fists, and all of us started leaving one by one.

"Sasaki, Machida, can you stay here for a while? I have something to talk about to the two of you."

When Ichika was about to leave the room, she heard what Megumin told us, and she started crying.

"Megumin… Why don't you want to tell us what happened to you? Why are Sasaki, and Machida the only ones you wanted to talk to?"

"Ichika… Let's respect what Megumin wants. Let's go."

Asahi patted Ichika on the back, and the two of them left the clinic. I understood why Ichika acted like that. After all, even if Ichika acts sassy, and talks to us harshly all the time. She is the one who I know cares the most about the people here inside even if she is hiding it from us.

Both Kei and I remained inside the clinic to hear what Megumin was going to say.

"Sasaki… I'm really sorry… I really don't want to doubt the culprit who did this to me."

Tears are still flowing from her eyes. I felt pity, and at the same time angry at the one who did this.

So Megumin has a clue who did this to her. I tried comforting Megumin, by hugging her just to calm her down.

"It's okay Megumin. But, we really need to know who did this to you."

"Sasaki, I'm scared… I don't want you to do something bad to that person."


Kei furiously slammed the wall, and he got both of our attention. Kei looked frustrated at what was happening in front of him.

"What the hell Megumin? If you know who it was just tell us right away. Don't beat around the bush. This is the reason why you asked us to stay here inside, am I right? To tell us who did this to you? Don't waste my fucking time, Hagumi Megumin."

"Kei! Can you at least let Megumin vent what she felt that someone that she trusted tried to do that to her earlier?!"

I got pissed off at how Kei was acting towards this situation, and how he treated Megumin even if someone was trying to kill her earlier.

I told Kei a hundred times that he should try getting along with everyone just like what he said, but it looks like he still doesn't want to do it.

"Stop it, Sasaki. Machida was right. I still need to tell who the culprit is to the two of you."

I calmed myself down after Megumin tried stopping me from starting an argument with Kei. That is right Kiyoko Sasaki, knowing who the culprit is must be our first priority.

"So Megumin, who do you think was the culprit who poisoned you earlier?" I asked.

"He helped me with cooking for our lunch earlier. It is most likely he is also the one who poisoned me when I tasted the dish that both of us made. The two of us really had a good relationship with each other, but I did not expect him to be the one behind this."

"Him? It's a guy who did this to you? And who might that be?" Kei asked.

"It was Ryo Asahi. Asahi is the one who tried to kill me earlier."

******** TO BE CONTINUED ********